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Are There Spirits Around You?

      Did you eve feel like you are being watched when no one is around? Have you been in a normal temperature room and suddenly your body gets a chill and goosebumps? Have you found a feather or a dime in the strangest of places?

The spirit world will work through different elements to help you.



The ethereal world is in a higher vibration than our 3D earth. The spirit world will utilize televisions, radios, computers, cell phones, and lights to convey messages. When their matter is on overload it will affect our world and usually it’s in times of distress. Your deceased loved one, or spirit guide is trying to help you with something. Are you thinking of a loved one who has been gone for a while? Sometimes during these moments a special song will come on letting you know that your loved one is near you. It’s during these moments that we find the veil of the different dimensions thinning out into our world.


Have you ever been warm and suddenly a chill takes over? Or, have you ever walked into a new situation and feel like your body is aching with coldness? The spirit world might just be warning you or letting you know that you are protected. The same way that cold can appear, heat is another element that can warn you. There are times that a hot flash appears throughout the body and its discomfort forces us to take notice of the environment. Sudden changes in the environment of a house, car, or other places can convey a mystical sense of protection. Ask your guides to show you signs. What is happening around? Watch your thoughts. The spirit world is telepathic and can sense your thoughts and emotions.


Are you seeing consecutive numbers in license plates, the clock, addresses, or mail boxes? Number sequences hold special meanings. Doreen Virtue, author and speaker of metaphysical subjects, believes that these number sequences are communications from the angels. Pay attention to repetition. Do your research and find out what your guides and loved ones are trying to convey.


The spirit world has a way to conjure up memories through familiar smells. Have you been smelling roses or gardenias, especially in a place that has no flowers? Do you smell cigar smoke in your car? It might just be your deceased father trying to tell you to slow down. Smells force us to take notice. The spirit world will follow you around with certain fragrances as to force you to leave the thoughts of depression or frustration.  Pay attention to those moments when these smells show up. Thank your angels and guides.


Is your cat running around like she’s on an overdose of catnip? Is your dog barking at a corner in the room where there is no one? Animals sense and see what our human eyes cannot. They will begin to act out in different levels: some wagging their tails while others show fear of what’s in the room. Usually a way to clear the air is to sage the room. Your spirit guides and loved ones may just be trying to communicate with you but your mind is so busy that you are not able to receive the messages. Comfort your animals while comforting your spirit.

These are a few signs that the “other world” is reaching out to you. Miracles do not have to be on large scales. Just a shutting down a stove, when a pot is boiling, is a miracle when they see that harm is on the way to a small child. They can also use your animals to push you our of harm. Always say your prayers, allow for guidance through quiet moments, and protect your spirit from anything that your higher self finds dangerous. You cannot let an assault arrive when you come from a place of love and gratitude. The spirit world is a beautiful dimension and they are always around us to make sure that we stay on the path of love and light.

Contacting Your Spirit Guide

Do contact your higher power every single day? Some people connect with a spirit or deity several times throughout the day as they go about their lives.  The reason for contact can be anything, support for protection, for guidance, for help with relationships, some even contact their spirit guide for help in business matters.

To reach this level of comfort in connecting with a guide spiritually you must create a real and meaningful relationship with the deity or entity from whom you need help. To do this, you should work with these spirits mindfully.  Anyone can ask for help from the spirit realm.  We can all connect with with spirits for guidance and assistance.   We can do this by being open to the spiritual connection.

When you ask a spirit for help, you should trust that the help you get is the help you need.  You must call on the most qualified of the spirits to help you.  You should be in a trusting and open state of mind, spirit and being.  That is what helps you feel the trust and support your spirit guide will give you.

It should not feel difficult to connect with your spirit guide.  Communication should be easy and you should  feel that it is with in your reach. Just relax and trust that your guide will help you. It is easier for you to retain your openness if you are calm.  Open up your mind so your energy can flow through you via the crown chakra.  This may take some practice so that reaching out to your spirit guide will become as easy as picking up the phone to call a friend.  Once you achieve this level of comfort, you can reach out for help anytime, anywhere.

