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What to Say to a Medium


There are many people that will consult a medium when someone that they love has died. It can take months before you are able to talk to someone because of grief and sometimes this can leave you unsure of what to say.

When you say things like, “if I could only talk to them again,” or “I wish I had told them how much I loved them before they died,” then chances are that you are ready to talk to a medium. If you are someone that wasn’t able to talk to your loved one before they passed, reaching out to a medium can help.

How Can a Medium Help?

Here are some ways a medium can help you:

  • Get Rid of Grief

Grieving can be hard, and it is full of emotion. It can be hard for you to connect with your spiritual guides when you are grieving, and this means that you might miss out on messages from your loved one. By seeking a medium though, they can help you get your messages.

  • Communicating One More Time

Some people only need to be able to tell their loved one something that they didn’t get to say before they passed. This can be very emotional. When you speak to a medium, be prepared to cry and be ready for this. When you want to share your message, make sure that you know what you want to say and that you share all the important things while you are with your medium. Your medium can help to open up this communication.

  • Advice

A medium can give you advice when you want to reach your loved one that has passed on. They are there to help you to see things from a different perspective and they are there to give you insight that your loved one wants to share with you. Since the spiritual world can be part of the physical world, the medium can help you to communicate with them at a different level.

What Can Happen in a Reading?

Here are some things that can happen during a reading:

  • Strong Emotions

Your medium will be there to help you to connect with your loved one. Mediums are empaths and they are able to feel the emotions. Your loved one will be able to reach out to them, but it is important that you wait for three months before you try and do this.

  • They Might Not Show Up

Chances are that your loved one might not show up when the medium calls on them. Spirits will do whatever they want to do and don’t get discouraged if this happens. Be open minded and keep your heart open to the reading.

  • Death Doesn’t Change Them

Your loved one won’t turn into an angel just because they die. They will have the same energies that they had before they die. They will have the same personalities.

  • Don’t Substitute Counseling

If you are really sad, talk to a counselor. Talking to a medium doesn’t replace talking to a counselor when you are grieving. Grieving can be hard and if you need to talk to someone then don’t fail to do this.

Final Thoughts

Talking to a medium can help you to connect to your loved one that has passed on. Doing this can bring you peace and can help you to move on in your life without fear or doubt.

The Final Reincarnation


If you are someone that believes in reincarnation, then you might wonder what happens to the soul during this time. The soul is the part of the body that never dies, and many believe that the soul will go through different processes and end up in different bodies.

What happens though when the soul goes through its final reincarnation? Once reincarnation happens, the soul will reunite with another family, and this happens on an astral plane. There are many people that will be part of this family, and this can be different soulmates.

Once the soul has reunited with all of the people that the universe has put in their life, they will finish their soul journey. There are two more stages that they have to go through to finish the journey and these take place in the spiritual world and not the physical.

Transcendental Soul Stage

This is the stage that is considered the sixth stage. During this stage, the causal plane gives them an understanding of the family group that they have been reunited with on the physical form. This is the time that the soul is reintegrated and anything that was fragmented now leaves.

Teachings show that the souls in this stage are completing their journey. Some believe that more than 1,000 souls have already completed this. This is a time that the individual is still there, but their conscious mind unites with their energy and nothing else matters. They are finally in a place where they have reached their goodness.

The soul at this level will not need to reincarnate again because they have already met their soul family. This is often called the Michael teachings and there are some that have reached this journey such as:

  • Gandhi.
  • Mohammed.

People that reach this stage have moved to their tantric center and they are able to bring energies into their life.

Infinite Soul Stage

The last stage is the seventh stage, and this is when the conscious mind will connect with the eternal world. This is called Tao. At the end of this stage the soul is one that is creative and that is part of the universe. This is a final place and is bliss and evolution that is needed.

The soul will not need to reincarnate in this stage either but sometimes they will go back to the physical world to manifest or to shift their consciousness to help others.

Manifestation can be done at this level because this is the Infinite soul level, and this is a place of unity, love, and truth.  There are some that have reached this stage such as:

  • Buddha
  • Krishna

The infinite soul represents the universal plane, and it is a place of beauty for the soul. The Infinite soul is one that will have been born and their personality will be one that is self-realized and one that has had an abundance of energy. They are able to manifest in this stage completely or partly.

When the soul is in this stage, they are fully able to manifest love, unity, and truth. This is the final stage and is one that will allow the person to be free forever of their bodies.

Grieving Through the Loss of a Loved One


Have you ever lost someone that you love in your life such as a mother, father, sibling, spouse, or someone else? Maybe you felt that you miss them with everything in you and your heart is always feeling at a loss. When someone dies and you realize that they are gone, it might cause a darkness to wash over you.

Are They Really Gone

As a psychic or a medium, you might realize that there are spirits in this world. The spirit of a person can make a psychic wonder if the person that has died has really left them or if they are going to always be there. The energy that pulls the heart strings and causes there to be grief might never leave the person, even if the know that the spirit is still there with them.

