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4 Signals You Need to Trust Your Intuition

Trust Your Intuition

Intuition is a gift that everyone has, but there are certain times our intuition is more powerful than others.  This phenomenon has bee explored by philosophers and psychologists for centuries and allows humanity to connect more deeply to the world around us.  It is up to every person to be receptive to the power of their intuitive skills and learn how to understand to better listen to its wisdom.  If you would like to develop your intuition, then explore the following signals and gain a greater control over your destiny.

It feels lighter than fear

Intuition is not an agitating sensation.  It is a steady feeling with a constant vibrational frequency.  If you feel something is innately true, this is your intuitive skills guiding you.  It doesn’t matter the situation or feedback from others, you know to your core the reality of this feeling.  It may be something that isn’t at the forefront of your mind or something you wish you could avoid, but in spite of everything your body is relaxed and at peace with the knowledge.

Being attuned

It seems like you can’t escape a pattern if you tried.  Perhaps you watch a show and a line deeply resonates with you.  Or maybe you are always encountering 444 to the point you can’t claim it’s a coincidence anymore.  You also could have a loved one in your mind that despite being out of time with for a period of time that the moment you take your phone out, you receive a call or text from them.  All these are examples of your intuition at work!

Foretelling People’s Speech and Actions

Have you even “heard” a person say something within your third ear before they can utter a syllable?  You may be able to predict questions that may appear on a test or the address of your next home/job.  Don’t ignore these messages!  Instead explore what these messages could mean in your life and understand how our intuition is connected to a frequency beyond our rational mind.

Being an Empath

You may relate to others on a very deep level.  You know what they are experience simply by paying attention to the facial or body language.  Having a strong intuition will feel effortless and simply right.  Empath is a powerful gift that we can use to help people live their best life possible, simply by tapping into our intuition.

How to Not Fall in Love Again

How to Not Fall in Love Again

People often get online for self-healing ideas such as after a breakup or how to forgive others and to live their life. There is no real cure for someone that has a broken heart.

Instead of letting your heart get broken, you can learn to stop trying to fall in love and then you will never have to face any kind of heartbreak that comes with love. You can learn to live your best life by hooking up with someone short term or by not even going out ever.

When you choose to not fall in love, you will win, and you will never have to feel dumb for loving someone and letting them hurt you.

Here are some ways to not fall in love again:

Small Talk

The first thing you can do is to go to Tinder or other hookup apps and meet someone You can find someone that you see as attractive and then not accept them but just pick someone that you find ugly.

Ask them to meet up once they message you.

Dumb Traits

The next thing to do is find traits that you don’t like about someone such as them chewing loudly or them not taking showers. Focus on the things that gross you out the most.

Don’t let them know that this bothers you, just tell them you want to see where things go from here.

Unrequited Love

If you have someone from your past that didn’t show you love back, put them on a pedestal and remember how much they hurt you and how much they compare to the new match. Remember that this person is up to your standards.

Chit Chat

Take time to have small talk so that you don’t get bored and then try to find things that you disagree with them about.

Try to make a conflict with this person.


If you accidently find that you have things in common, avoid talking about these things. Instead of doing that, think about just having sex and not spending any other time together.

You are busy, even if you aren’t, pretend you are.


When this person shares with you, you should close yourself off and not give them an idea that you care. Do not talk about your friends or mix social circles.


Make sure that you tell them that you will put everything from your job to your family ahead of anything that they would ever want from you.

Don’t Communicate

Try to communicate with them as little as you can. When they say hi to you, say hi back but don’t go any further.

If the conversation accidently goes deep, do these things:

  • Be emotional and then don’t answer for the rest of the night.
  • Shrug and look the other way and refuse to talk.
  • Change the subject to something that is just funny.


Be as terrible as you can be. Show off your flaws and show off the traits that you hate the most of yourself.

Drink too much, talk about things that are uncomfortable and talk loudly and burp a lot. If you are good, don’t be this person and choose to be rude and pretend you are better than them. Use sarcasm and flirt with other people.


Make the time that you have with this person all about sex and only about sex. Take what you need and only focus on your own feelings. Don’t let them get close to you and don’t worry about pleasing them.

After sex, don’t ever stay over and don’t hold each other. These things that make you feel good are not good for someone that doesn’t want to get hurt.


Never overthink the situation or the sex or anything that was done or said. If you find that you begin to think about this person, find something else to do and go online and meet someone else for a new hookup.

