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Knowing Your Angel is Here


Do you ever get the feeling that your angels are close to you? Have you found a sign such as a penny or a feather and you wonder what your angel is trying to tell you?

Angels are there to send you love and to help to heal you when you are hurting. As you live your life, you want to have joy and peace and it is up to you to find this, but you can get the help that you need from your angel guide.

The angels that are in your life are there to help you to have the wisdom that you need so that you can be safe from danger and so that you can make good decisions. They will give you a feeling of love and peace when they are present.

Angels can communicate with you by giving you different signs. The thing is though, your angels work with free will and they will only help you if you allow them to. Once you decide to reject them and to not accept them, they won’t help you anymore.

Here are some signs that your angels are close to you:

White Feathers

A feather can be a sign that your angels are near you. The feather can mean that your angels are trying to give you a sign. You might find the feather in a place that you would never expect to find it such as in your shoe or in your kitchen.

The feather can mean that you need to remember not to give up. This can mean that your angels are there to encourage you and they want you to know that they are there for you.

Pennies and Coins

Pennies and other coins that just seem to come to you from heaven will show you that your angels are there to love you. The coins can help you to understand what is going on in your life. If you find coins in places you least expect it, think about what was going on when you found it.

Does the coin have a special date on it? This can be confirmation from your angel about a question that you asked.

Light Flashing

Some people will see their lights flicker on and off. This might seem strange to you, but the truth is, this can mean that your angels are there for you. You may also see them in orbs in pictures or in circles of light when you are outside.


A rainbow can mean that your angels are there to offer you hope. They want you to know that you need to keep moving forward and not to give up. Also, the rainbow can mean that your angels want you to have patience and faith in yourself so that you can reach your goals.

Talking or Communicating

There are some people that will hear their angels talk to them or they will be given messages from someone else. These messages can also show up on a sign or a billboard. If there are things that you have been struggling with in your life, these signs can show up just to tell you that everything is going to be okay.

Maybe you have something happening in your life that you need an answer to and the signs that you get might come at just the right time. Your angels know when you need them.

Bodily Feelings

If you have goosebumps or get chills for no reason, this can be a sign that your angels are there. This can also be a feeling of warmth or a tingling in your body. The angels have strong energies and when they get close to you, you might feel a sensation on your body.

Being Touched

An angel might come and actually touch you. You might feel them touch you on your shoulder or your back or you might feel a soft brush against your arm or somewhere on your body.

Angels can touch you to communicate with you and sometimes when they get close, the temperature in the room will change. If this is happening when you are praying or meditating, know that the angels are there to listen to you.


Clouds can be signs of angels. If you look at the shapes of clouds and you see an angel shape or you see the shape of a heart, this can be a symbol that your angels are there to guide you. You can also see shapes in your tea or even in your bath soap.


Angels will sometimes show you that they are close to you by sending you certain smells. You might smell perfume, the smell of flowers or even something like food. This can happen when your angels want you to feel comfort and peace.

Television or Music

Angels can communicate with you through things that you see on television or the music that you are listening to. When you have certain issues, a song or a show might come to you that shows you that you can make it through your problems.

Ringing in the Ears

When your ears are ringing, it can be a sign that your angels are trying to show their presence to you. This can be loud or quiet and it is okay to ask the angels to stop making this happen if you feel overwhelmed.

Other Angel Signs

Here are some of the most common angel signs:

  • Repetitive numbers.
  • Phone calls.
  • Coincidences.
  • Beautiful of wonderful things around you.
  • Butterflies.
  • Robins.
  • Babies.
  • Animals.
  • Feeling like you aren’t alone.

Why Encounter Angels?

Angels can come to you when you need them most. Angels will give you messages that you need and when they do, you should always thank them. Intuition helps you to communicate with your angels so make sure that you have an open heart and an open mind when wanting to communicate with them.

Your angels will guide you and if you have respect for them, they will always be there for you. Remember that the signs that come to you are meant for you to interpret and they are there to help you know that your angels are there for you anytime you need them.

Knowing the Types of Mediums


A medium is a psychic that is able to use their extrasensory senses in order to speak to those that have died. They are able to reach into the spiritual world and allow the spirit world to reach into the physical world. When they talk to the spirits, they connect with their energies and they work to bring peace and closure.

Where Did Mediumship Come from?