Someone dies everyday and this means that everyday someone loses someone. It can be a mother that gave birth to you and no matter who the person is or what relationship status you had; you might realize that you miss this person. If you had a mom that you have lost that was controlling, passionate, toxic, bad or anything else, she is the one that raised you and when she passes, it can be hard to deal with. It can be difficult to deal with the death of anyone that you love, and grieving can cause there to be a loss that is unique to each person.

Most people will grieve and will feel angry at least once in the situation. Other people will withdraw themselves and might seem quiet while they try to heal. Even if you miss someone that has died, you need to remember them.

Were they funny? Smart? Troublemakers? Serious? Each person is going to be different and will guide you along your path in life in a different way. The thing is many psychics believe that you can communicate with spirits even after they leave the earth, and this isn’t just for a mom but for anyone that dies.

Sharing a Legacy

If you have lost a loved one, know that the passing is real, and you will still love that person. They will be someone that you remember for the rest of your life. Most will remember the beautiful times but sometimes they will remember other times as well. As a medium, this kind of psychic is able to speak beyond the world into the spiritual world. They can ask the spirits to come, and they will be able to talk to the spirits.

Some mediums will use special tools such as tarot cards or other tools in order to do a spiritual reading. This is a time that they can call to the spirits that have passed away and sometimes the spirits will come to talk back.

When They Hear You

A medium will try and communicate with a spirit and the spirit can hear them. They can give signs that they are there and that the person that passed away can leave a sign that they are okay or that they are doing fine.

Dealing with the Death of a Loved One

Rather you have lost a mother or someone else in your life, here are some ways that you can deal with that death, and you can deal with the grief of your loss:

  • Remember Them

It is important that you remember that person and you don’t forget who they are or what it felt like when they were here. Even if you need to cry when you think of them, do that, and don’t fight the memories that come.

  • Let Healing Happen

Don’t rush through your healing and let it happen. It takes your mind, body, and spirit time to recover when you are grieving just like when you are recovering from a sickness. Let yourself grieve and make sure that you’re taking care of yourself along the way.

  • Schedule

Schedule things in your life that you need to do so that you don’t become unbalanced or withdrawn. Make sure that you’re doing the things that you have to do each day and that you are battling past any depression that tries to settle in.

  • Talk to a Medium

If you need to, you can talk to a psychic medium that can help you to communicate with your dead loved one. You can ask them to help you to have peace and to talk to the spirit about healing and about excitement and peace. You can sometimes even talk to the spirits when you do a mediumship reading.

  • Talk to Them

Even if you can’t see them, your loved one can hear you and you can speak to them. Talk to them like they are there in front of you. If you need to, write a letter to them, and tell them how you feel.

  • Communication After Passing

When someone dies that you love you will miss them. You might feel them close to you right away though and this is a time that you can speak to them, and you can feel close to them. Some people get so deep in their grief that they forget to get out of bed, and they just dwell in their own depression. You might wish that you could hold your loved one and that you could feel them close to you. There are ways that you can communicate with your loved one after they die:

  • Honor Them

Start by honoring the person that you have lost. Notice if you smell their perfume or if you hear their favorite song on the radio. This is part of your healing, and you need to notice these things.

  • Make Their Favorite Food

Take time to make their favorite food dish. This can be something that they loved to cook or something that you loved to cook for them.

  • Talk to a Psychic

Talk to a psychic that can help you to communicate with your loved one that has passed on.

  • Read or Watch Their Favorite Thing

Read their favorite book or watch their favorite movie or show on television. This can help you to remember the fun times that you had sharing things together.

  • Say Hello

At any time, both morning or night, you can speak to the spirit, and you can tell them good morning or goodnight. This gives you a chance to communicate like they are still with you.

Are They Trying to Contact You?

There are some signs that your loved one might be trying to contact you. If you feel that they are close to you, you will feel excitement, and this is something that you need to acknowledge. Don’t be afraid if they come to you and learn to embrace it without fear. Here are some ways you might notice them:

  • Electrical Faults

One of the easiest ways for the spirit world to contact you is through electricity. You might be sitting there thinking about how sad you are, and they could show up by flickering the lights on and off. This can also happen if the television flickers or changes channels or if there is just something strange that is getting your attention.

  • Feeling Them

You might be someone that is more in tune with the spiritual world and if you are you might actually feel their presence around you. This can feel like they are tapping you on the shoulder or that they are standing in the room with you. Some people will even hear the spirits speak to them.

  • Changes in Temperature

A spirit can come and can cause the temperature to change around you so that they can get your attention. If you feel that the room has gotten hotter or colder out of nowhere, this can be a sign that they are trying to show you that they are there.

