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Do People in Love Reincarnate Together?

Love Reincarnate Together

People that are in the same soul group might reincarnate over and over again together. This means that you can be surrounded by the same people from your past lives. You aren’t someone that is reincarnated alone and there are going to be people that are part of your past that come into your new life.

Reincarnation happens when the soul passes from one body to another body and this happens when they die, and they are reborn. The cycle of reincarnation is part of karmic debt, and this means that there can be good or bad karma that has to be repaid. You have to keep reincarnating until your karma is paid off.

Soul Groups

Soul groups are people that reincarnate at the same time together. They are from the same group, and they are destined to be together in different lifetimes. This happens so that they can help each other and so that they can pay off their karmic debt.

These people often come together after similar situations, and they are normally reincarnated together at the same time. This can be friends, family, or other people.

Lovers and Reincarnation

A soulmate doesn’t just show up out of nowhere, but they are part of your past lives. This means that the soul has come together through reincarnation and could have happened many times. A soulmate is a strong bond that you will have and sometimes this bond can’t be broken. This means that you have had to go through many lifetimes together.

There has to be a time in your life that you have met someone that you never realized that you met before, but you feel like you know them. The connection is so strong, but you can’t explain it. This is probably someone that was part of your past life.

When two people come together and they continue their love, chances are that this will continue in another lifetime, and they will reincarnate together. This could happen many times with a soulmate.

Knowing a Past Lover

You can know if you have met your past lover by getting a psychic reading. They can look into your past and find out if there is someone that has reincarnated with you and someone that is there to help your soul grow.

They can also help you to figure out if there are any soul connections that you have with someone that is in your life.

Love at First Sight

Most people don’t believe that love at first sight is real, but it can be. If you have reincarnated with someone from your past, you might have love at first sight with them. This is when two people seem to just know that they have had a past life together or at least that they have a strong connection now.

If you have such a strong connection that you feel like you love someone that you don’t know, chances are that you have reincarnated together, and you just don’t realize it.


Another way that you can tell if you have met someone from a past life is that you share memories together that you can’t explain. These memories can carry over to your new life and even if you don’t know where they came from, chances are that they are there because they have reincarnated with you.

These memories can be shared and can be a big sign that you have been together in a past life. These memories can be about a party you attended together, things you did together such as sports or even attending the same school.

Open Mindedness

Being open to someone can give you a sign that they are from your past life. If this is someone that you can share all of your feelings, thoughts, and emotions with, they are probably from your past life.

Challenges and Peace

Knowing that you have met someone from your past life can happen when there are challenges, but you work them out and you are able to make peace together. If you can overcome obstacles in your relationship and still understand and forgive each other, chances are that you can make it through this and you have reincarnated together.

Time Goes Fast

Being with this person might make the time seem that it goes by so fast. This can happen when you share a past life with someone. When the connection is so strong that they make you feel at peace and you can’t seem to get enough of them, this can be a past lover.


The last way that you can tell if you have met someone from your past life is that you feel a connection with them that you can’t explain. Even when they aren’t with you, you feel connected with them. You might feel lonely when they leave, and this happens because this is someone from your past life and you are connected with them.

You might live in different places than they do but you have a connection with them rather you are together or not.

Final Thoughts

Some believe that everyone has lived a past life and if you believe in this then you believe that life is full of lessons that you need to learn. You can take these lessons and you can learn and grow. If you see someone that is before you that you think you share a past life with, tell them and see what they say about it.

If you need to know more about your past life or you need to know about your connections, talk to a psychic and see if they can give you the answers that you are looking for.

Do People Come Back as Animals?

Do People Come Back as Animals

People that believe in the afterlife and in reincarnation might wonder if they can come back in their second life as an animal or if animals come back as people. This is something that is often argued about because some think that people and animals can exchange their souls in the next life while others think that they cannot.

Some believe that animals and people are the same and that they have the same kind of soul. Some believe that humans are just a higher form of an animal, and they believe that they can reincarnate and cross barriers of their classifications.