You don’t want to miss out on a new hookup so get as many as you can.

Stay Cool

Don’t remember this person middle name or their birthday or anything important about them. Keep your memory free for things that matter.


If you find that you start to have feelings for this person, push them all away. Never let yourself think of them or get feelings inside that you don’t want to have.


If you really do want to have a real connection with someone, find someone that will care for you and someone that will give you pleasure. If you choose to never fall in love again, do it but if you do want to fall in love, find someone that will love you back the way that you want to be loved.

Mediumship Readings and Miracles

Mediumship Readings and Miracles

Mediums are able to talk to the spirit world and they are able to go to help people to be able to speak to loved ones that have passed over.

A mediumship reading will help you to connect with the spirit world and will help you to be able to have closure in your life.

The way that the message comes does not make the process happen and a mediumship reading is between you, them, and the spirit world.

It is important that the person getting a reading is able to validate the information that is coming form the medium so that the medium can know that they have reached the right spirits.

A medium will not know if the information is not real if they do not tell them. This means that if you get a message, you need to validate the medium by saying that it is real and watch a miracle happen.

The medium will be in charge of the reading, and it is never a good idea for you to speak out of turn or to try to take over.

Sometimes you will get the birthday or the nickname of the person you are trying to reach. This will happen when they are there and appearing to you.

Their personality will come to you, and you will know things such as the job they worked or what their favorite sports team was. You might even know their favorite song or hobby or an inside joke.

When this reading happens, the spirit will know how to let you know that they are there. They might talk about how they died, and they might be able to tell you of an event that happened in your life.

They will give you the evidence that you need to get the client to know that they are there. The client will have no doubt that their loved one has shown up and it will be like a miracle.

This is an experience that can bring healing to the client. Sometimes when someone dies, there are things left unsaid and when the medium does the reading, the client can ask questions that they never got to ask or say what they never got to say.

A medium reading will cause people at first to be skeptical but after the spirit shows up, they will know that it is real.

Some people will not get what they expect in a reading, and they will not be able to validate the experience, but they are too focused on the information, and they do not always listen or hear what is being said.

A medium cannot force a spirit to show up if it chooses not to. When the information comes in the reading, the medium will share it.

Each reading will be different. Some spirits will come while others will come in a different form. They will not always share something personal, and they will sometimes just want to give guidance.

Some spirits would like to talk because they sometimes like to share stories, but it depends on the medium. Remember, everyone has free will in their life, including the spirits.

A good spirit reading is about the client and the medium that is gifted will do whatever they can to reach the spirits.

The spirit has to use the information that they already know, and this is an experience that will bring forth memories or information that they can recall to the client.

A medium will sometimes relate signs and symbols from the past in order to make things more notable.

A client will often ask of the opinion of a medium reading and the medium will tell them if that was a spirit that they should know or not. Most spirits make sure that they are recognized by their loved one when they show up.

Talking to Your Loved Ones After They Pass

Talking to Your Loved Ones After They Pass

Some people believe that once someone dies that they are completely out of reach, and you cannot ever talk or engage with them again. They believe that they have no contact with people on the earth and they are not open to seeing signs that their loved ones might be trying to contact them.

Other people believe differently, and they believe that you can contact your loved ones once they die. Here are some things that different people believe:

  • That it is scary to talk in the spirit world.
  • There are people that have comfort in knowing that they can contact their loved ones after they die.
  • People are often jealous or hurt or angry when they cannot contact a spirit.
  • People that are afraid to talk to the spirit world believe that evil spirits will come to them if they do this.
  • Some believe that you should have boundaries when you are contacting spirits.
  • You can prepare yourself to receive messages from the spirit world.

If you believe that you can contact the spiritual world then you need to learn to listen to the communication that you are giving. You can communicate through taste, words, and images.  Here are some things you need to remember if you believe in this:

Be Quiet

When you talk to the spirit world you need to make sure that you are being quiet. This is a way that there can be peace.

Turn off the television and music and make sure that your phone will not go off. Sit in a place that is quiet and calm.

You don’t have to be in a convent, but you can be in a place where your mind is able to be quiet and you are able to hear different things.


You have to let the pain come out and you have to acknowledge the pain and hurt that you are feeling from your loved one dying. This can be something that is physically and emotionally painful for you.