  • Dreams

Some spirits will come in your dreams because this is one of the easiest ways that they can communicate with you. The things that they say are important and you need to pay attention to what is being said and how in the dream. Note every detail of the dream and write it down. This can allow you to go back and figure out more about what the spirit was trying to tell you.

A spirit will come to you to show you love and comfort and not to harm you or to hurt you even more. They want to communicate with you and just because their body dies, it doesn’t mean that their soul dies with them.

Dealing with the Death of a Mother on Mother’s Day

If you are someone that has lost your mother and you have to deal with things like “Mother’s Day,” there are things that you can do to remember your mom even if she has passed on to the other side. Don’t stop celebrating her just because she isn’t with you and learn to open your heart and loving her on that day. Avoiding things like birthdays, holidays and other special days will only make you grieve more and will only make your heart sadder. Don’t be afraid to celebrate and do it in a way that you feel the best.

There are no rules that you have to follow these days and you can do whatever you want. Go to her grave, sing her a song, write her a letter, or just take time to embrace memories that you have of her. Don’t avoid these days because it will only make it harder for you to move forward if you do.

Understanding Past Life with Tarot

Past Life with Tarot

Tarot cards are a deck of cards that psychics and other people often used to help them to understand what is going on in their lives. They can take the cards and find out the meanings of the cards and how they affect them in some way or another.

The cards are there, and they are full of symbols, colors, and messages. This can help you to discover who you are as you use your own intuition to guide you as to what the cards mean.

Tools of Divination

Tarot cards are tools of divination just like numerology, astrology or more. They are a tool that can help the psychic or yourself to connect with the spiritual world and to give you answers that you need.

Tarot cards are designed to give you answers through symbols and meanings and they are full of colors and pictures. There are Major Arcana cards that have 22 and there are Minor Arcana cards with 56 cards and four suits. Each are part of the zodiac and will give meanings and directions.

Understanding Your Past Life

It is important that you understand your past life. If you believe in reincarnation, you believe that you have a soul that has been in different bodies. If you have things that you don’t understand about yourself, getting a past life reading with tarot cards might help you.

  • Fear and Trauma

A past life reading can help you to understand the fears you have and the trauma that is associated with these fears. You might see that you have issues and that you need to learn how to face them. Use tarot cards to help you get there.

  • Talents

Past life readings can help you to know the talents that you have and to understand why you are able to do certain things. Some people can do things that they have never been taught and this could be why.

  • Relationships

A past life reading can help you to understand the patterns of your relationships. Maybe you keep going into the same messes and you want to know why.

  • Purpose

Use this kind of reading to find your life purpose and the reasons that you are on the journey that you are on.

  • Past and Future

The things that you see in your life can help you to understand who you are and why. If you are looking at your past, you can see that it can even help you to get past this and to look towards your future. The behaviors that you have and the patterns that you have can give you meaning to your life.

When themes keep coming up, chances are that you might need to get a reading to understand this more.

Tarot Cards and Past Life

You can use the tarot cards or get a tarot card reading to understand your past life even better.

Past Life Tarot Spread

There are different tarot spreads that you can use to find out who you were in the past. You can ask questions about your death and about who you were and how you lived. This is a good place to start if you are getting a reading.

This kind of spread doesn’t have to be done in one sitting and you can do part of it and then come back to it later. The more that you meditate over the information that you get, the better the outcome can be for you.

The spread can have a lot of symbolism and imagery and it might take time for you to meditate over the information that comes to you. This is a time that you can explore yourself and your own readings.

Doing a Past Life Tarot Spread

Find a place where you can relax and that you can ease your mind. Meditate for a few minutes and ask your spiritual guides to guide you and to help you to get the answers that you need.

Once you are in a quiet place and in the right state of mind, shuffle the cards. Do this until you feel that you are done and then pick 8 cards. Leave them face down and then as you turn the cards over, see what they mean.

  • Card 1

This card is the gender card. This should be a symbol for you. There are people that see gender as fluid, but the first position should be your appearance of your gender.

  • Card 2

This card will mean your family. It shows the relationship that you have with your family and how important family is to you.

  • Card 3 and 4

These cards are your inner and outer personality. It will show things about who you are such as if you are kind, giving, a go-getter or if you spend your life doing certain things. These are traits that might have changed over time. The inner personality is the ones that reveal who you are and how people around you see you.

  • Card 5

This card shows your life events that are important. It can help you to understand where you are in your life now.

  • Card 6

This is the impact card. It is what has affected you over the past lives. Were you a queen or a king? This is a card that can mean you were powerful or someone that was lowly.

  • Card 7

This card is the life lessons that you learned in your past life and how they affected you. You have learned things, and this is telling you what lessons you have learned.

  • Card 8

This is the death card. This will show you how you died in your past life. This can be an emotional card and it can be part of who you are spiritually.