This might convince you that this can happen, and some will even cite things that might make you agree with them. There is research that has been done that can show that animals even have feelings and emotions like humans such as a dolphin being able to show that it is happy or an ape showing love to something.

Do Animals Have Souls?

People believe that humans have souls, but some believe that animals do, and others believe that they don’t.

Different religions believe different things when it comes to reincarnation and the afterlife and some, such as Hindus, believe that a person can come back as an animal, or a person and they believe that all living things have an eternal life.

Buddhists believe that humans and animals have souls, but they believe that when someone dies that they no longer exist. Other religions such as Muslims believe that a human is born once but they don’t always believe that animals have souls.

There are some people that think that animals have a provisional soul that means that they are alive but that their soul leaves after they die. This is sometimes seen in the Catholic religion. They believe that when God gives them life, they have a soul, but the soul doesn’t always last.

Humans to Animals

No religions show that people can come back as animals even if the animal has a soul or not. When it comes to reincarnation, the belief that the soul can cross over is not a universal belief.

The reason that people cannot go from a person to an animal is because they have different kinds of soul consciousness. You can’t be a cat in one life and then be a person in the other life because the soul will not go from one species to another one when it comes to a different consciousness of the soul.

There are reasons why humans can be born at different times when it comes to your belief in reincarnation such as the soul being reborn because it has lessons to learn, and the other reason is because the soul wants to reach its highest form of enlightenment.

The lessons that an animal needs to learn would be very few in between because animals are not given that kind of soul consciousness. Also, if you are born and you have karmic debts that you have to pay back, this affects how you feel, think, act and what you want. How can you balance this in the next life if you come back as an animal?

Karma and Reincarnation

Reincarnation and karma work together. The karma that you have now will determine who you will come back to in a different life. This will manifest as you live your life and the way that you act and do things.

Your current life effects what happens from your past karma. This means that what you do and think now will affect what happens in your next life. Your soul will learn a karmic relationship and once you learn it, it won’t ever be repeated again in your next lives.

Some believe that you can come back as an animal if you have bad karma to punish you for the behavior and actions that you had but this is something that most don’t believe in because it would be hard for a human to cross over the barrier between a human and an animal.

You will reach the karmic effect when you reincarnate, and this can be good or bad karma. You will be born into a different life that will have to do with your past actions.

Doing Your Best

The best advice is to make sure that you are living your best life so that you can reap good karma. Don’t behave terribly in your life if you want to have your next life to be good.

Learn your lessons and let karma teach you how to live your best life by showing kindness and love to others and being compassionate. You will have a much better life in the next life if you learn to live your best and to treat others how you want to be treated.

Talking to the Dead

Talking to the Dead

People all over believe that it is possible to talk to the dead from psychics to doctors. When you go through a grieving process, sometimes you might think that you are hearing from your dead loved one and you might wonder if you are imagining it or if you are hallucinating. The experiences can cause your family to think that you are crazy.

If you have felt that a dead loved one is talking to you, you aren’t crazy, they are probably trying to communicate with you. Here are some ways that you can increase your life even when you are grieving.

Read Books

Take time to read books about the afterlife. Doing this can help you to understand what exists and what doesn’t exist. As you know, you cannot see wind, radio waves or other things and so when you aren’t able to “see” spirits, it doesn’t mean that they don’t exist. The energy is still there even if their body departed.

Spirits are the same as they were in life and even if they have no body, it doesn’t change what their spirit is. The only thing is that they no longer have the sickness with them.

Seeing Signs

There are signs that you can know that your loved one is reaching out to you such as smelling their perfume, seeing feathers or coins, hearing a song play on the radio that they loved or experiencing things moving or other paranormal things.

Keep your vibrations high if you want to hear from them by thinking of the memories that you have that made you have peace. Your loved one can come and meet you in these memories.

Keep the Relationship Alive

The relationship that you will have after your loved one passes is different than the one that you had on earth, but you can talk to a medium and they can help you to communicate with their spirit. You can do things like put an object out and call one “yes” and one “no” and then ask questions that can make them answer the questions.