How to prepare

Make sure your environment is comfortable and there is ro om for you to relax before you try to reach out to your guide. Make sure you have every thing you need around you, such as water if you get thirsty or a blanket if you get cold. Make sure the lights are low and if you candles or aroma therapy helps you relax, make sure they are there also. Make sure that your phone is off and that you will not be interrupted or otherwise disturbed before you try this for the first time. If you are new to this, ten minutes before the kids are due to be home from school is not a good time to start.

Reach out to the right one

Just as you would not invite just anyone into your home, be as cautious with your spiritual self as well. Think of it this way, the universe is filled with an eternity of spirits and energies. Do you want the wrong kind of spirit just wandering into your thought space?  Be specific and call the right kind of energy to you. If you want guidance and love and spiritual education, ask for it!

Be clear with your intentions

You are more likely to get your needs met if you ask  for a specific thing.  If you want romantic guidance, ask for what you really need, not just an ambiguous, “I want an adventure”.  Remember, being lost in a snowstorm is an adventure, just not necessarily the one you are asking for. Once your spirit knows what you want, set your intention. Your guide will be aware and they will be able to contact you more easily.

You should  also be as interested in them as you would like them to be with you.  Just as you would want with your physical relationships, conversation needs to go both ways.

Relax to receive

When you are ready to reach out. Relax by closing your eyes and centering yourself, just as you would in meditation. Breathe slowly in and out, being mindful of your inhalations and exhalations.  Stretch and relax into your breathing. Get your relaxation  in tune with your breathing until you are totally relaxed and have natural rhythm.

When you are at the point in your breathing when your mind is still, focus on the stillness. You can do this by concentrating on a point inside your head. Some like to focus on the their third eye or their crown chakra.  Keep focusing on that point as you breath.

When to ask

Once you are relaxed and open, you can ask your spirit guide/guardian angel or whoever you would like to reach for help in the problem areas of your life. Be specific and open to hearing their response.  You can ask your guide to give you a sign that they have heard you.  It may not be immediately apparent what that sign is, but you will more than likely get some kind of sign that they are present.  You can also ask them if they have a message  for you.

Say thank you

One you are comfortable and feel that your connection is finished, remembr to thank your spirit for the help and guidance and release them back into the spirit realm.

Angels and spirits

Our guardian angels and spirit guides were given to us early on.  You can have more than one.  Your angel could be on of the archangels.  Your spirit guide may be a soul you knew in this or a previous life who is here to guide you as you learn your spiritual lessons.   Your spirit guide can work through you with your intuition to help keep you safely on your path.  The angel and the guides my come to you in your dreams to help reassure you.

Be careful

One of the reasons you need to keep your intentions clear and focused is that there are a number of other energies besides our spirit guides and guardian angels out in the universe. You want to take care that you don’t accidentally call on a mischievous or evil spirt into to your world to guide or “help” you.

Making Peace With The Dead And Move On

       I’m wondering what is it about dying that turns few people into saints? They could have been an evil person while living—terrible, uncaring, abusive—but the second they have no pulse they become this wonderful person the world won’t be the same without. There is that old adage, “Don’t speak ill of the dead,” but what if the “ill” that’s being spoken is the truth?

A friend of mine recently buried their parent, and when I say “parent,” I use the term to only mean that they created another human life form. There was nothing parental about this person. Other than being a narcissist, they couldn’t ever find the time to bond with their children. There were no trips to the zoo, no homework help, no words of encouragement or comfort. Their parent drank excessively and was both verbally and physically abusive to their spouse and children. But when this person died, their youngest child gave a eulogy that seemed to be meant for the parent they wished they had, rather than the one they actually had.

Mixed Feelings

It was almost more than my friend could bare, as they watched their youngest sibling share anecdotes about the person who was very much a villain in my friend’s life. My friend had mixed feelings—they didn’t want to cause more suffering by expressing their feelings about their parent to their loved ones, especially when they were in deep mourning. But my friend also had feelings that were real and needed to be expressed.

