Using Tarot to Connect with the Dead

Connect with the Dead

People use tarot cards for many reasons. Some use it to find out who they are, others use it to solve life problems and more use it to predict the future. Did you know that tarot cards can also help you to connect with the dead?

According to the Wheel of the Year, there are different cultures that celebrate pagan holidays and do different rituals and practices. Some of them include:

  • Samhain.
  • ATR’s.

Tarot cards can look at the past lives of people and can be used by mediums or spiritualists to talk to spirits that have passed on. When these cards show up in a reading, it needs to be a cause for open communication because it can even be ancestors that come through in spirit.

The meanings of the cards can come from different cultures and backgrounds and here are some of the cards that are most connected with the dead:

  • The Empress

This card is often used when speaking to a mother or an ancestor mother. This card can show up in a reading and can show you that the maternal person from your ancestral line is coming to heal you.

This can be your mother, grandmother, or someone else. The Empress can mean that you are going to have healing and that you need to learn from the messages that they give you.

  • Death

This card can often be confused to mean real death, but it doesn’t always mean that. When you are trying to reach your ancestors, this card doesn’t indicate death in the physical form. It can also mean that someone is sick or that there are spirits that want to come to talk to you.

It can show you what kind of death you are dealing with in your life or if you are grieving it can show up to help you to prepare for death or to help you to get past your grieving. It can also mean that you need to work on your spiritual self.

You have to learn to accept death as part of life and if you work with a dark goddess you can deal with death much easier.

  • Wheel of Fortune

This card can indicate the past such as deeds or actions you have done and karma. It can also represent reincarnation. According to African Traditional Religions, it is believed that deceased ancestors come back as the children.

Buddhist believe that a living person could be the mother of someone, and this can be found in food, insects, or animals, not just humans.

Hindus believe that reincarnation is subject to what you have done and the kind of karma you created.

In Eddas and Iceland, ancestors are recorded in the family lines. The Wheel of Fortune card can mean that there are past lives that are around you.

  • 10 of Wands

This card can come in a reading, and it can mean that you are carrying the burdens of your ancestors that aren’t yours to carry. You might feel pressured to marry into a certain religion or culture or to take a certain job.

These pressures can be passed down from generation to generation and they put a burden on you. This can come in a reading to tell you to let go of these burdens. It can also show genetics and behaviors that are also passed down.

  • 10 of Pentacles

This card can show you that your DNA or family tree is there and that it is trying to get in touch with your culture and your traditions. This can be the kinds of holidays that you celebrate, food you eat, holidays and more.

This can also mean that you are connecting with your ancestral energy and that your ancestors are leaving a legacy for you. This card can mean that your ancestors might have even adopted into your life and aren’t blood.

  • 4 of Swords

This card can mean that you need to rest your mind and that you need to get rid of mind chatter. It can mean that you need calmness and inner peace and that you should listen to what the spirits are trying to tell you. Try channeling or automatic writing.

  • 5 of Cups

This can mean grief, sadness, and loss. It can also mean that you need to work through your grief. This can help a medium to connect more closely with spirits. It can suggest that you need to deal with grieving and find healing.

Final Thoughts

These are some of the cards that can show up in an ancestral reading or in a reading where you are trying to connect with the spiritual world.


  1. The article provides an interesting perspective on how tarot cards can be used for ancestral and spiritual communication. The cultural aspects mentioned are quite fascinating.

  2. The connection between tarot cards and ancestor communication is a new concept for me. The explanations related to specific cards like The Empress and Death are quite detailed and thought-provoking.

    • Indeed, the article sheds light on the multifaceted meanings of these tarot cards. It opens up new avenues for those interested in spiritual practices.

    • I agree, Joanna. The cultural references, especially about reincarnation, add a new dimension to understanding tarot readings.

  3. The article does a good job of breaking down the significance of individual tarot cards in ancestral readings. It’s a useful resource for those looking to delve deeper into their spiritual heritage.

  4. The different interpretations of the tarot cards are quite enlightening. It’s intriguing to see how various cultures integrate these cards into their spiritual practices.

  5. It’s fascinating to read how tarot cards are utilized across different cultures to connect with the spiritual realm. The mention of specific cards and their implications adds great value to the article.


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