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Is It High Time To Contact Your Deceased Loved Ones?

   One of our clients, Angela came to our reading with the desire to reach out to her recently deceased mother. Her mother had gone into a coma after a stroke and Angela had sat with her in those final days making amends over some past hurts but her mom never regained consciousness.

“I don’t know if I should try,” Angela said. “Is it—will it be harmful to her? Keep her from moving on? Or will it even be possible? I thought I’d be ok with it when she died, but I just need to know that she heard me, you know, when I was by her bedside. That it’s ok between us.”

“This isn’t my area of expertise,” I told her, “but I’m willing to try, and if I can’t make contact, I’ll refer you to a friend who specializes in working with transitioned souls.”

Asking to speak to or hear about deceased loved ones is a common theme in psychic readings. Often we don’t get to properly say goodbye or find the closure we need. Making that contact from “beyond” can often be helpful to both souls, creating peace and the ability for both to move on.

Choosing the Right Psychic

It’s important to choose the right kind of psychic for making this type of connection. While it is possible for any psychic to contact your deceased loved ones, there are people who specialize in these sorts of readings. Usually they call themselves Mediums and will be clear about their services. With Angela, I was able to get some general information about her mom, but she wanted to see if she could speak to her directly. For this task, I referred her to a colleague of mine, Claudette, who is a Medium.

Mediums develop their abilities like any other psychic, but Claudette has had a gift for speaking with the dead since early childhood. She is clairaudient and will typically hear the voice of the transitioned soul in her mind. She will locate the person her clients want to speak to, and if they are available, she will ask them to speak to her on behalf of the client.

Other Mediums actually channel the dead, which can be a little unnerving if you’ve never experienced it. This means that the departed souls will actually speak through the Medium, and you as the client can interact with the soul through the body of the Medium (think of the movie Ghost, though not quite so dramatic).

When Is It Appropriate to Contact A Loved One?

No one is absolutely clear on how souls transition after death. From my own experience and that of others who have been in contact with transitioned souls, it seems that most souls move along fairly quickly—usually within a few days. If there has been a sudden or shocking death, if the person was quite young, or if there are other unusual circumstances, it is possible for the soul to become confused and unclear about how/if to move on. If there is much unfinished business, such as a grudge, long-standing hurt, or lack of forgiveness, a soul may also feel reluctant to transition on toward their next stage. If these circumstances describe your situation, it may be appropriate to try contacting your deceased loved one.

If you are merely curious or trying to contact someone who has been dead a long time, there is less certainty or reason that the transitioned soul would be hanging around and available for communication. Many spiritual traditions do speak about messages from “the ancestors,” but this is a different situation than trying to contact your great-great-grandmother. Of course, you can try to reach whoever you like, but I advise my clients that results may be spotty at best.

Contacting the dead is not a guaranteed process. You may not be able to reach them; this is usually a good sign that the soul has moved on—and that is what is best for them.

What to Expect

If there is one thing I’ve learned, it is that there is no “typical” contact with a deceased loved one. But you can make some general preparations.

Be clear about why you want to make contact. Keep your own messages simple and to the point; this isn’t going to be the time for a rambling natter about the good old days! It probably won’t be like having a regular conversation either, even if the Medium is channeling the soul.

Be open about what to expect. Although most people report (from near death experiences) that the other side is at the very least a neutral, loving space, whoever you are trying to contact may not be able to give you the closure or forgiveness you want. They may still be connected to their emotional body, where all the same hurts that existed in life are housed. But they may also be in a space of peace and unconditional love. There is no way to tell before contacting them.

The most important thing you can do is send your wishes for love and peace. Let them know, if they appear confused, that they have in fact died and that it is okay for them to follow their angels or whatever guide appears (Jesus, other departed loved ones, pets, etc.) to their next stage. No soul will go without guidance into the light.

The passing of a loved one is always a transition for us as well as them. We can help a soul to move forward by engaging in whatever version of prayer we believe in, sending our love and encouraging them to go on. Sometimes it is appropriate to reach out to a loved one who has passed on, but the most selfless thing we can do, however deep our grief, is to let them go.