If you want to be able to talk to the spirits, you cannot hide your feelings or try to bury them. You have to let your feelings come so that you can be more receptive to the spirit world.

Strong emotions can help you to find your spirits and be able to communicate with them. This happens because when your emotions are strong, your heart is more open.

Change the way that you look at things in your life. Do not let your ego be in charge. Imagine that you are looking at yourself and find out what kind of emotions are taking over your life. These can be feelings of being uncontrollable or hysterical. Calm down and do not yell and scream.

Conscious Mind Trances

You can learn to do different practices such as meditating, praying, yoga, hypnosis, and other things to keep yourself calm and to make your body rest. This can give you clarity in your mind and help you to go into a trance like state.

When you are in this mindset, you are more tuned into the spirit world and what is going on around you. Let your mind be turned off and get rid of mind chatter. This is part of your superconscious mind, and it can be a place where you have knowledge and peace. This is where your mind can be free and where you can connect with the spirit world.

This trance state is a place where you can feel relaxed and where you are at peace in your life. You will have your heart rate slow down but you won’t be asleep. This is a time where you are more aware of things around you.

Twilight State

After you meditate and visualize where you are, you can let your mind be relaxed. You can often feel tired, but you will be in a place where you are creative and awake, yet you will feel like you are sleeping. This can happen when you are meditating.

When you change from being awake to being partially asleep, you will see that you can stay in this space for as long as you want. It will help you to open the door to the spirit world. You can choose to do this in the morning or at night.

When you do this at night though remember that you might get too sleepy, and you might fall asleep. Sometimes it is best to do this once you have gotten a good night rest.

Talking to Nature

One of the best ways that you can do this is to communicate with nature. Nature can help you to see things in the now and to see the beauty of things as they happen. Go and look at the sunlight or the sunset or sunrise and meditate. Look at the flowers and listen to the birds. Go barefoot in the grass and feel completely alive.

Visit places where you can take nature walks and where you can bring nature with you. Love being in nature and let the spirit of your inner child come out. This will open up your senses and help you to feel the world around you. You will be able to see, hear, smell, taste and feel nature around you.


When you want to connect with the spirit world, you can do this by reconnecting with nature and with your own life. You can calm your mind and your body and learn to listen to what the spirit world has to tell you.

Understanding What a Psychic Medium Does

Psychic Medium

People that hear the word medium often think of someone coming together with a Ouija Board, a big crystal ball, earrings and being dressed in garb that is wild and crazy. Others will think of shows on television such as “Long Island Medium,” but there are more things to being a medium than what you see in Hollywood and on television.

When you want to understand what a medium is and what they do, you will see that they are way different than what the television wants to tell you and show you.

Living and Dead

A medium is someone that is able to talk to the dead. They are able to reach the spiritual world and to use their giftings in order to speak with those that have died and passed on.

Psychics do not believe that anyone dies, and they believe that when someone leaves this world that they just go into a different body, or they are in a spiritual world for a while.

A medium is very sensitive to the energies of the dead, and they are able to get information from them in the form of words, feelings, and even sometimes seeing things like visions.

Interacting with the Spirits

There are different ways that mediums can speak to the dead. Some will use different tools such as:

  • Tarot Cards
  • Crystal Balls
  • Pendulums

The way that a medium chooses to connect with the dead is up to them and what kind of powers that they have. Some will be able to communicate with the dead easily while others are able to work to develop their giftings so that they can do this.

There are many mediums that are empaths, and they are able to feel things form the spirits and they can interact with them on a more physical place than those that are just talking or hearing the spirits in the spiritual realm.

Medium, Psychic and Clairvoyant

There is a difference between a medium, psychic and clairvoyant but it can be hard to understand sometimes. Even though many people think that you can call one the other, the truth is that just like any other giftings or job, psychics have different skills and gifts that help them to be who they are.

A psychic is able to take the energy of someone and to give information about the past, present and future and they are able to do other things but one thing that they cannot do is to talk to the dead.

A person that is a clairvoyant or has the other clair giftings is able to feel things, hear things, smell things, taste things and see things that others cannot but they are not always able to communicate with the dead, even though some of them can.

People with clair gifts are able to see the world from a different point of view and dimension.

What to Expect When Seeing a Medium

Mediums are there to communicate with the spirit world and if you are wanting to talk to these mediums, you need to know what to expect.

A medium might hear from someone that has died. All mediums are different, and they do things differently and the way that they get their gifts and receive the information from the spirit world might be different.