Confrontation and Closure

When someone passes away, the hurt they have caused doesn’t get buried with them—unfortunately. Real people, with real feelings are left behind and now they feel like they no longer have an opportunity for confrontation and closure. But the alternative is not to swallow or bottle up those feelings. They shouldn’t be hidden away. They also shouldn’t be allowed to fester. It’s best to work through them. If you’ve ever been in this situation, consider these actions.

1. Review the Relationship
Take some time to review your relationship with the deceased—from your earliest memories to where you left things right before they passed away. Can you name one good thing about the person who has passed away (other than the fact that they have passed away)? Do you have any positive memories of them? Is there one defining experience that caused you to have negative feelings towards them? How has knowing them shaped your life or how you see the world?

2. Start a Conversation
Think about someone who may be receptive to your feelings. It could be a family member, friend, therapist, religious leader or psychic—just pick someone you feel safe being honest with. Don’t hold back or sugarcoat! Did anyone else connected with the deceased let you down? If they enabled them, don’t forget to mention them too! You’re doing this to get the validation and closure you need.

3. Write a Letter
Some of us are better at expressing ourselves through the written word, and if that’s you, you can write a letter to the deceased. The good news is, they can’t interrupt you. Say whatever you want; include your account of your relationship with them and how their actions impacted you. Also express what kind of relationship you would like to have had with them. When you’re finished you can bury the letter near their grave, tear it up into little pieces and drop it in a body of water, or you can burn it. These are all symbolic ways of releasing the negative feelings you’ve been feeling all these years.

4. Take a Conscious Step Forward
Consider the relationship closed and take a conscious step forward. This means that you will actively keep those negative feelings and that negative relationship from impacting your future. This may be difficult at first, but as time goes on, it will get easier. It’s a healing process after all. Go forward and love—yourself and others—and give what was not given to you.

Do You That You’re A Medium?

        I’m pretty sure that you know what a psychic medium is and what a psychic medium does. It’s most likely that your idea of a psychic medium includes a woman in elaborate flowing robes or an old man cloaked in mystery. While some psychic mediums do express themselves with traditional supernatural imagery, far more than you would think are the quiet neighbor next door, the cashier at the grocery store or the person looking back at you in the mirror.

At first thought, it may seem impossible for you to be a psychic medium. You don’t have a crystal ball, and you were too scared to watch the movie Ghost and don’t have velvet robes hanging in the back of your closet. What you don’t know is that there is more to being a psychic medium than one might first think. In fact, it might be time to ask yourself if you are a medium.

Consider the following questions, and if you answer yes to many of them, it’s time to explore your connection to the spiritual world.

Do you often feel changes in temperature, pressure or other “odd” feelings when you walk into a room? Many psychic mediums are extremely sensitive to the energy of their personal space, and often spirits will manifest as environmental changes.

Do you have vivid dreams and do you carry the mood of these dreams with you throughout your day? While you may have developed the ability to ignore or explain away paranormal messages during your waking life, your defenses are down as you sleep. It’s not uncommon for spirits to communicate with people through dreams, especially if the individual is not aware of their special abilities.

Do you often have sudden anxiety attacks that aren’t explained by your current circumstances? While you may think that you are an anxious person, there is a chance that your extrasensory ability to communicate with the spiritual realm fuels your anxiety. Take the time to examine if your fear is rooted in real events or could it be trigged by paranormal entities?

Do you often get the sense that you are being watched or do you hear voices when no one is there? What you may think is an active imagination, may be a response to communications from the spiritual realm. If this is a regular occurrence for you, start to pay attention to the moments before and after you get this sensation. How do you perceive these messages and what is trying to be communicated to you?

Do you bring disaster to electronic appliances? Are you known for making even the most simple or reliable electronics go haywire? Your connection to the spiritual world could be disrupting the electric currents powering your phone, computer or tablet.

The more questions you answered yes to, the more likely it is that you have extrasensory abilities. Look inside yourself to determine the next step you need to take on your spiritual journey to become a psychic medium.

How To Keep The Memory Of Your Deceased Pets Alive

      For most of the animal lovers we just don’t treat animals as animals as they are more than just pets—they’re members of the family. When they pass on, we grieve our deceased pets intensely and their absence leaves a huge hole in our hearts.