A Paranormal Psychic


What is a Psychic?

Psychics are those of us who accept that, in the scheme of things, our time in this world is no more than a short journey. We are aware that  we belong to something far greater than what is perceived in the physical world – and hard to measure by normal rules of existence.

Only by opening your mind to what is not immediately before your eyes can you truly understand how magical life can be, and how – truly – anything is possible.

The psychic world and the normal world

We as humans are programmed to believe only what we can see and what we can touch: everything in our world has to be solid to be believable.

But think about this: there is a whole range of color spectrum called ultra violet, which has always existed around us, but only through the use of modern equipment have we become aware of its existence. Birds can see this color spectrum without difficulty and to them it is real, but our eyes are not evolved enough to enjoy this beautiful sight  – and yet it exists around us every day and is very real.

Now if this ultra violet light  has always been there, without us knowing, then why can’t it be the same for a different kind of existence to be be present too? One that our senses have not yet become aware of?

A psychic’s view

From a psychic’s perspective,  there is no difference between this world and the next, and the powers that control them are as natural as the sun, wind and clouds that control our weather. We may not fully know where they come from, but we accept they are there and vital to our lives.

A great deal of what a psychic does is achieved through sensing and accepting that which is not easily visible or sometimes even understandable to the majority off people. Actually, this is a skill everyone possesses but few allow themselves to trust.

Haven’t you ever had the experience of feeling someone was behind you without hearing or seeing anything, and then turned around only to discover someone had silently entered the room? This is referred to as “sensing a presence” and it is very similar to what psychics use to connect to spirit or tune into the higher power which makes this fantastic universe work.

Defining the paranormal

 “The paranormal” covers many fields outside that lie normal everyday life: it can include Tarot Card readings, Angel readings, Spiritual guidance, Clairvoyance, Clair audience, Clair sentience, Medium ship, Reincarnation and much more.

The paranormal is a name given to things for which we have no obvious explanation and that appear to go against the normal everyday rules of this world. For some people such phenomena is dismissed as rubbish or fake, but for those of us who understand that in our short lifetime we may never get to understand the full mysteries of this world, we accept paranormal happenings as just another part of the bigger picture.

Psychic and Paranormal

To understand the connection between psychic ability and the paranormal, we must understand that the latter –  and all its possibilities – will never amaze a psychic, because a genuine psychic will have opened his or her mind to the fact that anything is possible, and in the workings of this universe nothing is truly paranormal.

Mankind is still learning about the universe and while we venture out into space to seek new life in its many forms, strangely enough we have, in most cases, not yet opened our minds to the possibility of another world existing parallel to ours here on earth. Isn’t it about time that we did?

Why Does A Poltergeist Exist?

      A Poltergeist or a bad ghost as translated from German is a term used for spiritual being that usually appears to attach themselves to a particular person. In most cases, the person will be either a child or adolescent who is entering or going through puberty but there isn’t a hard fast rule to this. The jury is still out on this with a lot of people, as to if in some cases it can be just a child looking for attention who is causing havoc in the home or maybe an adult with a very deep emotional burden.

In many cases people have been flung across rooms, things have materialised out of nowhere. These things appear to finish as quickly as they start with the child or teenager moving out of the emotional situation which seemed to trigger the attack. Very rarely these events are to do with a location, so they seem to be somehow triggered by emotional energy of the effected person. It has in some circles stirred the question of just how strong our subconscious is. Here are some things to be considered:

If this is the child’s or teenager’s subconscious, then it opens the possibility of telekinesis, which is an ability to move things with your mind. Do we have this ability somewhere deep in our subconscious? Our mind is still a mystery. We may have travelled to space, but we have yet to discover the true powers of the human mind as we only use a small percentage of it. Could it be that a frustrated person, who can’t express themselves in the normal verbal or physical way, will somehow tap into an unknown resource which unleashes havoc around them? We all know that supressed frustration can emerge in the worst ways possible as in illness. The mind controls the body and will show its displeasure through illness if there is no other way to express it.

