Finding a Real Psychic Medium

Finding a Real Psychic Medium

Do you want to talk to a psychic medium, but you are skeptical? Maybe you have experienced death recently, and you want to believe in the afterlife, and you think talking to a medium might help you to know.

Some people get a mediumship reading, and they feel nothing, while others have mind-blown experiences. William James believed in his psychic Leonora Piper. He believed that if you were able to prove that there was just one white crow, then you could dispel the belief that all crows are black. The same is true with mediums. If you could find one to be real, you could dispel that they were fake.

When you want to find a real medium, here are some tips to get you started:


They won’t overcharge you or try to charge you for extra things in the reading. They list their prices on their websites.


A good medium will have a place that you can go that will be set up for a reading. It won’t be full of crystal balls or dim lighting.

Medium and Psychics

All psychics aren’t mediums, but all mediums are psychics. They know the difference in how they get their information. If they communicate with the dead, they are a medium.


Even if you give them fake information or you give them someone else’s credit card information, a real psychic should be able to give you information that blows your mind. A real psychic medium will never google you before you get there.


A medium that is real is one that will be excited to try to answer your questions, no matter how out there they are. They know that they have strong gifts, and they want to show you what they can do for you.


A real medium will never mind if you record the session so you can go back and listen to it later.


They will give you real details and facts about your loved one who passed away. It will be information that only you or your family might know.


A real medium will be certified through a scientific organization such as “The Windridge Institute,” or “Forever Family Foundation.” There are other programs that they can participate in.

False Claims

Mediums that are genuine will never claim to get things right all the time. They might even have 95% accuracy but that will not make them tell you that they are perfect in their mediumship.

Celebrity Endorsements

Even if a celebrity endorses a medium it doesn’t mean they are good, the best, or even real. Some of these kinds of mediums are the best in the world but some are not backed by anything. Since psychic mediums are not backed by science, you have to realize that it can be hard to prove if they are real or not. It is good for someone that is a good medium to get their name out so that people can seek them out, but this doesn’t always mean they are the best.

Talking to Spirits

A medium hopes to be able to connect with your loved one but that doesn’t always happen. A real medium will never promise you that they will bring in your loved one. If they don’t recognize who they are talking to, they will end the reading and give you back your money.

If you want to talk to your sibling, for example, and your grandfather comes instead and you recognize them to be there, it doesn’t mean the medium is false, it can just mean that that is the spirit that wanted to come through.

Final Thoughts

If you get a psychic mediumship reading, you must find one that is genuine. Look at the tips above to make sure that you get the best of the best!


  1. *Insert obligatory eye roll.* This article reads like an infomercial for psychics! It’s funny how they suggest you should trust them when so many are simply out for your cash! 😂

  2. *Sigh* Just reading about these mediums makes me chuckle at how seriously some people take this stuff. Maybe next they’ll sell ‘psychic insurance’ for peace of mind after death?! 🙃

  3. This post provides some valuable insights into the world of psychic mediums. I particularly appreciate the emphasis on skepticism and the need for authenticity. It’s essential to differentiate between real talents and charlatans.

  4. ‘A medium that is real is one that will be excited to try to answer your questions’—really? What if they just want your money? This whole article seems biased towards believing in something that can’t be scientifically proven.

  5. I don’t understand why people waste their time and money on mediums. It’s all just smoke and mirrors! I mean, how can anyone truly believe in this nonsense? We need to rely on science, not superstition!

  6. ‘If you could find one to be real, you could dispel that they were fake.’ Wow, that’s deep! But isn’t it ironic how we believe in one white crow but ignore the many black ones? 🦅

    • ‘One white crow’? That’s quite a leap of logic! Just because one medium might impress doesn’t mean they’re all legitimate. Let’s not get carried away here.

    • ‘All mediums are psychics’—if that’s true, then what makes them special? This entire idea seems like a marketing strategy more than anything else!

  7. This article is a must-read for anyone considering a mediumship session! The tips provided are straightforward and practical. It’s refreshing to see such clarity on what to expect, especially for skeptics like myself. 🌟


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