While they may no longer be with us physically, we can still keep their memory alive. If you’ve lost a dog, cat, bird, snake or another kind of pet, you’ll want to explore these seven creative ways to honor their memory.

1. Display a Favorite Photograph
When your pet has passed on, remember him or her by hanging your favorite picture of them in your home (or on your desk at work). Having a visual reminder may make you sad at first but you’ll soon smile every time you see your animal’s sweet face.

2. Commission Artwork
Take the first idea up a notch by asking an artist to draw, paint or even sculpt your pet. You can share photographs of your deceased pet and work with someone to create a timeless, one-of-a-kind piece of art to cherish and display.

3. Make a Shrine
Devote a small table or corner in your home to your deceased pets using special objects and keepsakes. You might create a shrine using a food bowl, collar, and a few photographs of him or her with a candle. This area could also become a great place to meditate or simply contemplate life.

4. Leave a Paw Print
This requires a bit of forethought before your pet passes. Consider having your pet step into a square of cement in your backyard (or use a clay kit to make a more portable mold) so you can have his or her paw immortalized. If your pet has already passed, you can always create a paw print yourself and draw his or her name beside it as a symbolic tribute.

5. Keep Their Tags
Consider wearing your deceased pet’s name tag on an anklet or bracelet, or just keep it in your jewelry box for a subtle, tangible reminder of his or her life.

6. Celebrate Their Birthdays
Each year, you can honor your deceased pets by continuing to celebrate their birthdays. Say a few words about what they meant to you and perhaps buy or make their favorite treat—you can share it with your new pet or a friend’s pet as a way of marking this special occasion and showing that you still have love to give to other animals in your life.

7. Donate in Their Name
Pay it forward to other pets and animals in need by choosing a cause that’s important to you—like your local humane society or the World Wide Fund for Nature—and giving what you can in your pet’s name. You can also schedule regular donations! This certainly allows your deceased pets to leave legacies that go beyond your family and help other animals enjoy better lives.

Reaching Out To The Loved Ones Who Passed Away

Have you ever thought about having a psychic medium perform a reading or afterlife séance for you? Have you felt a bit skeptical about the whole scenario? If you have wanted to connect with someone who is already in the afterlife or hear what is in store for your future then speaking with a psychic medium would be beneficial to you.

All true mediums have psychic abilities and can help you achieve what you need out of a visit with someone from the afterlife. It may all seem quite scary and somewhat unsettling to imagine seeing or hearing from someone that has passed on from this world, but if you choose to do it, go to a professional psychic medium. Here are 5 benefits of a psychic medium reading that might help you choose whether it is a good option for you.

A Psychic Medium Can Guide You

The benefit of seeing a psychic medium is that they can give you messages from your loved ones while also guiding you on the right path for a happy future. They can get in touch with the afterlife and also see your future occurrences. Therefore, they allow you to make any necessary changes which can protect you from upcoming stressful events.

When you choose to do this type of reading, make sure you have your questions ready so that you will get what you need from your ‘already passed on’ loved ones. A professional psychic medium is there to guide you through any pain you may be experiencing because of your loss and to encourage you that your loved ones are doing ok in the afterlife.

Renewed Faith and Courage

Many times in life we are held back or become stuck because something painful has happened. By having a psychic medium perform a reading on you, you just might find that you are freed from some anguish you have been holding onto. A psychic medium reading may provide you with comfort and it may offer you some insight about your recent choices. A reading may give you new found courage and faith that there is a silver lining and in your future.

Comfort in Knowing

A psychic medium reading can be powerful in the sense that your reader can tell you things that your loved one wanted to share with you but couldn’t. They can also allow you to share things with your loved one that has passed on so the air is all cleared. Imagine having the opportunity to tell your dad, who you had been arguing for years with prior to his passing, that you have always loved him no matter what? Or being able to talk with your mom and hear she is ok, with other loved ones and safe in the afterlife? It may allow you to move forward with your life.