Mediumship is something that began in the 1800’s. It has been seen since ancient times. Even Abraham Lincoln would use mediums in order to speak to his dead children.

How to Reach Your Mediumship Gifts

A medium is able to reach into the spiritual world through different tools such as meditation. They are able to do this so that they can talk to the dead. A medium is protected by using their gifts so that dark spirits cannot bother them.

A medium will use different kinds of gifts to make sure that the dark spirits stay where they are by using things like white light visions, imagining a bubble around them and by saying positive affirmations.

If someone is faking their mediumship, they can bring pain to the person that believes them. Make sure that you find a medium that is real.

Different Psychic Gifts

There are different kinds of mediums and not all of them have the same types of gifts. Some mediums will have different gifts and a variety of them as well. They will be able to speak in the spirit world through different tools such as telepathy or even channeling.

Mediumship is when a psychic allows the spirit to come to them and sometimes they even give their body over to the spirit and this is where channeling comes from. The medium must have boundaries when doing this.

Mental Mediumship

There are different kinds of mental mediums such as:

  • Clairvoyant mediums: These are mediums that get messages through their mind. They are known to see auras.
  • Clairaudient mediums: These mediums can hear what the spirits are saying and they can hear things through voices, music and more.
  • Clairsentient mediums: These mediums are able to smell scents that have to do with the spirit that has passed on.
  • Clairgustance mediums: These mediums can taste something and this can be the dead persons favorite food or taste.

Physical Mediumship

There are mediums that work in the physical such as:

  • Levitating: These mediums are able to lift themselves into the air.
  • Automatic writing: This is when the medium picks up messages from the spirit world and they write it down.
  • Rapping: This can be done to answer yes and no questions.
  • Ectoplasmic mediums: These mediums have substances that allow the spirit to be seen.
  • Materialization mediums: These mediums do seances and this allows the people getting the reading to see the spirit.
  • Channeling: When the medium opens up their body to the spirit and the spirit enters them.

Known Mediums

There are many known mediums that are famous for what they have done such as:

  • Edgar Cayce: Was known for channeling with spirits.
  • John Edward: Wrote books on channeling and worked on television.
  • Jerry Hicks and Esther Hicks: They would team up and use the Law of Attraction to reach spirits.
  • Jane Roberts: She would channel spirits with a Ouija board and then she would learn to do this without any tools.

Where Are Mediums Seen?

Mediums have been known to be on television and they will do mediumship on real-life television. Some of these include:

  • Kim Russo known as the Happy Medium.
  • Theresa Caputo who is the Long Island Medium.
  • Allison DuBois.

Final Thoughts

Mediums have been seen in movies such as “The Sixth Sense” and other movies and television shows. When you see a medium, they can help you to talk to your dead friends or loved ones and help you to have peace and closure.

Knowing Someone Died is Close to You

Knowing Someone Died is Close to You

There is nothing wrong with sensing that someone that has died is close to you. This might be scary for you at first but if you have these feelings, it doesn’t mean something is wrong with you.

Seeing Someone Who Died

Once someone you love dies, you might see or feel them close to you. Some people will hear them talk or even smell the smell that they had. Some will feel that their presence is there, and it can be something that is comforting but it might also be bothersome.

The experiences that you have with the spirit world are normal and they are not something to be upset about. When someone dies that is close to you, your brain will think that you have to figure out where that person is. It takes time for your brain to realize that someone has died.

When there is someone that you know that has had a traumatic death, this might be someone that you see more than any one else. This can bring a lot of memories or flashbacks to you.

Talking to the Dead

Talking to a person that has dies is also a normal thing. This is part of how many people grieve. You might feel that they are close to you or think that you saw them, and you might even talk to them because sometimes the brain forgets that they are gone.

You may find that you just miss this person and it is comforting to your life to speak to them out loud and that is okay as well. There is nothing wrong with trying to get over your grieving and trying to move forward with your life. These are things that you would have told them when they were alive.

Love Yourself

There are ways that you can love yourself through these things such as:

Being Patient

Experiencing someone close to your or feeling like someone is by you is normal. Some people will tell you that you are going crazy but that isn’t true. You have to be patient with yourself and allow yourself time to grieve.

Writing Letters

Sometimes you might want to write a letter to someone that has died. This will allow you to tell them all of the things you didn’t get to tell them before they died. This can bring closure to you.

