Past Life Connections

Past Life Connections

Have you ever met someone that you had such a deep connection with that you felt like you have known them forever? Sometimes when this happens it happens because you have a karmic connection with that person. That means that you know them because they have come from your past life.

Past life connections are easy to know and there are reasons that you will meet these people again in your present life.

Why Are You Having a Past Life Connection?

The souls that you have from your past are the ones that you have the deepest connections with. These are people that have come back to you so that you can learn your life lesson and you can grow.

  • Life Lessons

You or your past life connection might have lessons that you haven’t learned yet and so they might come back to you until you get it right. These are usually relationships that are hard to deal with.

  • Learning About Yourself

Sometimes you will have a past life connection because you need to learn more about yourself. This is a chance for you to grow and for you to be challenged. You can learn from the failures and the successes.

  • Strong Connection

A person from your past life is someone that you will have a strong connection with. You will feel it even in your bones that you know this person. You will be able to understand them and you will feel that you are connection made in heaven.

  • Instant Emotions

Your emotions will help you to know if you have met this person in your past life. Sometimes your emotions will be negative if the person has hurt you in the past but sometimes, they will be positive. It depends on what the situation was like in the past. It could have been a good relationship or one with betrayal and broken trust.

  • Misunderstanding Your Feelings

Sometimes you will have a hard time understanding your feelings. This can happen when you meet someone from your past life that you have an intense connection with. This can lead you to confusion at times.

  • You Feel Like Yourself

When you are with this person you feel like yourself. You aren’t afraid of who you are, and you aren’t afraid to have them in your life. They might even make you feel like a new person.

  • Wanting Them In Your Life

A person from your past life might be someone that you long to have with you now. They might be someone that makes you feel needy and clingy. You might even feel that you can’t survive if the person doesn’t stay with you.

  • Repeating Patterns

Maybe this person has repeating patterns in your life. This can be situations that you seem to experience over and over again. This happens because you haven’t learned your lesson, and the past life person might be there to teach you how to get it right.

  • They Help You Out

This could be a person that comes to help you out and to help you through your life problems for no reason except to help you. They don’t even want you to return the favor. This can be a big sign that they are from your past life.

  • You Feel That Something is Owed

Even after the relationship ends you might feel that you owe them something or they owe you something. This is something that you won’t get back in this lifetime.

  • Déjà vu

When you experience Déjà vu with someone it can mean that this person has lived in your past life with you.

  • Telepathy

Someone that you are close to from your past life might have a stronger connection with you than others. They might be someone that can speak to you telepathically. You share the same soul connection, and this can be a subconscious level.

  • You Know Their Eyes

You can tell someone from your past sometimes by looking in their eyes. Sometimes the eyes are the gateway to the soul and when you meet someone from your past life their eyes might give it away.

  • Strong but Short Relationship

A past life relationship that shows up in your present life is someone that will be intense and strong. The relationship will have a lot of ups and downs, but chances are that it will only last a short while. This relationship can be hurtful and confusing.

  • They Are Your Soulmate

You can meet someone from your past life because they might be your soulmate. They might be there to help you along your journey.

  • You Hate Them

Sometimes there will be people that come into your life that you just hate. You don’t even know why you hate them so much, but you do. This is part of the soul journey and even though you are bound to them, you have a strong hate for them.

  • You Love Them

Just like hating someone from your past life, you could love them just as much. They might be your soulmate from a past life, and they might be someone that is there to help you with your life journey now.

  • They Are the One for You

A person that is your soulmate from a past life might be the one and only person that you can focus on. They might even be your twin flame which means they are the other half of your soul. Not everyone meets their twin flame in this lifetime.

  • Hard Relationships

Past life relationships aren’t always easy, and they can be intense and hard. They can make your soul tired. You might love this person with everything in you, but they might not love you back. They might also cause you to feel dependent on them and then leave you.

Does a Past Life Matter?

The relationships that you have with someone in your past life do matter. They can help you to understand who you are and help you to grow and become the person that you’re meant to be. They can help you to figure out your true self and to be the best that you can be and do the best that you can do.


  1. It’s intriguing how past life connections can manifest as strong but short-lived relationships. This could explain some of the inexplicable yet intense connections we experience.

    • Indeed, Vanessa. Those fleeting connections often leave a lasting impact, making one wonder about their origins.

    • I agree with both of you. Such relationships, though brief, could contribute significantly to our personal growth.

  2. The idea that people from our past lives could influence our present life is both comforting and disconcerting. It adds another layer to the complexity of human interactions.

  3. While the idea of karmic connections is fascinating, it raises questions about free will and determinism. How much of our lives are influenced by these supposed past connections?

  4. This article offers an interesting lens through which to view human relationships. I find the notion of learning life lessons through repeated encounters quite compelling.

  5. The concept of past life connections is intriguing. It provides a different perspective on some of the intense relationships we have in our current lives. I wonder how one could scientifically verify such experiences.


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