Past Life Tarot Reading

You might see that you need to know about your past life, and you can find out what the cards mean. Here is an example of what a past life reading might look like:

  • Card 1: Gender

This card can be the World Tarot card, and this can mean that your gender, if you are a woman, is female. It can show that you have a beginning or an end to a cycle. This means that you have a lot of karma to work for and if you have lived many lifetimes then you need to continue on your soul journey to make up for the karma.

  • Card 2: Family

This can be the Lovers card, and this can speak about who you are as a husband or a wife. It can tell you that you have a union with your husband that is peaceful, and you have found your soulmate. This can be a lover that is shown naked, and it can be someone that is shown in royalty.

  • Card 3: Personality

This could be the Empress card and it is one that sees a strong lady that is the head of her home. This is someone that is influential and can change the world around them. If you want to help others, then you can do this because of your financial or social situation.

  • Card 4: Inner Personality

If you draw the Ace of Cups card with this, it can mean that you are trying to get advice and you want to be creative and see new things. It can also mean you want to make a difference in someone else’s life.

  • Card 5: Event

This can also be the Ace of Swords card and it can mean that you need to change the way that you are thinking to something new. It can shift your thoughts and cause you to look at the world differently. You might want to help others by doing humanitarian work and to make a difference. It is part of who you are in your spiritual self and the duty that you owe the world.

  • Card 6: Impact

This can be the Judgement card and that can mean that it has caused you to have a shift which means that you have to look deep in yourself. You might need to forgive someone or to do something that changes the way that the world works.

  • Card 7: Lesson

If you draw the Two of Pentacles in this, it can mean that you need to change something in your life and you need to figure out what lessons that you have learned. What has made a difference in you? Learn to take action and to be brave to make changes that can help you learn the lessons at hand.

  • Card 8: Death

When the Eight of Swords is drawn it can mean that you feel that you are prisoner in your mind. It can mean that things are blocking you from getting knowledge or that older age has stopped you from being able to think about things. It can see that you are confused or that you have some kind of mental illness. This might be a time that you have died a positive or negative life.


The reading can give you an idea of who you were in a past life. It can show if you were married or if you were someone that stayed single. It can show you if you have conflicts or if you were peaceful. Did you die of old age peacefully or were you someone that was killed or murdered?

You can get this tarot reading and you have to trust the cards and the ideas behind the cards. The themes that show up can help you to understand your life and to have healing in your situations.

As you see the lessons that you learned and the things that came with your journey you will be able to figure out the lessons that you learned and what they taught you.

Looking at Your Parallel Life

Parallel Life

Do you believe that your soul experiences different universes? Some people believe that the soul is something that exists in more than one universe and even though one might be more real to them, the soul can be in more than one body at one time, according to some people.

Living a concurrent lifestyle means that you are living in two parallels at the same time. Some say that this is living in the past and the future at the same time. Here is what that means:

  • Parallel self: You share a reality with someone that has the same soul as you such as your twin flame.
  • Parallel life: Means that you share a different universe, but you can only focus on one at a time.


There are two people, Bruce Goldberg and Dolores Cannon that made hypnotherapy popular. They believe that with this kind of therapy, people can reach their parallel lives.  Goldberg calls this progression and age-progression, and this is when your conscious mind is in two different places at one time.

Progression can mean that you are moving towards your future and age-progression can mean that you are moving forward towards your future. Some people call this soul surfing.

When you are going into this universe change, you are reaching your Akashic records at the Akashic call. This is a library that holds all things in your life from your past, present and future. Here are the benefits of this:

  • Finding yourself.
  • Finding your karmic destiny.
  • Healing relationships.
  • Understanding people more.
  • Finding the reality that reaches your desires.
  • Letting realities and dreams manifest.
  • Spiritual growth.
  • Avoid problems.
  • Find skills and talents that keep you real.
  • Learning the lessons of your soul.
  • Increasing your incarnation chances.

Channeling Parallel Realities

People can reach these parallel areas by dreaming. Some will meditate and others will use self-hypnosis. Here is how self-hypnosis works:

Using Self-Hypnosis

  • Set your intention and let your reality be detailed. Write down what you feel. Use your telepathy to understand your environment. Find a comfortable place to sit and wear comfortable clothing.
  • Check your pulse point on your neck and wrist and see if your pulse increases or decreases as you relax.
  • Count from 50 down and as you do breathe deeply. This will help you to have deep relaxation.
  • If you feel uncomfortable going to self-hypnosis, imagine things like wings, flowers or other things that can get you calm.
  • If your ego shows up, stay calm and imagine a white light surrounding you and protecting your energy.
  • Ask your higher self to help you.
  • Get information and relax as you do.
  • As you move through your life, open up your consciousness and experience what you are going through.
  • Look at the details that your senses are showing you and figure out who you are.
  • Don’t ask too many questions at this time.
  • When you are ready to leave, do it. Count from 1 to 5 and let your image come to your senses.
  • Write down what you experienced.