Be Kind

Be kind and loving to yourself as you work through the grieving process.

Understand Grief

Grief can be overwhelming and hard to work through but you can do it. Learn about different resources that are available to help you through your grieving process.

Talking to Someone

There are people that you can talk to such as a counselor or a therapist. You can also reach out to family or friends that are willing to help you through your thoughts and feelings. You need to get the support that you need so that you can move forward.

Do Spirit Guides Predict When You Die?

Spirit Guides

People often wonder about death and sometimes they wonder if their spirit guides can tell them when they are going to die. If you have ever had a vision or a dream, you might have met your spirit guide. This can be a time where you converse with your guides and you find out things about your own life and about who they are.

Everyone has guides and at least one of the guides that you have has been with you since you were born. Other guides can come as you live your life on earth. You might not know these guides as much as the guide that has been there forever. Some people have had seven guides over their life, and it can be hard to really get to know them.

On top of knowing your guides, if you have multiple, it can be hard to be able to know if they are speaking the truth to you or not. Most of the time a spirit guide cannot tell you a certain date and this means even in your death. Your guide will not be able to tell you when you are going to die.

Fakes in the Spirit World

There are some spirits that come along to you so that they can joke and trick you. They come to the earth, and they tell you things. It is important that you don’t worry about what these guides say to you and that you just take them for a joke. Don’t get upset and don’t pay attention to things that you don’t feel are real.

You can learn about things such as your spiritual guides by reading books, articles and taking classes. There are pages that you can read on Facebook and other social media so that you can learn more about your guides.

Talking to Your Spiritual Guides

Your spiritual guides are there to help you and you should talk to your guides. You can talk to them just like you would any living thing. The messages that you get from your spiritual guides can help you to know who they are and to know how they want to help you.

A spiritual guide will not come to you just to leave you alone or to scare you and they want to help you by helping you make the best decisions for your life. If you talk to a spiritual guide or a spirit that you think is a guide for you then pay attention to the information that they give you.

What Does a Spirit Guide Do?

Your spiritual guide is there to guide you and to help you to make good decisions. They will help you to do things that are good for your life and when you need someone to talk to or someone to help you make a good decision, you can ask them to help you.

Everyone has a spirit guide, and you can trust your guide. If you don’t feel like you are able to trust a spirit that is close to you then chances are that they are not your guide and they are not there to help you.

When Your Dead Loved One is Close

Losing a loved one to death is something that can be very overwhelming and heartbreaking. But the great thing is that many people believe that when a loved one dies that they are still with you, just in a different form.

As a person goes through death, they want their loved ones to know that they are okay and that they still want to be part of their lives while they are alive on earth. There are different signs that you can notice to know if your loved one is still close to you after they have died.

It is important to know that your spiritual life is as important as your physical life and that once you understand the spiritual world then you can understand things better. Not everyone remembers that they have been alive forever and most only remember their earthly experiences.

When a person dies, their soul goes into energies, and they are able to have freedom to visit people that are still in bodies. The soul of your dead loved one can be right in the same room as you, according to some beliefs.

Some believe that people that leave their body, their soul goes into a different place. This means that the soul can still stay on earth while their loved ones are alive. Even if a person has a funeral, chances are that their spirit is there to see the funeral and the memorial service. They know that they are loved and that their relatives are grieving over them.

The loved ones can make new things happen to you such as you are feeling different sensations so that you know that they are close to you. As you feel them around you, you can get rid of some of the grief that is holding you back. Here are some signs they might be close to you:

Feeling Warm

A person that loses a loved one might be able to feel their warmth if they come to them after they die.  This feeling might be something that comes slowly, or it can come fast. Or, they might feel something rub against their skin or have chill bumps for no reason. Sometimes a person will feel that someone is watching them.

Using the Five Senses

Your five senses can help you to know if your loved one is close to you. Just as if your loved one was still alive, some people can see their loved ones with their eyes after their death. Some will see them jet by while others will have visions of them. Some will hear them calling their name or will have a favorite song or movie come on that was their dead relatives favorite.

The temperature in the room can get hotter or colder and this can cause you to realize that your loved one is close.

Electronics Flashing

Sometimes people will experience their electronics or lights flashing. Sometimes souls will cause the television to turn off or on or the lights will blink. This could be a coincidence, or it could be the fact that your loved one wants you to know that they are close to you.