You can even use your hands and see if you have temperature changes or a tingling sensation when you ask questions. You can also set out visuals such as a cup of tea and see if it moves or if you are able to see different things when you talk to your loved one.

The better you communicate the more you will get messages. You should record these messages or write them down. If you are someone who is visual, focus on the different colors and things around your body that you see.

Final Thoughts

Talking to your dead loved one can help you to combat grief and to move on in your life. When you miss them, know that you can communicate with spirits, and you can feel better and more at peace in your life.

Being Connected to a Deceased Soul

Being Connected to a Deceased Soul

When your loved one dies, it might feel impossible for you to feel connected to them. Death can feel like the end and the connection might not ever seem the same. Saying goodbye to a relationship that has ended is painful, but did you know that even if someone has died, it doesn’t mean that you can’t contact them anymore?

The connection that you will have between someone that has died and the person that is grieving over the death changes, but it doesn’t have to end. You can figure out how to continue to connect with a loved one, even after death.

Even if it has been years since your loved one has died, know that you can stay connected to that person and you will see that the communication can be strong.

Communicating with a Dead Loved One

You can still communicate with someone that has died. You can do this by sharing stories about them with people and by writing them letters. You might have a stranger that talks to you about something that brings up a memory of your deceased loved one, talk to them about it. Another way that you can stay connected is by just talking to them. This could be something that can help you to work through times that are hard in your life.

Another way that some people try to stay connected is through journaling. When you are emotionally distraught about losing a loved one, take out your journal, go out for a nature walk and then write. Write and let peace come into your life.

If you are a poet or you are good at writing, write these things down in your journal. Do this so that you can feel strong towards them and so that you never forget the memories that you share with them. You can even share memories on social media about the loved one that you have lost.

You can even take a certain place that you loved to be with your loved one and always meet them there to talk to them. This is one way that you can stay connected to them. Maybe this will be their grave or maybe it will be in a room in your home that you loved to sit together or a favorite vacation spot. It’s completely up to you.

Show Their Values and Morals

One thing that you can do is to practice the morals and the values that your deceased loved one followed. If they were thoughtful, be thoughtful if they were funny, try and be funny. Interact with other people the way that your loved one would have interacted with them. Do this in your everyday life.

One of the best ways that you can connect with your dead loved one is to look at the values that they had and use them each day in your life. If they were kind, be kind and generous to those that you meet. Be kind to people that you know and those that you don’t know. Try to be as kind as your relative and this will help you to feel closer to them.

Take time to ask, “how would my person have acted if they were here?” Do this when situations come up and try and reflect on them and respond like they would.

Wearing Their Items

You can wear something that your loved one used to wear to make you feel closer to them. This can be a piece of clothing, a hat, a piece of jewelry or something else. Wear this when you miss them and see if it makes you feel closer to them.

Some people will wear a scarf and gloves that their loved one used to wear or even try on their perfume so that they can bring back memories and feel that they are being supported by their loved one.

Volunteer and Give

You can give and volunteer your time in their name. Doing this will make you honor them. You can look at your loved one that has died and make a legacy to them while you are giving back to people that are in need. The charity could be something related to how they died or some kind of cause that they really believed in.

Celebrate Special Days

You can celebrate special days that they loved when they were with you. Celebrate their birthday, their anniversary, or a special day that you enjoyed with them. Grief doesn’t have to always be so sad and when you learn to connect and celebrate with them, it can bring you some kind of joy in the heartache.

If you have a loved one that is buried close to you, go there, and celebrate with them. Take flowers or balloons, eat a cake graveside. Talk to them, share the moment with other people to make it even more special.

Final Thoughts

You can connect with a loved one that has died, and it can help you to get over grief. Reflect on their life and honor them by thinking of great memories that you had with them. Grief is something that everyone experiences at one time or another and it is something that you have to get through.

You can decide how you want to celebrate them but when you do this, find joy in the heartbreak that you are feeling. Just because the person died, it doesn’t mean that you have to stop thinking of them or stop loving them. Do what you can to have peace.