It will become easier to do self-hypnosis as you practice it. As you channel your lifetimes, you will see that you can learn more about who you are. View the different realities and don’t let things stress you out.

The experiences that you have will be different than the experiences that other people have. You might experience déjà vu times and you might also have clear knowing that you aren’t sure where it comes from. Meditate on these things.

Some believe that as you reach your parallel universe, you will be able to split your soul into two bodies. This will help you to see yourself in a different life. Some people have claimed to have had three different versions of their lives in one setting.

Opening Your Medium Gifts

Opening Your Medium Gifts

One of the biggest things that people want to know is if they can become a medium and how. If you are asking this question, you are probably someone that knows that they have special gifts, and you are waiting for your medium gifts to come out. You might have to learn how to develop these skills, and these are skills that can take you beyond being a psychic and lead you to being a medium.

If you are someone that wants to learn how to be a medium, make sure that you are taking time to practice your skills and that you are being patient with yourself. You can’t just want to be a medium and see your gifts develop but you have to work at this.

Psychic Versus Mediumship

A psychic is someone that can look into the past, present and future. They are able to use their spiritual senses in order to understand things that are happening around them. Here are some of the clair gifts that are often part of being a psychic:

  • Clairvoyant

This means clear seeing and this can be someone that is able to see visions or to know things that they see in their mind.

  • Clairsentient

This means clear feeling. This is when you are able to get information from what your feelings are showing you. You might walk into a room, and you feel stressed or anxious and this can happen because someone in the room has just had a big fight with their partner.

  • Clairaudient

This means clear hearing. This can mean that you can hear things in the spiritual world, and you might even hear music or someone talking to you.

  • Claircognizant

This means clear knowing. This can be a psychic that is able to just know things without having real information.

Medium Gifts

A person that is a medium is first a psychic. They are someone that has psychic gifts, but they have a gift that goes even a step further. Mediums are able to speak into the spiritual world and to hear from spirits. This can be similar to being able to tune into a radio station but instead your mind tunes into the spiritual world and can hear things.

A person that is a psychic medium is someone that can get information from the spiritual world, and they can develop this by increasing their vibrations and making a place to communicate with the spirit world.

Becoming a Medium

You can become a medium if you have this in your soul already. This can be something that your intuition has showing you. Maybe you have thought of someone in your life and then out of nowhere they call you or you might have a desire to go somewhere because you feel that you are drawn there and then something happens that is shocking. This is how your intuition works.

Everyone has intuition and this is your gut feeling. This is when something inside of you lets you know if something is right or wrong, if someone is lying, if something is dangerous or if you need to change your path in life. This is part of being a medium and having that kind of gift.

Are You Psychic?

You can find out if you are psychic if you are someone that gets messages out of nowhere or you seem to just know things. Here are some traits of a psychic:

  • Being sensitive.
  • Being aware of a place or a vibration.
  • Knowing something is good or bad.
  • Knowing if someone is lying.

The things above can be signs that you are a psychic. There are other things that can show you that you have these gifts, but you need to take time to develop each gift that you have. Don’t rush things and let the development happen.

You can’t control your gifts from coming but you can learn how to experience them in a way that is safe for you. You have to learn to consciously apply yourself and learn how to control what is going on around you.

How to Become a Medium

Once you understand what a medium is, you might have a desire to be one. This means that you are recognizing that there are psychic gifts that you have. You might be able to read into the future or you might be someone that is sensitive to the world around you.

Whatever you are doing or wherever you are in your psychic gift, you can keep increasing your gifts. Here is how:

  • Don’t ignore a feeling that you have.
  • When you sense something, pay attention to it.
  • Trust your gifts.

Knowing Your Guides

Once you decide you are going to be a psychic medium, you have to learn to have the support that you need from your guides. This can include your angels or your spirit guides. You need to meet them and spend time with them. As you learn who they are and what they stand for, you will see that these are your friends, and they are there to help you. Here is how to talk to your guides:

  • Ask your guides to show up.
  • Ask them to help you.
  • Ask the guides for messages.
  • Meditate and ask your guides to show themselves.
  • Connect with your guides.

Listen to the Signs

Accept that you want to be a psychic medium and let your signs show you who you are and where you are meant to go. Develop your gifts and as you do this, you will see that signs will follow.

You might have a revelation and you might be able to change directions because of a feeling that you have.

Increased Sensitivity

Once your gifts start to develop, you will feel that your aura is stronger. You will have more sensitivity that you are used to. This will happen when things begin to bother you that don’t normally bother you. You might be more sensitive to spiritual voices, and you might hear noises around you that the spirits are making.

Increased sensitivity can cause you to be depressed or moody and it can cause you to feel different. This happens because your aura is changing and as you learn how to manage it, you will be able to manage your mood better.