Some people will have an email or a picture of their loved one come up on their phone or their computer or they will see static or a text message that they had sent you in the past.

Finding Missing Things

A loved one that has died might help you to find objects that used to be theirs so that you can know they are close to you. You might find a ring or a watch that was theirs or even their keys or glasses.

Other people find feathers or coins and stones, or they might have a flower grow that they didn’t plant. Repeating numbers can also mean that your loved one is close to you or if you find random water around the yard or things falling over for no reason.

Butterflies, Birds or Animals

Butterflies, birds or animals are sometimes signs that your loved one is near. Sometimes an animal will show up that is out of season and will get close to you. This can happen with a bird such as a cardinal or a small animal that you don’t normally see. An animal might seem like they are looking right at you, and it can be a message your loved one is trying to send you.

Dreams and Visitations

One of the easiest ways to know that your loved one is close to you is if you dream of them. They can come to your dream and give you messages and help you to not grieve any longer. They want you to remember the dreams and if they show up in your dreams then they want you to have peace.

They can appear to be in your dream just like when they left, or they might even talk to you or give you a message. They can communicate in the dream verbally or even telepathically. This can give you peace and hope.

Out of Ordinary Experiences

Some experiences with your dead loved one will be ordinary, but some will be out of the ordinary. You might meditate and then have a vision of them, or you might have visions of them in the afterlife.

Some will experience out of body experiences where they meet their loved one. This is a time where no one else will see what you are seeing. This can even be like a visit from the angels.


Coincidences and synchronicities happen when your loved one wants you to know that they are close to you. They will place things in your mind, or they will have other people talk to you.  They might have a friend call you that you haven’t heard from in a long time, or you might see something that is interesting that fits your situation in a magazine. These things happen because your loved one wants you to have a happy life.

Asking to Get a Sign

Even if you don’t realize you are getting signs from your dead loved ones, you might be. You can ask them to send you a sign so that you know that they are okay. When you think of them, ask them in your mind.

Ask them to give you a sign that you will know for sure is them. Go in the kitchen and bake something that you and your loved one made together or sing out your favorite songs.  If you see an animal that you both loved, talk to the animal and listen to the signs around you.

You might have to ask once or even more than one time to get your loved one to answer you. Once you start seeing the signs, your energies will build, and you will be able to receive the signs easier. You will be able to have them respond to you and to give you what you are asking for.

You might find that the more signs you look for the more you will see them. Let these signs make you feel good and tell your loved one how happy the signs made you. As you communicate with your loved one in the afterlife, you will see that it gets easier over time, and you can talk to them as you choose.

How Many Past Lives to People Get?

Past Lives

Are you someone that wonders how many lives you have had in the past? Studies have shown that numerology can help you to calculate how many past lives that you have had. You can do this just by using the numbers in your birthday. The Life Path number, also called the resting number can help you to understand your personality, relationships, your life goals and what might happen in your future.

The Life Path Number is a single digit after you add your birth date together. This number can tell you how many past lives that you have lived. Numerology can help to guide you and help you to understand your life in a deeper way. It can help you to understand where your soul has come from and what decisions that you have made and why.

Numerology can help you to figure out what events are going to happen and can teach you what your vibrational frequency is. This is part of your energy man and as you change, your path can change but if you don’t change then the results will stay the same.

What is Numerology?

Numerology is the study of numbers and comes from different cultures. There are scientific evidence that talk about numbers and how they were used in the Egyptian culture and even the Indian and Hebrew Culture. Some numbers were used in the Bible and Pythagoras who was a Greek mathematician is known to follow numerology.

It has been seen that numbers work with music and people think that it carries a unique energy and can be used in different parts of your life.

When you look at odd numbers and add up ones that begin with the number 1, the total always equals a square number. The universe is made up of numbers and values.

Calculating Your Past Lives

Math can seem hard sometimes, but it is not too hard to understand your past life numbers. You need to add the single digits of your birth date including the month, the day and the year until you get your single number. This will be what your Life Path Number is.

For example, if you were born on February 2nd, then you would add a 2 for the second month and then the day and you would get the number 4. Then look at your year. If you were born in 1993 then you would add them together which would be 22 and then break it down 2+2 which equals 4. Then add all the digits together which would give you an 8 and that would be your life path number. That is how many past lives you have had.