Life Goes On

A psychic medium can give you the comfort in knowing that life truly does continue on after we pass on from this one. A psychic medium see’s and feels messages coming through from the afterlife and can pass them onto you, giving you the confidence that life does not end here. This can help with fears of death and relieve you of any anxiety you may feel over the subject.

A Deeper Understanding of Self

A psychic medium has psychic abilities that allow them to see what your future looks like. They can give you tips and guidance on which paths to go on and which decisions you need to be prepared for. The more you know about what you might encounter in the near future, the sooner you can make decisions about what you want your life to be like. If they tell you news that you are happy and excited about you can steer yourself towards that path faster. If it is negative news, you may be able to stop certain events from happening.

How To Move On After Losing Someone

     Being cheated on is difficult, having someone leave you is heart breaking but losing a loved one is incredibly painful and moving on from the pain is often even harder. The grieving process does and should take time, and there is no set timetable for getting through it, but remember that your loved one would not want you to suffer endlessly. When the time is right for you, here are five tips to help you move on with your life.

Seek Continued Support

When a loved one passes over, you will likely find available support at every turn. After the first flurry though, people tend to get on with their own lives. If you still need to talk about your loss, attending a bereavement group can pay dividends. Hospitals often offer these kinds of sessions, although you may prefer a one-to-one session with a trained therapist.

Look After Your Physical and Emotional Health

It’s important to take care of yourself, both in the immediate aftermath of loss and in the following months and years. While it’s tempting to use alcohol or drugs to lessen the pain of grief, it is of more benefit that you focus on getting enough sleep and exercising regularly. It’s equally important to take care of your emotional health. Make time to see friends or perhaps join a class.

Plan Ahead for Emotional Triggers

You may feel like you are getting your life back on track, but grief can make an unwelcome return at any point. You are particularly likely to feel its effects on special days such as anniversaries and milestones. Plan ways you will deal with these emotional blows in advance and you may find them easier to cope with when they arrive. A small memorial service such as releasing lanterns may help mark the occasion.

Draw Comfort From Your Faith or Spirituality

Your faith or spirituality is an immense source of support during difficult times. You may wish to speak to a clairvoyant psychic or a minister at your church. It’s natural for loss to test your beliefs, and these people can help you reaffirm your beliefs, find new peace in your life, and move forward in a positive way. If you don’t wish to talk to anyone, quiet meditation can also help.

Take Care of Practical Matters

It’s likely that you’ll need to take care of some practical matters after your loved one dies. It might be that he or she took care of all the bills or managed children’s schedules. If these roles now become your responsibility, it’s important to get on top of them. Not doing so will only cause more stress; something you can definitely do without.

These tips can help you move on with your life when you are facing a difficult time. To benefit from personalized tips, you may wish to chat to an authentic psychic online. Many people find these sessions useful when trying to move forward from the loss of a loved one, but it’s important to find what works for you and to take one day at a time.

There Could Be An Angel Near You

           Who doesn’t want to see angels? Who doesn’t want to be guided by angels? Angels have been described in spiritual texts throughout time as strong energy forces that watch over us and guide us when we need a helping hand. When we think of angels, we may immediately see images of glistening wings, white robes and halos in our minds.

Whether you immediately become a skeptic over the mere thought of angels surrounding us, or if you may fully embrace the idea of having a spiritual guardian, you have to admit that there are unexplainable events that do show us that there is a higher form of energy surrounding us.

It has been discussed that angels exist on a completely different vibrational frequency than humans. This is why we cannot see them around us, watching over us and helping us when we need it most. Through various experiences, it has been known that angels do show their presence to us, just in a variety of other ways that do not include their own visible form. Do you feel as though you have an angel near you? Have you had unexplainable experiences occur within your life that you believe must be the work of an angel? Here are 5 signs that an angel may be with you and guiding you throughout your life journey. Take a closer look at these 5 common experiences and see if an angel may be watching over you or is nearby.

#1: If you see different shades of color and light that have no explanation, you may have an angel nearby. Light that streams through a room or sparks that appear out of nowhere have been connected to angels and angel encounters. Shadows with light streaming through have also been connected to angel sightings and experiences.