Another and more widely held view among spiritualists is that it is a rough spirit. Not necessarily the soul of a dead loved one or a person, but an entity from another realm who has never lived on this side. This entity has deviant intent and having never lived on this side, have little respect for anyone and no concern about causing harm to anyone. They thrive on the weakness of the person they are attached too using their confused and open energy like nutrition to thrive on. This is why it is thought that they only seek out teenagers who are entering puberty or children who have minds open to accepting that anything is possible. It would appear accepting them it like plugging in the power line.

The difference between a poltergeist and a normal haunting is that because the entity is attached to a person and their energy, moving location is not an option. The entity will simply follow. The main way is to address the emotional state of the person it is attached too. If you help them to understand that the emotional turmoil they are experiencing is a part of life, normal and temporary. Once they start to readjust and their emotional energy returns to a normal level, the entity will have nothing to feed of and therefore be consigned to return to where ever it came from.

There are no hard fast rules with this kind of thing. Each cast needs to be taken on its own merit. Should you be experiencing anything of this sort, you should contact your local spiritual church to investigate and make an assessment. Do not try to make contact with the entity alone under any circumstances. Leave it to someone who is experienced in this field.

Dream Visitations from Loved Ones Who Died

    Losing a loved one can be the the most difficult experience you’ll ever have. It’s one of the most traumatic events that anyone can go through. After the loss, there can be overwhelming feelings of sadness, guilt, and shame surrounding the death. This is especially true if the passing was unexpected or traumatic.Your loved one who passed may use dream visitations in an effort to help with your healing process and ease your transition into life without them. Here are some common reasons you might receive a dream visitation from the spirit of a loved one who has passed.

Reassurance: Your loved one may simply be trying to communicate to you that they are okay and that they are still around, guiding you and protecting you.

Gratitude: The spirit might be trying to say “thank you” for completing a task that involved them.

Forgiveness: Did your love one die before they could tell you “I’m sorry” for something they did to hurt you while they were here in the physical world? Perhaps the dream visitation is their effort to seek peace by asking you for forgiveness.

Sympathy: Since your loved one’s death, you are likely grieving and going through a very difficult time. The spirit may be contacting you in an effort to comfort you.

Significant dates: The dream visitation may occur on or around special dates that were meaningful, such as birthdays and anniversaries.

Warning: The spirit may be trying to alert you to a potential danger that may be coming your way.

Receiving a dream visitation from spirit is a special gift. It can leave you feeling emotional afterwards, especially if you felt a hug or kiss during the dream.

You may wake up feeling that it wasn’t real and that it didn’t happen. Rest assured, it was real. It wasn’t something that you imagined or made up. It’s possible that after your first visitation, you’ll experience more of them as time goes by. A spiritual medium can validate these experiences for you.

Spirits are always trying to stay connected, even after death. They constantly leave us signs that they are around us. Dream visitations are just another one of the ways that they do this. Cherish these visitations, and know that your souls will always be connected.


Dream Analysis Psychics – Find the Meaning of Dreams

Dreams have long been our body’s way of bringing up issues in our subconscious mind. Dream analysis can help you figure out what your dreams are trying to tell you.

Cleansing Ghosts from Your Home

Do you ever have the feeling that someone is watching you, or that you aren’t alone, even though you are the only one home?   You may have spirits sharing your space.  You can remove these spirits, benign or otherwise from hour home by taking a few simple steps.

Cleanse your home

Start by removing anything that may provide the spirit may hide in or behind.  This includes mail that hasn’t been read, or furniture that isn’t being used or any other clutter your may have gathered.   It is widely believed that spirits love disorganization so the more organized you keep your house, the better.

Next  you should clean your house from top to bottom. Don’t just tidy up, sweep, dust, vacuum every available space.  Open the windows to fully air everything out.

Smudge your house to  push the spirits out.

Now that your house is clean, there are few different ways to get rid of the spirits.  One of the most common methods is smudging.   To smudge your house you will need a bundle of dried sage or a smudge stick.

Light the bundle in the area where you feel that the spirits are strongest.  Let the fumes from the smudge drive out the spirit, then go from room to room if you feel your spirits have spread to a larger area.