Getting a Master Number

If your date is 11, 22 or 33 then this is a master number. You can reduce it to 1 digit, but a master number plays an important part in your destiny so its best to keep it as a double number.

13 Past Lives

It is believed that a past life is part of reincarnation. This means that your soul goes through many lives and as you live your life you learn more and more things. Each of your lifetimes helps you to learn something new and to see life in a different way.

It is hard to get one specific answer and to know exactly how many past lives you have lived because some believe that people have lived thousands of lives. But the 13-life theory tells you that your life or soul will pass through 13 different stages, and you will then reach your enlightenment. Depending on where you are in the stages will depend on who you are.

Using Numerology

Numerology isn’t just about having a past life, but it is about living a significant life. Do you see numbers everywhere or keep having a number repeat in your life? This is a coincidence that can mean that the universe is trying to get your attention.

If you are trying to make a hard decision, pay attention to numbers around you and see if any of them are trying to give you an answer.

What is Your Number?

Once you understand your life path, you can see that there is more about your personality than you might even know. Here are what the numbers mean:

Number 1

This number can mean that you are going to go through something new. It can mean that you reach your goals, and you are independent with who you are. It also means that you are a doubting person.

Number 2

The number 2 can tell you that you have duality. It can mean you have strong intuition, and you make an impact on people you see.

Number 3

This number can mean that you are creative and artistic. It can mean you are smart, and people follow you.

Number 4

The number four can mean you are a practical person and that you are very grounded. It can also mean you are logical.

Number 5

This number can mean you are interactive and energetic. It can mean that you do things that are unreliable at times and that you need to move forward.

Number 6

This number can mean that you are someone that takes care of others. You are a protective person, and you give of yourself more than you should.

Number 7

The number 7 can mean you are spiritual, and you are wise.

Number 8

This number can tell you that you are ambitious and that you need to focus more on the inner man and not materials.

Number 9

A person with the number 9 is one that is a humanitarian. You are more awakened and compassionate than others.

Number 11

This master number can mean that you have strong intuition and ethics.

Number 22

The master number 22 tells you that you can manifest tings into your life.

Number 33

This number, the master number, means that you are awakened, and your soul is strong.

When Your Dead Pet Wants to Talk

When Your Dead Pet Wants to Talk

A pet is often man’s “best friend,” and losing a pet is sometimes the hardest thing to deal with. The great news is that a pet might come back to give you signs to let you know that they are still there and that they love you.

A pet that has died and comes to you in a dream can mean that they are trying to talk to you and communicate with you. They want you to know that they love you and that they are giving you good vibes. Some other signs can be that you smell them or that you feel that they are close.

No matter how you lose your pet, it can cause you to feel grief and sadness. This can be hard for you, and it might be hard for you to cope without your beloved pet. Sometimes a pet will come to you to let you know that they are okay, and they want you to have comfort.

Signs Your Pet is Trying to Communicate

There are many signs that your pet might be trying to communicate with you:


One of the most common ways that a pet might try to communicate with you is in dreams. When a pet has died, they can come to you in your dreams to visit you. There are different interpretations on what these dreams might be but hopefully they bring you comfort.

When you go into REM sleep, it allows your mind to be open to the spirit world and allows you to get messages from your animals.

You See Them

Maybe you see your pet out of the corner of your eye or you see signs that they have been around. This is a way that your pet might be trying to communicate with you. This is the energy from the pet, and they want you to know that they are around you.

This happens usually with people that have clairvoyant gifts, and they can see energies in the form of things.

You Hear Them

Another sign that your pet is trying to communicate with you is that you might hear them. Some people can hear their pets walking on the floor or their bells clinging. They might even hear scratching or animal sounds coming from a different room.

You Smell Them

Scents are very strong to the human persona and if you have a pet that has died and you smell them, they might be visiting you.

Pet scents are associated with memories that you have of your pet, and it can be your pets fir, their littler box, bedding, food or even their breath. People that have clair gifts are often sensitive to smells and can smell their pet after they have died.

You Feel Them

This might be a physical feeling or a sense that your pet is around. If your pet has died and you feel that their presence is there, it probably is.

A pet that has died might be felt jumping in your lap or snuggling with you. Remember that they want you to know that you are loved.