#2: Have you ever experienced a draft in a place that could not possibly have one? Or have you walked into a cold or hot patch of air in a room when the rest of the establishment is a moderate temperature? If you suddenly feel a rush of cold or warm air, feel goose bumps for no reason or if the back of your neck feels all tingly, chances are you have an angel surrounding you at that moment. Try not to fill yourself with fear as angels do not wish to harm you in any shape or form.

#3: If you have found white feathers recently, you might have an angel walking through life with you. Throughout the past, white feathers have been left by angels as a sign that they would like to communicate with you and that they are around you. Take comfort if you find one nearby or in an odd place.

#4: Have you ever felt as though someone has just walked right by you and brushed your shoulder, but there is no one there? If you have felt as though you are not alone at times in your life and that there is someone or something near to you, this is most likely the energy force of your angel surrounding you.

#5: Angels can come to you in your dreams. If you remember a dream where someone unidentified is trying to help you through a difficult time or moment, chances are this is your guardian angel trying to communicate with you. An angel can contact you with ease when you are in the sleep state of consciousness and this will most likely be the first place they initiate contact.

It is important to remember that angels are not trying to scare you or lead you in the wrong direction. Angels want you to know you are not alone on your journey and that you do not have to travel through life’s ups and down on your own. They want you to know that you are being watched over and that you can turn to them for support and guidance when needed.

Is It High Time To Contact Your Deceased Loved Ones?

   One of our clients, Angela came to our reading with the desire to reach out to her recently deceased mother. Her mother had gone into a coma after a stroke and Angela had sat with her in those final days making amends over some past hurts but her mom never regained consciousness.

“I don’t know if I should try,” Angela said. “Is it—will it be harmful to her? Keep her from moving on? Or will it even be possible? I thought I’d be ok with it when she died, but I just need to know that she heard me, you know, when I was by her bedside. That it’s ok between us.”

“This isn’t my area of expertise,” I told her, “but I’m willing to try, and if I can’t make contact, I’ll refer you to a friend who specializes in working with transitioned souls.”

Asking to speak to or hear about deceased loved ones is a common theme in psychic readings. Often we don’t get to properly say goodbye or find the closure we need. Making that contact from “beyond” can often be helpful to both souls, creating peace and the ability for both to move on.

Choosing the Right Psychic

It’s important to choose the right kind of psychic for making this type of connection. While it is possible for any psychic to contact your deceased loved ones, there are people who specialize in these sorts of readings. Usually they call themselves Mediums and will be clear about their services. With Angela, I was able to get some general information about her mom, but she wanted to see if she could speak to her directly. For this task, I referred her to a colleague of mine, Claudette, who is a Medium.

Mediums develop their abilities like any other psychic, but Claudette has had a gift for speaking with the dead since early childhood. She is clairaudient and will typically hear the voice of the transitioned soul in her mind. She will locate the person her clients want to speak to, and if they are available, she will ask them to speak to her on behalf of the client.

Other Mediums actually channel the dead, which can be a little unnerving if you’ve never experienced it. This means that the departed souls will actually speak through the Medium, and you as the client can interact with the soul through the body of the Medium (think of the movie Ghost, though not quite so dramatic).

When Is It Appropriate to Contact A Loved One?

No one is absolutely clear on how souls transition after death. From my own experience and that of others who have been in contact with transitioned souls, it seems that most souls move along fairly quickly—usually within a few days. If there has been a sudden or shocking death, if the person was quite young, or if there are other unusual circumstances, it is possible for the soul to become confused and unclear about how/if to move on. If there is much unfinished business, such as a grudge, long-standing hurt, or lack of forgiveness, a soul may also feel reluctant to transition on toward their next stage. If these circumstances describe your situation, it may be appropriate to try contacting your deceased loved one.

If you are merely curious or trying to contact someone who has been dead a long time, there is less certainty or reason that the transitioned soul would be hanging around and available for communication. Many spiritual traditions do speak about messages from “the ancestors,” but this is a different situation than trying to contact your great-great-grandmother. Of course, you can try to reach whoever you like, but I advise my clients that results may be spotty at best.