This is all about how they see things and how they perceive things.

Finding a Medium

It can be hard to find a medium that is real. Sometimes you will see that there are fake mediums just like other things. It is important that you find a medium that is real and one that is able to speak to the dead like they say.

No matter how you choose to make this selection, make sure that you find one that is able to tell you specific things and one that is going to be compassionate with you from the loss of your loved one. A real medium should be able to tell you information that makes sense to you that your loved one tells them.

How to Get Over a Lost Loved One

How to Get Over a Lost Loved One

If you have recently lost a loved one, this can be a painful time and can be a process and a time of mourning for you and others that have lost this special person.

Many people in 2020 have seen the losses like never before. Many people have lost loved ones due to the pandemic and others have lost jobs or even relationships. Many people just lost the sense of feeling safe and stable and comfortable. Some people have experienced the grieving process of denial, anger, grief, and acceptance.

There is no real order when you are actually grieving but if you see that you are going through these steps, take time to grieve and to feel what you are feeling. Do not suppress your feelings and hide them because you feel ashamed. Take time to go through the stages and to feel your grief and your emotions. Mourning is there to help you to heal, and you need to do this so that you can get better and move on.

Grieving and Mourning

Mourning is a time where you are processing things more deeply. When you are grieving, you are sharing the pain that you are having with other people that are also at a loss. Mourning is a deeper thing and happens when you experience loss and grief happens earlier when the loss first comes.

When you mourn, you do these different ways. Some people will go and put flowers on their loved ones graves while others will wear only certain colors for a while and depending on your culture, there are activities and traditions that different people follow when someone dies. Maybe you go to a funeral or just have a service or maybe you do not do anything but mourn at your own home.

Her are some ceremonies that you can have if you have lost someone that you love:

Crossing Ceremony

In the Zulu culture, they believe that the spirits go to the other side. When they mourn, they do it by wearing only the color black for a year. They go to the grave, and they grieve but they also celebrate their grieving at home. When the year is up, the mourning is finished, and this is their tradition to be able to mourn their losses.

When the year arrives, the crossing ceremony happens, and this means that they do a celebration to celebrate the life that has died and passed on to their comfortable living place. This crossing is there, and their journey is complete, and the living will go back to living a normal life.

They have finished mourning and grieving and they are honoring their loved one in their ceremony.

Angels Carrying Them

When a loved one dies, we wish that we could have said what we wanted to say, and we often feel that we have unfinished business. There are things that we wish that we would have showed them or said to them while they were alive. Some people believe that doing a yearly ceremony for your loved one is important.

Some people will write down things and put them in a jar and others will date things that they feel will release their loved one and then they take them to the river and let them flow. Some people will burn things in remembrance of their loved one and others will set intentions to reach to the loved on in their spiritual state. They can do this by sending it to nature or sending it to the air. They can say prayers or send messages, and this can be comforting to the one that is mourning. Some people will have a hard time with their grieving, especially if they have lost someone fast or the loss was unexpected.

You need to do your own crossing over for your loved one. Find some items that are important to you and that signify your loved one. Create a place and have a ceremony where you can bless your loved one and where you can celebrate them crossing to the other side.

Let the space stay sacred and make it a place where you can talk to your loved one and encourage them and help them to cross over while you can feel that you finished your business with them.

You can do this when you mourn by making a bridge between yourself and your loved one. Set boundaries with your mourning though and come to a point where you learn to live and get over your loss.

Even though losing someone is hard, you have to be able to honor them and then to feel better. You have to be able to live your own life and to move on from your grief. You cannot be stuck in your emotions, and you cannot hold on to the what ifs and what nots. If you had things that you wanted to say, say them now and allow yourself to have love and forgiveness and compassion. Do not hold on to things that are negative and allow yourself to move forward and to live a happy life even after your loss.

Talking to Your Spirit Animal

Spirit Animal

Your spirit animal is who you are, and they reflect you. They come to you and give you wisdom and they represent your energies. The traits that you have often reflect your spirit animal. These are there to help teach you and guide you and they often have a message for you.

Animal Strengths

When you need to work with your spirit animal you will see that they can help to ground you and help you to be more confident in your life. If you are looking for a new job, they will be there to support you and guide you.

Who is My Spirit Animal?