Other Pets or Animals

Another sign that your animal is near in the spirit is that other animals might come to give you comfort. If you feel that an animal acts or looks just like your animal, chances are that it is the spirit of your dead pet. There are some times when an animal will just appear at your door.

Pets in the After World

Death is not the end of a life, and many humans are reborn as human, some say. If you are waiting to find your pet in the next life, you might be able to find them through reincarnation.

Finding a Pet Psychic

If you are wanting to communicate with your dead animal, you can talk to a pet psychic. They can help you to reach your animal and they can embrace their energy for you. This can come to them in the form of feelings, thoughts, or more. They can give you a message from your pet and this can help you to feel comforted and loved.

Reuniting with Your Passed Loved One

Reuniting with Your Passed Loved One

April 6th is considered the Day of Reuniting. This is a day that people can prepare for and is part of the 108th dimension.

What is the 108th Dimension?

The 108th dimension is something that is known as heaven. Some people call it heaven while other religions call it things like Trayastrimsa or Jannah. This is a place that people refer to when someone dies.

All religions have different beliefs and believe different things happen when someone dies. They all say that someone goes to a place, but the places are named different things and they are all referred to as the 108th dimension.

April 6th

April 6th is the Day of Reuniting, and this is found in numerology. This happened in 04/06/2022 and they are the code to opening up the door to this dimension.

There is a lock on the dimension, and it stays locked and only a person that is dying can get there. This stops other souls and astral travelers from being able to go into the dimension. On April 06, 2022, the door will be opened for 6 days.

Once the door is opened, some people will be able to go into a new dimension and they will be able to be reunited with their loved ones that are there.

What Does Reuniting Mean?

This means that you will be able to talk to people that you have lost such as your parents or grandparents.  You can talk to relatives that have died and friends. You will be able to hold them and touch them just like they are still alive.

Why Will This Happen?

This will happen because:

  • On this day, the vibrations will be raised, and it will allow you to be on the same frequency as the dead loved ones. They will be real even though they have passed away.
  • You will learn a Ecto-astral trait that makes it possible for you to go there.

You can do this for 6 days. You will be able to touch and see them and even hold them. Not only will you be able to talk to them, but you will be given the chance to hug them for one last time.

When you get to see someone that is on the other side, you will know that they have made it and that they are okay. You will no longer be stuck, and you will be guided to safety knowing that your loved ones are safe. This will help to let you see them and help them to find their way home.

You might see a friend or a relative and you will be able to talk to them about things that have happened or share a memory with them. You will have the chance to be together with them again. If you miss your grandparents, you can be there to see them. You can get to know them again and tell them about who you are.

If you need closure, this will be a time to get it. You will have the chance to love them again and to see them. You can even see your pets and talk to them and pet them again. This will be a powerful experience and not many people know about it.

Once the day of Reuniting comes, you will be able to see friends, relatives, loved ones and pets that have passed away. You will have an experience that will change your life.

April 6th to April 12th, 2022

These are the days that you will be able to reunite with those that have passed on. You will be able to touch them and to talk to them. They will come to you as living beings do.

You will have a happy time with them, and it won’t be sad or heartbreaking. You won’t want it to end but you will get a chance to tell them that you love them and that you will be there again someday. Take time to love them and to hug and kiss them.

Take time to understand them and let them know that you missed them and love them.

What to Do

If you want to be reunited with your loved ones again, here’s what to do:

  • Know this only happens once every 5,000 years.
  • Take this time to heal.
  • Have closure.
  • Let your energies get high.
  • Know what will happen.

Once you are prepared for this, you can be ready to see someone that you haven’t seen in a very long time or even someone that has died recently. This can be a chance of a lifetime.

Understanding Past Life Regression

Past Life Regression

Have you ever been around someone, and they seemed so familiar like you had known them forever even though you just met them? There are therapists that can help with past life regression that can help you to know why you know that person.

When someone gets past life regression therapy this is something that is supposed to help reach your conscious soul. This is part of reincarnation studies, and many believe that there are memories that come from one life to another. Some believe that everyone has a type of consciousness that allows them to see things in a past life.

Others believe that memories or traumas from a past life can explain why people have problems in their present life. So, someone that is a past life regression therapist might be able to help find out why the client has issues and struggles in their jobs, relationships and more.