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Choosing Your Reincarnation to Earth


Reincarnation is when your soul goes from lifetime to lifetime. Some will choose to go to different dimensions while others will choose to go back to Earth again. The soul will keep going to places where they will learn a lesson and sometimes your guides will play a role in where you go.

Once your soul decides it wants to return to the Earth as its next reincarnation, it will meet with the spirit guides that will help to make a plan. Some of these guides have been with the person for many different lifetimes and some are guides that they have never met before. These guides will help them to learn different lessons and to assist them in returning back to Earth.

Different Experiences

People will go through different experiences so that they can have their soul to grow to the place that it needs to be. As the past life is looked at, the soul will want to try different places, people, and things that they will experience. Some will choose a different kind of family while others will choose to reincarnate to a different culture or a different social status. This can depend on what the person believes in.

The soul will go through different stages of growth, and this means that they will experience different things and places during their lifetimes.

Soul Change

The soul will change as the reincarnation takes place. There will be time for growth and time for the soul to learn different things. Different mentors and teachers will come along that will teach them what is best in their life. It can be hard to imagine the life that was chosen by ourselves because we don’t remember this once our life starts new.

You are the one that will create the world that you are living in and each adventure that you take will allow you to have a new outlook on your life. Find out how you can handle each situation and figure out how to live your life with each new lesson.

What You Choose

You are the one that gets to choose what kind of body that you have and if you are going to be a male or female. You get to choose where you are going, if you are attractive, handicapped, strong or what your body type will be. All of these things will teach you a new lesson each time.

You might decide that in this round you will be a model and you will be confident in your body. Or you might choose to be poor. This might come as a lesson in being judged or to figure out how you will deal with the mistreatment of others.

What if you choose to be disabled so that you could learn how to show compassion to people that you meet in other lifetimes. Whatever you choose to reincarnate into is up to you and you get to decide these things along the way.

You will have a soul family that will include people such as your parents, your brothers and sisters, your family and even the friends that you will meet over the course of time. You will see the different lifetimes that you will go through, will be new lessons and you will experience easy and hard things.

Forgetting the Past

As you reincarnate, you will forget the past lives that you have lived. You can revisit these if you access your Akashic Records but until that point, you will live your life with both joy and sorrow and you will surround yourself with new and exciting things.

Final Thoughts

As you choose to go back to earth, learn to live your best life. Enjoy your life to the fullest and let go of things that will cause you not to grow. Get rid of anger, jealousy, hurt and other harmful things and replace it with joy, peace, love, and gratitude. Your soul will live forever, and you can learn your life lessons as you move throughout your lifetimes.

What You Can Learn from a Medium

Can Learn from a Medium

Are you looking to talk to someone that can give you life changing answers? You can talk to someone that is a psychic or you can talk to a medium. Psychics and mediums are not the same, while a medium is always a psychic, a psychic isn’t always a medium.

People usually will visit psychics and mediums for different types of reasons, and most will visit a medium when they want to connect with the spiritual world. This happens when people lose a loved one and want to connect with them. Other people will visit a psychic to get answers to their questions.

When you want to develop your gifts, you can learn to have your own way of communicating with the spiritual world. Do you wish that you could talk to your loved one on your own? You might have done this but not been able to make it happen and you might end up frustrated.

Mediums and Emotions

A medium can help you to know that your loved one is okay and is living a good life on the other side. Sometimes people just want to know that their loved one is okay. Even if you believe that there is an afterlife, this can be hard to deal with. You might wonder if your loved one is happy and at peace or if they are suffering. A psychic medium can help you with this.


A medium can help you to make good decisions in your life. They will focus on speaking to your spiritual guides and to other people that are in the spiritual world. They will tell you about your loved ones and about their own successes in the afterlife to give you peace.

Loved One Energy

A medium is able to give you information from your loved one and to give your loved ones information that you want to share with them. They can give you details and can help you to know what you are missing out on with them or things that you might not even know.