Contacting the dead is not a guaranteed process. You may not be able to reach them; this is usually a good sign that the soul has moved on—and that is what is best for them.

What to Expect

If there is one thing I’ve learned, it is that there is no “typical” contact with a deceased loved one. But you can make some general preparations.

Be clear about why you want to make contact. Keep your own messages simple and to the point; this isn’t going to be the time for a rambling natter about the good old days! It probably won’t be like having a regular conversation either, even if the Medium is channeling the soul.

Be open about what to expect. Although most people report (from near death experiences) that the other side is at the very least a neutral, loving space, whoever you are trying to contact may not be able to give you the closure or forgiveness you want. They may still be connected to their emotional body, where all the same hurts that existed in life are housed. But they may also be in a space of peace and unconditional love. There is no way to tell before contacting them.

The most important thing you can do is send your wishes for love and peace. Let them know, if they appear confused, that they have in fact died and that it is okay for them to follow their angels or whatever guide appears (Jesus, other departed loved ones, pets, etc.) to their next stage. No soul will go without guidance into the light.

The passing of a loved one is always a transition for us as well as them. We can help a soul to move forward by engaging in whatever version of prayer we believe in, sending our love and encouraging them to go on. Sometimes it is appropriate to reach out to a loved one who has passed on, but the most selfless thing we can do, however deep our grief, is to let them go.

A Paranormal Psychic


What is a Psychic?

Psychics are those of us who accept that, in the scheme of things, our time in this world is no more than a short journey. We are aware that  we belong to something far greater than what is perceived in the physical world – and hard to measure by normal rules of existence.

Only by opening your mind to what is not immediately before your eyes can you truly understand how magical life can be, and how – truly – anything is possible.

The psychic world and the normal world

We as humans are programmed to believe only what we can see and what we can touch: everything in our world has to be solid to be believable.

But think about this: there is a whole range of color spectrum called ultra violet, which has always existed around us, but only through the use of modern equipment have we become aware of its existence. Birds can see this color spectrum without difficulty and to them it is real, but our eyes are not evolved enough to enjoy this beautiful sight  – and yet it exists around us every day and is very real.

Now if this ultra violet light  has always been there, without us knowing, then why can’t it be the same for a different kind of existence to be be present too? One that our senses have not yet become aware of?

A psychic’s view

From a psychic’s perspective,  there is no difference between this world and the next, and the powers that control them are as natural as the sun, wind and clouds that control our weather. We may not fully know where they come from, but we accept they are there and vital to our lives.

A great deal of what a psychic does is achieved through sensing and accepting that which is not easily visible or sometimes even understandable to the majority off people. Actually, this is a skill everyone possesses but few allow themselves to trust.

Haven’t you ever had the experience of feeling someone was behind you without hearing or seeing anything, and then turned around only to discover someone had silently entered the room? This is referred to as “sensing a presence” and it is very similar to what psychics use to connect to spirit or tune into the higher power which makes this fantastic universe work.

Defining the paranormal

 “The paranormal” covers many fields outside that lie normal everyday life: it can include Tarot Card readings, Angel readings, Spiritual guidance, Clairvoyance, Clair audience, Clair sentience, Medium ship, Reincarnation and much more.

The paranormal is a name given to things for which we have no obvious explanation and that appear to go against the normal everyday rules of this world. For some people such phenomena is dismissed as rubbish or fake, but for those of us who understand that in our short lifetime we may never get to understand the full mysteries of this world, we accept paranormal happenings as just another part of the bigger picture.

Psychic and Paranormal

To understand the connection between psychic ability and the paranormal, we must understand that the latter –  and all its possibilities – will never amaze a psychic, because a genuine psychic will have opened his or her mind to the fact that anything is possible, and in the workings of this universe nothing is truly paranormal.

Mankind is still learning about the universe and while we venture out into space to seek new life in its many forms, strangely enough we have, in most cases, not yet opened our minds to the possibility of another world existing parallel to ours here on earth. Isn’t it about time that we did?