Protecting Yourself

You have to learn to protect yourself as a medium. This is important so that you can be safe. Here is how you can protect yourself easily:

  • Imagine a shield around you.
  • Visualize a bubble around you.
  • Imagine that you are under a water and that the water is washing you clean from negative feelings.

There are other visualization techniques that you can use. Find ones that help to boost your mood and keep you strong.

Trust Who You Are

You have to learn to trust yourself and your gifts. As you listen to your intuition more, you will see that you can trust yourself more and this will help you to develop. Self-trust can help you to be able to listen to yourself and to your guides. Here are some ways to develop the trust that you have for yourself:

  • Ask your spirit guides to help you trust yourself.
  • Learn to think beyond your norm.

External Resistance

There will be resistance when you first start using your gifts. Don’t be upset about this. You will have friends and family members that might question you and will doubt you. They will not understand your mediumship gift and they will not understand why you are even going in that direction.

You might also find that you have self-doubt. This can be harder to fight because it can be hard to trust yourself. You can learn to do this though and this will help you to grow. Meditating is one way that you can trust yourself more. Here is how to meditate:

  • Find a quiet place.
  • Concentrate on what your heart is saying.
  • Find silence in yourself and meditate on a regular basis.

Be Attentive

Pay attention to the information that you get. This can be information that comes through your senses, and it might not even make sense to you. As you train your mind and you meditate, you will be able to see that your moods and your actions are different.

You will see that your psychic gifts might not make sense and they might be wild. Learn to stop listening to your logical mind and pay more attention to the information that you are getting through your senses. Here is how to develop your attention:

  • Meditate.
  • Be mindful of what you are saying.
  • Listen to your senses.
  • Notice your feelings.
  • Pay attention to your intuition.

Questioning Yourself

Stop questioning yourself. When your gifts start to develop, you might find that you are questioning things that seem weird or things you don’t understand. You will get lots of information and it can be easy to want to filter through it, but you need to learn to listen to whatever is being said and to be confident that you are getting information from the spiritual world. Trust it as you embrace your gift.

Speak It

A good psychic medium is someone that will say whatever they are hearing in the spiritual world. They will deliver the messages that they get form the spirits and they will not say what someone is wanting to hear but what they really hear. Here are some ways to avoid editing what you say:

  • When you get a message, say what it is.
  • Deliver the messages without changing them.
  • Have integrity.
  • Don’t let yourself get in the way of your spirit work.

Work with Integrity

Once you decide to become a medium, make sure that you are being truthful and real. Don’t give messages just to lift people up but learn to take the messages that you get and say them without filtering them.

Respect others but instead of being positive or adding things to make things seem better, give the message no matter what I tis.

Receiving Information

You will get a variety of information and you might be tempted to use your gift all the time. This can be someone that you see on the street that is struggling or someone that is going through grief. The thing is, not everyone wants to have a message from you, and you need to learn to be respectful of these people.

Make sure that you have boundaries and that if you want to give a message that you are able to ask your guides and then ask the person if they want the message or not.

Don’t Get Lost

Don’t get lost in your gifts. You will have different experiences and you will see that you might feel that you have lost your gift. You haven’t. Sometimes you will get more information than other times. You have to learn to manage your gift and not to get frustrated. As you grow, you will see new things, support yourself.

Develop Your Skills

You need to develop your skills and learn to find comfort in your gift. You can use different tools with your gift such as tarot card reading or palm reading, and these can help you to develop your mediumship along the way. As you listen to the tools, let them guide you.

Don’t Attach

Don’t attach to the spirits as things change and shift. You might want the spirits to always let you in their world, but this isn’t always the best thing. Ask your spirit guides to help you and whatever you are doing, honor your guides and what they tell you.

You Won’t Be Perfect

You aren’t going to be a perfect person or a perfect medium. You might want to develop your gift and put yourself all in but make sure that you are taking care of your body, mind, and soul along the way.

Enjoy Your Gift

As you go through your journey, notice that you will have different gifts come up. Learn something new each time you open yourself up to the gifts that you have. Develop your gifts and learn something new each day. Celebrate yourself as you grow and discover new things that you never knew about yourself.

Understanding Past Life Regression

Past Life Regression

There are many people that believe in past lives. This is something that is exciting to some while others don’t believe in it at all. Past life regression is something that happens when someone isn’t able to remember if they had a past life or not.

There might be certain things or places that you are attracted to, and you aren’t sure why. This is where past life regression therapy can help you.

Past Life Regression

The soul is something that can come back to earth over and over again. This is when someone is born into different bodies over and over again and their soul keeps exploring more things.

Some people don’t realize that past life regression is a way to heal and when you have bad things that have happened in your past life such as being murdered or having your heart broken, this kind of therapy can help you to heal from these things.