Spirit animals will share your energy and it will be an animal that you are attracted to, but you don’t know why. This will not always just be one animal, but it can be many animals that are there to teach you and guide you.

You might have an animal that you are already attracted to but if you don’t feel that connection, here are some ways you can activate your spirit animal connection.


Take time each morning to meditate and to talk to your spirit animal. Show it that you are aware of its presence and that you want it to come to you.

You will start seeing this animal everywhere such as artwork, in real life or on television. Your animal wants you to see it and it will do what it can to get your attention.


Once you start meditating you can learn to connect with your spirit animal. They will allow you to communicate with them and to know what they are thinking and feeling.


Your spirit animal might show up in your dreams. Before you go to sleep, set your intentions on dreaming of your spirit animal, and ask it to come to you.

Ask it to bring you wisdom and to guide you.

Do this each night before you go to sleep until your spirit animal comes to you and shows you who it is.

Oracle Cards

One way to connect with your spirit animal is through your oracle cards.  There is even a wild animal spirit deck that you can draw cards from to find out who your guide is. You need to look at the reference book for the oracle cards and find out what the cards mean. Use your intuition when drawing cards.

When you draw a card, see how the animal makes you feel. If it makes you feel uncomfortable, this can be something in your life that you are avoiding. Look at the card and see how the animal connects with you.

Act It Out

You can use your intuition to act like your spirit animal. You can stand up tall and straight or be independent like your animal. You can do yoga poses or do what you can to connect with your spirit animal.

Dress Like It

Take time to change your wardrobe to dress like your animal. Wear the same colors that your animal is and be comfortable in your own skin. Find your inner animal and release it.

Eat Like It

You can even eat like your animal. If your animal is a vegetarian, eat vegetables. If it eats meat, try some new meat. Eat what you can to make your body feel good.

Birds will eat light and if your spirit animal is a bird, cut down on your eating that day.


Use guided or self-meditation and connect with your animal. You can take your animals energy and you can connect to their wisdom. This will keep you grounded and strong with your animal.

Let your animal protect you and guide you. Do not forget your connection with your animal and with the universe. Let the universe guide you on your journey and help you through your life.

What is a Psychic Medium and Why See One?

Psychic Medium

There are some different characteristics of someone that is a medium and these characteristics make them different than other people in the world.

There usually is nothing different on the outside but inside, they are set apart. They are not anything different than a regular person that is a mother or a sister or a friend but what is different about them is the way that they communicate and the knowledge that they receive from the spirits.

Not All Mediums are Psychics

Not all mediums and psychics are the same and they are different on how they channel the spirits and how they see and feel the energies of different things. Some mediums will feel the energy of those that have died, and some will see pictures or feel emotions.

Connecting with Spirits

Connecting with a spirit can be different for everyone and what is important is the valuable information that it brings. A medium can look different to people and some are fake and fraudulent which causes people to be skeptical.

Ones that are real will take respect as important and will love their powers and their gifts and will not take them or people for granted.

Guide and Healer

A medium can be a guide or a healer that is there to help you. They can be like a therapist or a counselor that is there to help you feel better. They want to look at spirits and communicate with those that are left behind and then give information to the ones that are seeking it.

Things a Medium Does

Here are a few things that a medium might do:

  • Speak to spirits that are still on the earth.
  • Talk to those that have already passed on.
  • Seek the family of someone that is wandering.
  • Help to heal those that are hurting.
  • Help with emotional healing.
  • Help with physical healings.
  • Reach out to spirits that are causing problems inside a business or home.
  • Seek to bring closure to friends and families of those that have died.
  • Help to deal with grief that you are feeling.
  • Give advice to those that are seeking to heal.
  • Help those that are upset to find out where their loved one is.
  • Bring messages of joy and peace to those that are experiencing grief.
  • Work towards a common ground between the spirit and those still on the earth.

Famous Mediums and What They Did

Sally Morgan

There are many famous mediums all around the world and in this article, we will discuss ten that are very popular.

Noreen Reiner

Noreen is one of the most famous mediums because she began to lecture in the police force in 1981. She worked with the FBI and is known as the “Psychic Detective” and has worked over 600 cases.

She flew different places to help solve homicides, even into her late 70’s. Noreen sees herself as a tool that investigators can use and is very humble about what she does.

Vicki Monroe

Vicki has worked with the detectives and is known for helping to solve high profile murder cases such as the murder of Amy St. Laurent who was killed in her Maine home. She is considered a very famous medium and helps to find people that have been murdered.