Unresolved Problems

If you are facing problems in your life and you want to resolve them, you can talk to a medium. They can help you with your relationships or with unfinished things that happened with your passed on loved ones.

People might feel guilty when their loved one has passed away and if this happens, they can get the clarity that they need to live peacefully and to move on.

Final Thoughts

If you are wanting to talk to a loved one that has passed on to the other side, the best thing that you can do is to talk to a psychic medium. They can give you insight in your life and in your spiritual world. Talk to one today and get the answers you are seeking.

Connecting to a Loved One That Passed

Connecting to a Loved One That Passed

Your loved one’s spirit never dies and when you feel their energy, you might get sad, or you might continue with your grief. Most people want to know that their loved one is okay and that they are comfortable and happy. If you are feeling down or sad about your loved one that passed, you might want to connect with them.

Having a Spiritual Connection

There are different ways that you can connect with the spirit world. You can do different things such as writing a letter to them so that you can tell them what you are feeling. You can show them that you love them and that you miss them. Make sure that you write everything that you are feeling and that you are being detailed so that you don’t leave anything out.

You can talk to them like they are with you, and you can tell them everything that you are feeling from your sadness to the thankfulness that you have for the time that they were with you. Another thing that you can do is to plant a garden in their memory. You can find a nice planter, or a box and you can put their picture on it.

You can also do a memory box that you will add with memories of them and then you can bury the box and then when you feel sad, take time to sit around where the box is buried and think about them.

Another way that you can have a spiritual connection with your loved one is to talk to a medium. A medium is a psychic that is able to connect with the spiritual world.

Love and Hope

Your loved ones can give you signs anytime that they want to. You might find a feather or a coin or you might have a smell that reminds you of them. Some people will hear songs played on the radio that were their songs.

If your loved one had a favorite animal and the animal keeps showing up, it could mean that your loved one is trying to give you a sign. Your loved one wants you to know that they are okay, and they want you to be happy while you are on the earth.

If you want your loved one to communicate back with you and you feel that you are lost, try to be more aware of your own intuition and your own spiritual senses and try to talk to them. You might be surprised at how fast they answer.

Moving Forward

It can be hard to move forward once your loved one dies but your loved one will want you to do this. This doesn’t mean that you are a terrible person, it just means that you need to live your life and be happy. Your loved one knows that you love them, and they want your happiness to be the top priority.

You need to move forward when you are ready though and you don’t have to listen to what other people say and when other people think that it is time. This is totally up to you. You can talk to people around you for encouragement and advice.

If you need to reach out to your loved one, just talk to them. Talk to them like they are with you, and this can bring comfort to your life. Tell them about what makes you happy, what you are feeling, how your heart is hurting and ask them to support you.

The Soul Never Dies

There is a high vibration in the spiritual world and so when you have a higher vibration it can help you to reach the spiritual world easier. As your vibrations are stronger, it will give you a stronger frequency like a radio signal. This will allow you to receive the messages from your loved one that you want to get.

Know the thoughts that you have and make sure that you are being positive. Keep your thoughts strong and think of the good things and good times that you had with your loved one.

To make your vibrations even stronger, you can meditate, and this will help you to be more positive. As your heart grows and heals, you will raise your vibes.


As your vibrations rise, you will increase your intuition. This can help you to have stronger emotions of love and care. You will use your memories and your love to help you be aware of your spiritual vibrations.

If you hear something or you see or smell something that makes you think of your loved one, they are probably there to show you that they care about you. Take time for them and make the connection stronger.

Final Thoughts

As you live your life, make sure that you understand that you can benefit from communicating with your loved one. They will speak to you and if you open up your heart, you can hear them. If you need to talk to a psychic or a medium, find one that you can trust and connect with them. They can help you to move forward and to connect with your loved ones that have passed.

Reaching Your Deceased Loved Ones

Deceased Loved Ones

During Halloween and All Soul’s Day, the veil is thin between the physical world and the spiritual world. If you want to reach out to your deceased loved ones, this is the best time for that.