Past Life Regression Therapy

During past life regression therapy the therapist might do hypnotherapy, or they might do other things to help you get rid of your fears. Sometimes hypnosis is there, and people use it to open up the things from their past or things that they aren’t aware of in their life. This is a way of deep meditation, and it can help to get answers.

The practitioner is one that will start talking at the beginning of the session and this will help the client to be calm and to open up their conscious mind. This helps them to get to an Alpha and Theta sate.

Once you meditate, you will see that you can start visualizing what you see in your mind and if you have psychic gifts like being clairvoyant, you will see that you might be able to see visions from your past life. One thing to note is that you are always in control during hypnosis, and you can come back to reality anytime that you want to.

What Do You See During Past Life Regression Therapy?

There are different things that people see during past life regression therapy such as:

  • Chronological order of life.
  • Some will see many different lifetimes.
  • Things that need to be healed.
  • Some see into ancient times.
  • Visions that are numerous, some up to 20 visions per session.
  • The next lifetime.

This kind of therapy can be so touching that it leaves people with strong emotions. This can help the client to get rid of trauma that they have been holding on for years and years and maybe even since their first past life.

How Can Past Life Regression Help?

One thing that can be done during this therapy is that it can help you to get rid of trauma and emotions from your past life. Even when ideas or thoughts come to your mind, you can learn to get rid of these before placing any kinds of judgements in your life.

You can use your intuition to help you to understand certain things that you see in your memories or in your conscious mind. If there is trauma or grief, you need to be able to access this so that it can bring healing to your life.

Final Thoughts

If you are reading this article, you are probably drawn to your past life, and you might be considering past life regression therapy. This can be something that can give you answers to things that you are experiencing now based on what happened to you in the past. This is a type of healing that can stay with you forever.

What Makes a Medium Successful?


Being a medium means that you are able to connect with the spiritual world and the souls around you. You can give messages to loved ones and you can sense what is going on when someone dies. When you pick up on things, you will be able to see the spirits personality and the business that they haven’t yet finished.

You might wonder if the person is in the military or if they worked for a certain company based on the uniform they were wearing. You might be able to see things that the person had on earth like a wheelchair or one carrying a fishing pole.

All of these things will become familiar to you if you are a medium and you can help to bring healing to families. One by one you can send messages to families that are longing for one last exchange with their dead loved one and this is what being a medium is.

Being a Professional Medium

There are many mediums that are gifted, and they are able to make their job and their career important to families all around the world. Not everyone will choose to be a medium though and they won’t choose to use their gift.

Here is how you can use your mediumship gift to help others:

  • Connection

Having the mediumship gift means that you can have a connection with the spirits. Not all psychics are able to have that gift, but some can hear, feel, and sense a spirit. This is a gift that you can use.

  • Helping Others

Mediums are there to help heal the grief of those that have lost loved ones and have unfinished issues. They can help by finding their purpose and by helping to give them messages that can get them through their life.

Some mediums have other jobs such as being doctors, therapists, healers, paramedics, and other jobs. They have a gift to help others.

  • Tuning In and Out

Mediums can make a connection, but they have to be able to tune in and out of the messages. This is what makes a medium a professional. They will have to learn to dedicate their time and energy to control the gifts that they have. Even though the spirit is in somewhat control, the medium can tune in and out of the spirit world and is the real one in control.

  • Protecting the Energies

A professional medium will have to know how to protect their energies. They have to be able to make sure that they can be protected whenever spirits show up, wherever they are.

  • Have Integrity

It is important that a medium has integrity so that they can care for and take hold of the feelings and energies of others. There are people that will see the medium in public and it isn’t ethical to just give these people a message without asking them.

You never know how someone will take a message from a medium and they might not be in a place where they can cry or say what they need to say. This can bring up emotions and feelings that are strong. It is important that a medium respects these ethics and that they are respectful of others.

  • Don’t Get Upset

It is important for a medium to not let people upset them. Not everyone will support you as a medium and some will talk badly about you or criticize you. There are always going to be sceptics, and this can even be someone important in your life such as a family member. Don’t let them upset you.

  • Opening the Heart

Mediums have to be able to open their heart up to the spirit world. They have to be able to make a connection.

  • Discipline

Mediumship takes practice and it takes time to develop. You have to be disciplined in order to really be able to reach into the spiritual world.

  • Style

As a medium, you should have your own style. You should find ways to reach into the spiritual world that you are comfortable with and find the style that helps you to be who you are.

  • Find Support

Find people in your life and your community that will support you through your endeavors. No matter what you do, you aren’t alone. Find like-minded people to talk to.

Being a Medium

If you are someone that has the above traits and skills, you are probably a professional medium. At the least, you have a gift inside of you that can help you to be able to get messages to people that are hurting and lost.

With the technology that is available now, you can do mediumship readings right from your home. Find a site that promotes this and can help you to set up your own way to do mediumship from wherever you are. People that have these strong gifts can market themselves and they can get the information that they need to take their skills to a new level.