Bless Your Home With Water or Oil

As you may already know, religious ceremonies use holy water.  You can use water or oil that has been blessed by clergy. If there are none available you can consult a trusted, live psychic. Once you have the  blessed fluid, sprinkle the water in the areas of your home that are affected by spirits.  If you are using oil, draw a symbol of protection on the entrance of your home to hold the spirits at bay.

Protect Your Home With Sea Salt

If none of the above steps work, you will need to take additional steps to cleanse your house.  One of the oldest materials used to drive out spirts  is Sea salt.  Due to its origins in the ocean, Sea salt has long been thought to have ancient powers.  The Sea salt can be used in two different ways.   You can guide the spirits out by scattering the salt in the place where the spirits seem to congregate as you verbalize your desire for the spirits to leave.  You can also use long-term guardianship by placing salt across all doors , windows and other entrances to your home.   If the salt is in place and you make it clear that the spirits are not welcome, it is more than likely that they will leave.

If you are interested in  hearing what your spirits have to say, contact a psychic to help you communicate  with them so that you may better understand them.

Amazing Psychic Medium Reading – Go to PsychicOz.com

Love Beyond Death

      “The love of a half dead heart will keep you half alive”  We all must pass away sometime—but when we lose someone we love, the pain and sadness we experience are very difficult to bear…. It seems like we are just living for the sake of living but there’s no more dream, no more hope, no more happiness. What can we do to overcome this sadness? How can we step forward into the next phase of life?

In our darkest moments, we all need some reassurance: we need to believe that death is not the end.

Love does not die even after death

I’ve just read a remarkable book – “Hello from Heaven” by Bill and Judy Guggenheim – that provides convincing new evidence of life after death.

The  couple’s field of research is After-death communication (ADC), which occurs when we are contacted directly by a deceased loved one.

The authors’ seven years of study seeks to prove that life and love are eternal. According to the Guggenheims, 20-40% of the population of the United States have had one or more ADC experience:  sensing a presence, hearing voices, feeling a touch, smelling a fragrance, seeing partial or full appearances of passed relatives, etc…

Their study tells us our loved ones want us to know they continue to exist, albeit in a different state; that we don’t need to be concerned about them as we will be reunited when it’s our turn to leave. Death is simply a transition from the physical world to the spiritual world.

Grieving and moving through it

There is no right or wrong way to grieve. The important thing is to allow ourselves the time and space to get over our loss.

Professionals distinguish seven stages of grief that you have to go through: shock, denial, panic, anger, guilt, depression and acceptance.

Talking to a psychic who offers hope and clarity can help you work your way through these stages.

How can a psychic help?

Psychics and spiritual mediums bridge the gap between the physical and the spiritual worlds. A gifted psychic connects the energies of the living and the dead and provides reassurance – when a loved one passes – that they are not really gone. They show us that not even death can bring true love to an end.

Our loved ones still exist, and that they been set free through “the transformational process of death”.

It is very comforting to know that we can continue to communicate with our loved ones.Whether we choose to talk to them out loud or silently… they can hear us.

Reaching Out To Your Angels And Spirit Guides

     One of the most asked questions when it comes to psychics and medium is how to connect with angels and spirit guides. Our guides and angels are always sending us messages and signs that they are with us, supporting and protecting us in our daily lives. It is really up to us to open our hearts and learn how to receive their guidance. Below are 4 steps to help you ignite a connection with your spirit team.

You can add 1 or all 4 of these steps to your spiritual tool belt:

1) Set Your Intention

You want to create a successful communication platform with your spirit team of guides and angels. From your heart, ask your angels and guides to be with you.

If you are going to meditate 3 hours from now, ask them to be present during that time. Schedule a meditation meeting. Tell your spirit team ahead of time that you will be ready and kindly request their presence.

2) Meditate 

Take 3 deep breaths. Allow yourself to relax and visualize a beautiful light shining in your heart area. Say a prayer for the highest good to come to you and surround yourself with the divine’s white light of protection.

