Pet Reincarnation

Pet Reincarnation

When we lose a pet, it is like losing part of our family or a best friend.  What happens to your pet after they transition to the other side?  This article will discuss how animal reincarnation works and what happens when your pet dies.

Do Animals Reincarnate?

Animals do reincarnate.  They have souls just like people do and they will reincarnate into your family group.  These animals usually are reborn to the same person that they left behind when they died because they still have things that they haven’t finished with them.  This means that right now you have your very own animal that has passed away in the past with you.

Sometimes, your reincarnated pet will look like it did in the past and sometimes it won’t.  You will see things of evidence on how they act and what similar habits that they have that your previous pet had as well.

Signs From the Other Side

You might have heard people tell stories about their loved ones that have died and they try to communicate through different signs.  Your pet can also send you signs from the other side.

You might hear weird noises that your pet used to make or they might rattle the food bowl.  You might even hear sounds of their collar that they used to wear.  Your animal might come into your dreams or you might hear your pets name or see a ball roll at your feet.  These are just a few things that they show you they are there.

Animals and Death

When people communicate with animals, they have found that animals view death differently than people do.  They simply change energy and move to another place.  Animals are not as attached to their bodies as people are.

Animals think that the lives that they live on the earth have helped them to be better souls and they are not afraid of dying.  They embrace and celebrate death and believe that they have helped their soul come in contact with other people to help them.

Communicated with Pets

The same way that people communicate with dead loved ones is the same way you can communicate with dead pets.

There are mediums that will be able to communicate with your animal if it is dead or alive.  When your pet passes away, the pet will still try to communicate with you somehow.  They will talk to mediums and tell them that they are okay and this is not as hard as trying to communicate with a human who has died.

Animals are able to communicate in the same way that humans do and they appear when a clairvoyance calls them.  Since they don’t have speech, they communicate with telepathic transmissions of thought.

If your dog wants a treat, for example, it will sit and stare at you.  You can see that it is very focused and it is trying to communicate with you mentally.  If you still don’t get it after a while, your dog will bark to verbalize what he or she is thinking.

The way animals communicate with the medium is the same way.  They will know what the animal wants to tell their loved one.

Other mediums can see dead pets around their past owner and will have the impression of them entering the auric field.  Pets will sometimes show themselves standing next to a relative that has died or one that is associated with their past owner such as a grandmother.

Psychic Animal Medium

Psychics and mediums can talk to your pet and help you to make it through the transition of them dying.

Your pet loves you more than you ever even knew and our love for them is unconditional.  Your pet will teach you how to love from a pure heart and will be the greatest of all teachers.

Pets are emotional guides for us and they will stay that way even after they die.  If you need answers or you need to change a relationship, a pet psychic reading can help you.