What Happens to the Spirit After Suicide?

Spirit After Suicide

A medium is someone that is able to reach into the spiritual world and speak to spirits. One topic that often comes up is suicide. Mediums will sometimes be asked by family members to try and find out why their loved one would commit suicide and leave them.

Most of the spirits that passed away through suicide will want to apologize to their families for leaving them like they did. Here are some of the most known messages that spirits leave psychics when talking about their suicide:

  • I’m sorry I left you like I did.
  • I wish I had never committed suicide.
  • I never meant to hurt you.

No medium has ever reported having a spirit come and say that they were glad that they committed suicide.

Passing Through After Suicide

When a person commits suicide, here are some things that might happen to them in the spiritual world:

  • They might stay on the earth longer than other spirits.
  • They won’t be punished.
  • They will get to rest.
  • They can go and help other people that need help in the spirit.

Changes in Life

Sometimes you have to go through changes in life and taking your own life because of something temporary isn’t the answer. There are guides that can help you find your joy again and they can bring you peace.

Everyone goes through things in life, and these are things that are temporary. Even if things are bad, this will come to an end. When you go through something bad, the outcome will eventually become something positive.

Negative experiences are there to teach you things about your life and so that you can help others in the future. If you are thinking about committing suicide, you should reconsider this. You are worthy of love, and you are worthy of happiness. There are people in your life that will miss you if you leave them, especially this way. It leaves a lot of unanswered questions.

Finding Happiness

The first step to find your happiness is to know that there is hope in this life. There will never be a time where your hope is lost. Learn to be positive and to expect things to get better.

Those in the spiritual world know that when the angels speak, they can speak joy over you. This can help you to not want to leave this earth on your own.

Another way to be happy is to deal with the past and then to let it go. Things from your past can be hard and everyone has a past. The past is there because you have already done it and you can’t change it, learn to live with it and let it go.

If you are thinking about committing suicide, it means that you are surrounded by negative energy. You need to figure out how to change your thoughts and your emotions to be something positive and so you can feel better.

Thoughts and emotions can take away the peace that you have, and it can cause you to feel unhappy and upset. No matter where the thoughts come from, you need to find your inner peace and you need to learn to be thankful for things around you. Being thankful can help you to be more positive.

Getting a Reading

You can get a reading when you feel like you want to commit suicide and it can help you to find positivity and to change your mind path. You need to use positive affirmations that can lift up your spirit.

The spirit world has given you thoughts that you can take your negative thinking and change it to something positive. Try and think positively, take time to rest and then eat something. You might just need to have a good snack to make you feel better.

When suicide comes to your mind, this can cause suffering to not only yourself but to those around you. This is why when spirits commit suicide that they normally come back and wish that they hadn’t done it because they caused so much suffering.

Final Thoughts

If you are considering suicide, you need to consider that this can be hurtful to those around you, and it can be a devastating thing. No medium has ever reported a spirit of being glad that they ended their own life. Please get help if you are having these kinds of thoughts.

Living in the Afterlife


There are different religions that have different ideas on what is going to happen in the afterlife. Some religions believe that you will live your life in a different place depending on how you live and what you believe and then some believe that karma and reincarnation are what you have to look forward to.

Karma and Reincarnation

There are many people that believe in reincarnation and karma. These things go together hand in hand. This means that you make your own world, and you do this by the teachings that you believe in and the fact that you make your own world.

Spiritual freedom is something that you can work through in your own life and those that believe in past lives believe that you can live many lifetimes and you can change depending on where you go and what you do.

This article talks about karma and the divine spirit. If you believe in this, then you know that time and what you do will change the experiences that you have throughout your lifetimes. The work that you do each day will build your karma and you will see that this is part of your divine spirit.

Karma and reincarnation can bring positive things into your life, or it can bring negative things in your life. As karma adds up, you will see that this is a cycle that you have to face, and it never ends.

Many Lives

In this religious thought, you will be someone that lives many lives. This means that you might have to face karma in a negative way because you have to learn these lessons. As changes come, you will see that you are experiencing different things like dreams, out of body experiences and other things that can give you a call that you need to live a better life.

You might spend the rest of your life afraid of the path that you are on or trying to find your true meaning and that is up to you to search for and to find.

Spiritual Freedom

You can release the Law of Karma from your life by listening to your dreams. You have spiritual power to reach your dreams and to guide you. This guide can show you how to have divine love and spiritual freedom for your life.

Opening the Heart

Love is part of the source of reaching your divine path. This all starts in the heart and can help you on your journey in life. You can take your dreams and they can bring you strength and comfort. You will see that as you strengthen your bond on earth, you will see that this can make your spiritual man stronger and bring freedom.

Your life on earth might be scary and might be hard but as you learn to live your best life and seek out spiritual freedom, you will grow.