There are mediums that are able to reach into the spiritual world and to give you answers from your deceased loved ones or friends. They can bring you a connection with these spirits. Here is some information on getting a mediumship reading:

How Does a Medium Talk to the Dead?

There is energy and vibrations that the medium will use to connect with those that have passed to the other side. You have to have the same vibration as the spirit to reach them.

What Happens During a Deceased Reading?

During this reading, the medium will try to connect with your deceased loved one to give you information and closure. Whatever they ask, give them answers. They should be able to tell you the name of the spirit and what it looks like.

What Happens If Your Loved One Passed Recently?

There is no time limit as to when you should reach out to your loved one but make sure that you are not grieving as strongly when you go because this can cause your energy to be blocked.

The Thin Veil

There is a time where the veil between the physical and spiritual world is thinner, this is a time that you can connect with your deceased loved one.

Final Thoughts

When the veil is thin between the physical and spiritual world, this is a time that you can connect better with your loved one. You also need to make sure that you are mentally ready to have this kind of reading.

In order to connect with your loved one, the psychic medium will need to speak to the people that have passed to the other side. This can be something that you can watch but if you are still grieving and if they have died close to the reading, this can be an emotional time. Make sure that you are healed enough in your heart to get a reading without getting extremely upset.

Your psychic medium will have the power to connect with your loved one but sometimes the loved one isn’t ready to connect. If this happens, don’t get upset and go back to your psychic at another time for a different reading.

How Does Past Life Regression Help?

Past Life Regression

Past life regression is something that can help you get over past things. If you find that you are triggered by different settings or things in your life, chances are that you are holding back on something that you need to face. This is especially true if you are dealing with anxiety or some kind of déjà vu that makes you feel stressed.

You might worry about things like death and not be sure why or you might hear a firework and it sets you off. This can be irrational to your life, but something is causing it.

Past Life Reading Benefits

Not all of your past life memories are going to be something hard. Sometimes you might just remember awakening, and you might remember having good times. These are the kinds of memories that are good. But if you are having a past life reading because of stress, this can benefit you. Do you have strong emotions? If so, it could be a past life problem that you need to look at.

Some people believe that they have lived a past life, and they feel that they incarnated into a body that had a lot of pass problems. The ideas that they have shown them that there are things such as phobias that don’t make sense. In order to understand this, some scholars think that having a past life regression reading can help to understand the things that you are going through.

Past life readings can be done with different kinds of tools, and it depends on what kind of reader that you get as to how this will happen. Some use tools and some will just use their own intuition when doing a reading. The information that you get form your past life reading can help you to understand your life and help you to live out your journey.

Past Life Reading and Past Life Regression

There is a difference between past life regression and past life reading. This has to do with how they focus on the different questions and what information comes from these things.

One of the common things is that when someone gets a reading, they will have a clear mind and realize that they have gone through things because of what they dealt with in their past life. They can find out what they went through, and they can change their life.

Are You Interested in Your Past Life?

Most people will look at their past life because they want to figure out what happened to them in the past. They are interested in figuring out what kinds of things they did and what they went through. Some will see that they used to be someone important like a historical figure or a spiritual leader.

Their reading can tell them what kind of family they came from and things they did.

Getting Answers to Your Questions

You can get answers to your questions by understanding your past life. There are spiritual things that you have went through and there are important questions that you can ask such as, “Why is my love life not what I think it should be,” or “Why did I choose the career I chose?”  “What is the relationship that I have with the universe?”  These are things that can solve the problems that you face now.

Get to the Past to Move to the Future

You need to understand your past so that you don’t repeat it. If you have things, you are facing that are hard such as fear, unforgiveness or other things then you need to figure out how to get past them.

No matter what has happened in your life, getting a past life reading or past life regression can help you to get insight about who you were and where you will go. This can help you to live your better self and to figure out how you want to be.

If you wonder about your past life, you can get a reading. Get a past life reading and talk to a psychic that can help you to figure out who you were and what you are going to do in your life.