Spirit Guides

Spirit Guides

Spirit guides can give you a deep relationship and can help you to have guidance in your life. They can help you to form a relationship and to be stronger in what you do.

Spirit guides can show their presence to you and connect with you. They can share themselves with you and cause you to feel power inside of yourself and to support you.

We All Have Them

Everyone has a spirit guide or more and the truth is that they can work in your energies to bind you to the laws of nature. These things can come in different forms and purposes, but they have a common coal to help guide you and to help you align with the universe.

When you are stuck or be afraid, you will have patterns in your life that can lead you back to love. You have to be willing to surrender and to use your spiritual sight.

We all have spirit guides and we all have people that have passed away and they can come to use as guides and help us. The guides are here to give us joy and peace and to guide us to a better life.

If you have not ever connected with a guide, you have to have an open mind and you will see that you can have a deep connection. This sounds weird, but you can have a support system and be comforted by them.

Spirit Guides

When you invite your spirit guide there will be different ways that you know they are connecting with you such as:

  • Knowing-You can have inner knowing where you know or hear the voice within you. This is part of your intuition and you will realize this is your guide.
  • Light-light can spark and can show you that they are with you. Your guides love to give you light.
  • Books Falling-When books fall off the shelf, chances are your spirit guide is trying to get your attention.
  • Automatic Writing-When you meditate and you feel that you need to write something down, chances are you will have your guides connecting with you. They will want you to listen to them and they want to bring you light, love and forgiveness.

Steps to Connect with Your Guides

There are different ways you can connect with your spirit guides and here are some ways:


Learn to ask your guides to come to you. They will not be pushy, and they want you to ask them and let them come to you. If you ask, they will know you need help and they will be there.

What You Need

List things that you need and meditate on them. Thank your guides for listening to you and tell them everything you need and how you can use their help.


Always speak the truth to your guides. Never lie to them and always be loving and compassionate. Be truthful and let them come to you. Ask them what you need and be specific with them.

When you live in a world where things are always changing, you need to have a strong relationship with your spirit guides so they can help you.

Don’t worry or be afraid but be brave and talk to them.

Call Anytime

Your guides are always there for you and you can call on them anytime., Each time you talk, you need to thank them for being there for you.

You can talk to them in your mind or out loud and they will show up.


When you ask for help or something, always listen for your answer. Your guides will want to guide you in all things in your life and they will give you vibrational messages from what you are wanting.


Meditate so that you can align your energies with your spirit guides. You can meditate and they will come around you and help you.

Write with Them

Write with your guides and meditate with them. Write what happens in your journal and thank them and show them that you are doing what is good for you and that you are inspired by them.

Speaking Directly

Your guides might talk to you directly so learn to listen. When you channel, chances are they will speak to you and the energy they have will move through you.

Ask for a Sign

You can always be playful with your guides and ask them to give you a sign. You can get clear guidance and they can direct you.

Pay Attention

Always pay attention o signs and know that they are there to support you. Listen and pay attention to their presence and let them guide you and help you in your life. This can be a great feeling and can help you to not be demanding.

Learn to just listen and to be open to what they want to show you. They can show up in funny ways so always be on the look out for what they have to say. Your guides can work through other people too.


You need to always be thankful because they want you to have gratitude. Show them love and they will show you guidance.

Talk to your guides in a loving way and show them that you trust them and that you are open to them.

By being thankful you will show that your relationship is strong and that you care for them and their signs. Being thankful will make your relationship stronger and will show that you have an open heart and mind and that you are willing to listen.


Trust them with whatever outcome happens. No matter what answer they give you, it will be better than what you can get on your own. You cannot manipulate things to work out how you want it to or force your guides to do what you want.


Learn to be like a child. Do not be untrusting or have a strong mind but be forgiving and loving like a child.

This can help you to have more guidance and to open up your mind.

Ask Their Name

Always ask your guide to share their name with you. This can help you to have a stronger relationship with them and can help you to know your guides better.

Trust Yourself

Trust in your own psychic powers and know that their presence is there. Let them guide you and support you and know that their love and energy is with you so that you can make good decisions.

The more you trust the better your guidance will be, and it will lead you to the highest good.

Allowing your guides to help you will help you support them and will help them to support you.

Be lighter and get rid of drama in your life and get back to love.