Some therapists believe that someone cannot move forward until they face their past life. They need to know how to access it and then process what happened to them so that they can release it and live a better life.

Past Life Regression Therapy

Past life regression therapy will happen when a therapist has you relax and to think of memories from the past life. Some associate this with hypnosis. This can help the client to be able to figure out details of their life from looking at the past and things that have went wrong with people and places. This can help a person to become unstuck in their present life.

During this therapy, some are even able to see why and how they died. This helps them to know what impacts them such as phobias and helps them to be able to let go of these things. The experiences that they carry are able to be moved to a different place so that the message that they get is that of healing.

Knowing Your Past Life

When you do your own past life regression therapy, you can choose someone to guide you. This can give you ways to tap into your inner being and to find past memories that you can use to understand what is going on in your life now.

Before you do your own therapy, you need to know that there might be memories from your past that are hard to accept. Always start the sessions slow and make sure that you are prepared for things to come up that you never imagined.

What You Can Do

Here are some things you can do to move forward in your past life regression therapy:

Find Ideas and Clues

Look for things in your life that you think are strange and find out if it is related to your past life. See if things seem familiar to you or if you have skills that you didn’t realize.


Your dreams can give you clues on your past life. If you wake up after a very vivid dream, journal it. This can help you to come up with ideas about what happened to you in the past.

Get Guidance

You can ask your guides to help you. Do this when you meditate. Before you even begin thinking about your past life, try to ask your angels or your guides to direct you down the right path.

Science and Past Life

Science doesn’t support past life regression even though there are multiple claims that it is real. There are some children that have memories of past lives that are able to be looked up and studied. These children are able to give details of lives from the past and they aren’t old enough to even know where these memories would come from.

There are people that are very skeptical of past life regression and even though there are children that have proven this to be true, there is not enough documentation to make this a thing of science. Even with research, there are subjective experiences that are not able to be measured and this makes it hard to document as science.

Final Thoughts

Past life regression therapy is a thing that helps people to be able to understand their past life better. This can help them to access memories and problems that the past has caused them. Some might find this to be a spiritual thing while others might explore it just to know more about who they are.

When you have a perspective as to why you are here, on the Earth, you might want to find out where you came from and what kind of existence that you have had in the past.

Crossing to the Other Side

Crossing to the Other Side

People often wonder what is going to happen to them when they cross over. Some will read books and watch videos so that they can understand what death will bring them. A person that is dying will sometimes report seeing their bodies floating above them like an out of body experience. They will hear the doctors trying to bring them back to life.

These people have also reported being able to see their family in the waiting room. If they have been in a coma, they might know that people are in the room with them even if they cannot respond. They might be able to see the gifts and flowers surrounding them and have comfort by the soft music playing in the room.

The out of body experience that these people have can be read about. Sometimes they say that they saw lights and that the lights made them feel comfort and they wanted to go towards it. They might also feel their guides or their angels with them.

As they go through the light, they are comforted, and they see their family, friends and animals around them that they had while on the earth. Everyone is going to die and if they pass through life fast or if they have something bad happen to them such as being murdered, it can be hard for people to accept.

What Do Psychics Believe?

Psychics believe that when a person dies a tragic death that they will transition to the other side slowly and they will still feel the love and care. As the soul moves and adjusts, they get a chance to look at their life. If their soul has caused pain or has committed any crimes, it can cause them to feel bad in the afterlife.

They will know that the pain that they gave to others will come back to them. This is how they learn in their next life to have love and compassion for others. They might not understand the pain that they have caused others will come back to them, but it will, according to psychics.

If a person was kind and loving, then it is thought that in their new life that they will be treated well, and good things will happen for them. They might wake up in their new life with a great body, being rich, having power and fame and getting the chance to live the best life.

People should never live their life in hopes of having the best life in the world but to treat others with love and respect. The way that your soul lives should be for goodness and for kindness. The family soul group that you have in your afterlife will be where you reincarnate back to.

As you reincarnate, you will see that as you go from life to life that you will be different each time. You might be a mom, dad, grandmother, grandfather, aunt, uncle, daughter or son. You might come back in different jobs such as a doctor, teacher or lawyer.

Psychics believe that when you die that things will be different for you in the next round, and this has to do with karma. This can help people to make better decisions in life and to learn to teach others kindness, love and compassion.