Visualize your favorite garden and see all the colorful flowers around you. Perhaps there is a fountain or stream nearby and butterflies gently dancing in the warm breeze. In this sacred garden, find yourself sitting on a comfortable bench. Take a deep breath in and sense or feel the amazing vibration of this very special place.

Ask that your guardian angel or spirit guide come forward and sit next to you. Ask their name and listen. Ask how they are here to help you. Take this time to listen to them tell you in what ways you are being guided and supported.

“Keep your heart open to receiving further messages from your spirit team.”

3) Ask for Confirmation 

When you receive a name or information and you are not quite sure…..ask for clarity. Your guides and angels will eagerly offer more information.

Ask them for confirmation by giving you a sign or symbol that you will notice and that you will know this message came from them.

For example, one of my clients met a new spirit guide in his meditation, recently. He could not believe that the name he received was the correct name, because it was such a common name, he did not know if he made it up in his mind or that it was spirit’s message to him.

He was new to the meditation process and he needed a little reassurance and clarity around his latest meditative experience.  He asked his new spirit guide friend for confirmation.

Later that day, while my client was watching his television program, the announcer said the name of his spirit guide three times in a row. Spirit is amazing!

4) Express Gratitude 

Thank your guides and angels for this time together and for being with you.

See, feel or sense them receiving your appreciation and heartfelt gratitude. Invite them to come the next time you are in your garden meditation.

When you are ready, write down your messages and keep them in your spiritual journal.

The process of writing your experience down on paper helps to focus your energy and lets your spirit team know you received their messages loud and clear.

Meeting Your Past Life Partner

    You meet someone and had an instant connection… ever wonder why it happened?  You feel something deep within your soul. Now,  this “love at first sight” might be something more than a simple attraction. You know you never met before, but there is mutual recognition pulling your spirits and bodies together.

Immediate recognition and familiarity indicate that your current encounter was not the first. How could you possibly have known each other?

An Unexplained Relationship

There are several unexplained clues which indicate that you and your partner were together in a past life.

Beyond an instant recognition, you seem to know each other’s bodies intimately, just as if they were your own. Making love, your bodies feel a sense beyond passion. It sparks a rekindling of a much deeper bond.

You might have an interest in a specific historical period, or have similar dreams. It may seem like a coincidence at first but fate may also be playing a role in this wonderful romance.

Sharing the same dream is a substantial piece of the puzzle. If you two experience the same dreams, write down all of the details you can remember. This could reveal if the two of you were together in a past life and describe the forces at work in your eternal romance.

Should You Reconnect?

Meeting past lovers in a present reality does not automatically mean that you should restart the relationship. There could be a good reason for your separation, such as a negative or unstable connection in your past life. Restarting this relationship might reignite these troubles.

No doubt that there is a pull between your spirits, but you might not be true soulmates. There may be some limited completion of each other’s spirits. However, there could also be harmful baggage involved. Being together will unleash that previous level of conflict. If you two should not be together, why do you have this strong feeling?

There are many reasons why a relationship works. Chemistry is just one. When you both feel emotionally safe, appreciated and loved is when a relationship can grow naturally.

Looking Into Past Lives

If you and your beloved feel connected from a past life, there may be certain matters the two of you have carried to the present. Abandonment is the most common issue. One or both of you could be carrying insecurities about rejection into the current relationship.

The best method to gain a greater understanding of past-life relationships is past-life regression. For a better awareness into past-life relationships, professional spiritual advisors are required. A psychic, reader or clairvoyant is best suited to help you revert to a past life. Past-life readings can help you examine past relationships, providing insight on the dynamics of the connection. They can help you decide if you should go for it or let it go.

Past-life regression can open the floodgates to an incredibly enlightening experience, as well as providing answers as to how past lovers are affecting your current reality.

Have You Ever Lived In The Past?

    Do you believe in past lives? People have been debating the veracity of reincarnation and their are many theories for and against it. Some people believe that we live different lives over and over until we fulfill our mission of enlightenment. Even if it takes hundreds of years.

You may have experienced a feeling of visiting a place or living a situation before you have actually been there. This phenomenon is called deja vu, and it is quite common.   Some believe that this experience is proof that past lives are real.  If you think you are experience the remains of a past life, here are a few things you can look out for.

