What Happens When Your Cat Dies?

Cat Dies

People often have different ideas when it comes to death and what happens to the soul. What happens when your cat dies? Ancient Egyptians believed that cats were there to represent the gods and that they were there to protect the homes from evil spirits, to bring fertility and to keep secrets.

Cats that died in ancient times in Ancient Egypt were often put in the tombs and mummified with their owners. Cats were considered to be valuable, and they brought joy into the lives of those that had them. They also are thought to have maternal security and just having the smell of a cat is thought to keep things away from food supplies like rats or other animals.

It has even been studied about cat emotions and they have found that cats make emotional bonds with their owners. The bond of the cat and the owner can continue on long after the cat dies.

How are Cats Souls Connected?

Cats souls can be connected to souls around them such as:

  • As reincarnated beings from past lives.
  • Part of the spiritual team that has passed over.
  • Spirit guides or spirit animals.

Understanding Cat Energies

Cat spirits can be sensed and if you have had a cat and you lost the cat, chances are that you can pick up on the cat being in your presence. Some people can even see the outline of the cat in spots where the cat always laid.

  • Flashing

You might see your cat go by in the corner of your eye and this can look like a flashing.

  • Dreaming

Some cat spirits will show up in your dreams so that they can give you information and show you that they are there.

  • Other Pets

You could have a cat that reincarnates as another one of your pets.

  • Animal Guides

Cats that you owned can come back as your animal guides and you can call on them when you are meditating just like you do your spiritual guides or your angel guides.

Do Cat Spirits Stay After Death?

Cat spirits can stay after death. This is strictly up to them, and some have other assignments and move on while others will stay even after their body moves on because they want to be with those that they were bonded with from the beginning.


  1. “Flashing” and “Dreaming”? Really? It sounds more like something out of a fantasy novel than real life. Are we really discussing ghost cats here?

  2. This is a heartwarming article that sheds light on the spiritual bond between cats and their owners. It’s comforting to think that our beloved pets might still be with us in some form even after they pass away.

  3. While it’s an interesting read, I find it hard to believe in the idea of cat spirits lingering around. Sounds more like wishful thinking than anything grounded in reality.


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