Vicki holds a PhD in holistic healing and has much experience in healing people.

Sally Morgan

Sally Morgan is considered a very loved psychic and she saw spirits even as a girl. She believes that she got her giftings from her grandma and was tested and tried to be a new psychic from Dr. Schwartz and is one of the best mediums around.

Morgan became a famous psychic in 2007 and was on UK TV in the show “Star Psychic.” She has given many famous people readings including Princess Diana.

Concetta Bertoldi

Concetta is someone that is famous and is very gifted in clairsentience. She wrote a book called, “Do Dead People Watch You Shower?” and is known to be very fun and funny. She has written many books and is part of the British royalty as a politician and is very caring.

Sonya Fitzpatrick

Sony ais famous as an animal communicator and she has been on many shows to communicate with animals. She connected first with her dog a terrier named Judy, and this is when she knew she was gifted in this gift.

She lives in Texas and has many animals.

Bill Phillips

Bill is a medium and knew as a young boy that he had different powers. He was able to explore the death of people that had died such as his mother. He loves being gifted and is called a next generation psychic.

Janet Nohavec

One famous medium is Janet who spent many years as a nun. She left and begin to reach out to spirits and is known for starting a church called “Spiritualist Church” in 1996 and then became a pastor of Journey Within Center for Spiritual Evolvement.

She teaches and does mediumship. She lives in New Jersey.

Rita Berkowitz

Rita is a certified medium and studied at the Arthur Findlay College in England. She is also an ordained minister and an author.

She loves to be inspirational and will teach classes on mediumship. She is a great medium artist and has many talents.

Thomas John

Thomas is a medium that is looked for by celebrities and has been on television many times. He has chosen to embrace his intuition and has predicted the death of people such as Michael Jackson and Whitney Houston.

Joanne Gerber

Joanne is a famous medium from Boston and is known to drive to teach classes that are far from her. She is very famous with her students and she has been on many television shows such as “NBC Weekend Today Show” and was proven to be a real psychic.

When Past Loves Stop You from Finding Love?

Finding Love

Do you always have your ex on your mind and no matter what you are doing they seem to always come to your mind? Do you go out and have fun, but your ex is still on your mind?

Do you have your ex still hanging around you and you keep thinking about the people that you used to date and so you seem to be stuck in your life to be single forever?

The truth is that when you are thinking about other people then chances are that you are making it like you are not available and that is the problems.

Other people can sense that you have a wall up and they can feel that you are not about finding someone else because of your closed off thoughts or your thoughts of your ex. This makes your emotions unavailable because you are constantly thinking about what you can do to get your ex back.

If you want to meet someone new, you have to try these things in order to get over your ex and move on.

Get Rid of It!

The first thing that you need to do to meet someone new is to get rid of all of the things that you had from your other relationships.

Find things in your clothes drawer, in your closet, on your phone or even on your walls and get rid of it all. Some things to remember to get rid of include:

  • Gifts they gave you.
  • Pictures.
  • Phone numbers.
  • Movies you watched together.
  • Knick knacks.
  • Clothing.
  • Etc.

You do not need to keep acting like you are stuck on that person anymore and whatever comes up in your life that you remember about them, get rid of it. This is a time that you can clean your house and you can start new.

If you have a hard time getting rid of your stuff, have a friend come and help you get rid of your past things. Even if you feel upset, do it anyways to start new and find new love.

They Still Want to Be with You

Chances are that if your ex is coming around to see you then they might be the reason that you cannot find someone new in your life. You might need to set new boundaries and make it where your ex doesn’t just come around when they want to.

Remember that you ended the relationship for a reason and if they are constantly contacting you or showing up or even telling you that they love you then you need to set stricter boundaries.

If you were the one that was dumped, find out why they are doing that and then step back and let someone else come along and love you.

Don’t Compare

Stop comparing your ex to new people that you meet, or you will never find someone that will satisfy you. This is a dangerous thing to do when you want to meet someone. Be open minded about new people and let them show you their good qualities.

Let them see who the real you is and give them a chance and you might find that they are someone that you could really like or even love. Your ex wasn’t the right person for you and so you wouldn’t want to find someone exactly like them.

The more that you work into getting rid of old loves out of your life, the better chances that you will have to find new love. Get past this old love and move forward to relationships that are strong and healthy for you.