Fears That You Cannot Explain

If you find yourself afraid of something that you have never had a connection to, you may have had a trauma in past life and it has followed you to this one.  To get past these fears you may need to consult a spiritual advisor or someone experienced with past life regression therapy.

Multiple Déjà Vu Experiences

While the afore mentioned deja vu is indeed common, you may have many experiences with the feeling. If you have recurring experiences at the same place you may have encountered it in a past life.  You may also have recurring dreams about this place.   This may be a sign that you have lived a past life.

Are Your Dreams Confusing?

If you are unsettled or confused by your dreams, it may be that your subconscious is trying to connect your waking sense of deja vu with  your past life.  This is especially true if you encounter someone you know in this life but they sound or look different in your dream.  This could mean that you knew them in a past life.

Specific Talents Emerge

You may find that you  have an interest in something that doesn’t fit in with your background.  You may have a sudden interest in a type of art or have a talent for music or dance even though you have never had a lesson.  This may be directly connected to a past life.

Just as you have limitless potential in your current life, there is no limit to who you could have been in the past.   Even if you are going through a hard time in the present, you may soon reap the rewards of your past life.

Best Past Life Readers: Psychic Mediums 

Reaching Out To Your Guardian Angel

 Many of us hopelessly praying to have a guardian angel watching over us while others walk through life without a care in the world about whether they have one or not. Everyone is different and everyone has their own unique beliefs about the afterlife, whether they believe it exists or not. For those who believe in guardian angels, a guardian angel may appear at any time. It could appear as a mother type figure that takes care of you when you desperately need care or a friend that goes overboard to show you they are there for you in your time of need.

Our guardian angels can appear in a variety of forms and will do their ultimate best to assist you in your time of crisis. This could be through a catalyst of some sort and may even be shown through drastic measures such as saving you from a burning house or car accident. Guardian angels assist in a near invisible manner and may work through someone close to you or a stranger to help you through difficult moments in life. Therefore, they encourage us to have more faith in the kindness of others. Believe it or not, your angel is hovering nearby just waiting for the next time they can connect with you.

If you want to connect to your guardian angel than there are some simple ways you can start.

#1: Meditation is the perfect way to reach out to your guardian angel. You not only fall into a deeper state of calm and relaxation, but you are more in touch with your internal self and open to receiving new information. Practice talking to your guardian angel while you are meditating. Meditate by taking some private time in a private space and relaxing your body. Practice breathing properly and allow yourself to empty your mind of all stress and worry.

#2: Prayer is important when it comes to connecting with your guardian angel. Allow yourself to let go and talk about personal issues, goals, dreams and desires. Pretend you are talking to someone close to you and share your innermost hopes and wishes for the present and future. You can ask for help if you need it. You won’t be judged on anything you say.

#3: Take a long walk. Imagine that your guardian angel is walking right along beside you and are speaking with them. You don’t have to speak out loud as they can hear you. By taking a long walk or hike away from it all you can escape the hustle and bustle of the day to day and truly open your soul. If you find a place with a picturesque view then sit there for awhile and share your thoughts with your guardian angel.

#4: Take out the garbage. This is very important. If you don’t clear your head of all the “junk” that you keep cluttering it up with, you won’t find clarity and it will be harder to connect to your guardian angel. Take a moment and completely empty your thoughts. Think about issues that have a deeper meaning to you. Ask yourself, “What do I want from this lifetime?” Or, “What do I want to accomplish?” Your guardian angel will be listening and you may feel a warmth or kind presence circling you.

#5: Try journaling. Keep a journal with you at all times and then offer your thoughts and innermost desires for life to your guardian angel by reading them out loud or just read it internally to them. Visualization and communication is very important when trying to connect with your guardian angel.

The relationship you have with your guardian angel will develop over time if you keep your heart, mind and soul open to the idea of them being beside you as a guide, best friend and protector. Your guardian angel is there at all times, in good times and bad and whether you are aware of them or not. Take the time to communicate with them and you may find a sense of true inner peace.