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Communicating with the Spiritual Realm

Communicating with the Spiritual Realm

Communicating with the Spiritual RealmTo communicate with the spiritual, you need to understand what spirits are. Spirits are souls—the non-physical components of people. Souls separate from physical bodies at the time of death and continue on to the spiritual realm.

Souls can return and communicate messages to the living. Some people are gifted with the ability to easily communicate with the spiritual realm and quickly make connections between the realms. Mediums are able to directly communicate with spirit guides, spirit animals, and more.

After you choose to begin this journey, there will be no turning back. As it’s a journey of self, you’ll first need to understand who you are. If you don’t have an understanding of yourself, you won’t be able to discover which techniques and tools suit you best.

Be as open-minded as you can during the developing and learning process. You’ll be instinctively guided or feel drawn to techniques, tools, people, events and workshops that only over time will you discover whether it is for you or not.

Every person is unique. As long as you stay true to who you are, you can discover what will work best for you. So embrace who you are!

A Note About Empaths

If you’re a highly sensitive person—that is, you react with deep emotion to people, environments, and situations—you should explore what empaths are. An empath is a person who is highly sensitive to the emotions and energy of other people, of animals, and of their environment. They’re easily overwhelmed when viewing violence, devastation, dramas, or other painful events, even if they have no personal links to those things.

Empaths feel other people’s pain on a deep level, an attribute that cannot be learned. Empaths continually need to let go and to cleanse negative energies from themselves and from their surroundings. They do this by setting rituals and techniques such as walking in nature, meditation,  swimming, or soaking in an Epsom salt bath.

When they feel the need to react or release, empaths need to gain control over their emotions. They pause and take a few deep breaths to help disengage themselves from the situation. Over time, they can become more desensitized and more able to control their reactions.

Developing empathic abilities doesn’t happen overnight. It takes patience, commitment, and dedication. It helps if you can surround yourself with like-minded people for support and encouragement. Try to find a group of beginning mediums, a spiritual growth group, or a meditation group. Such groups meet regularly and will offer you a safe space among like-minded people to explore the physical and the spiritual worlds. To grow and develop your gifts, you need to respect it and appreciate the fact that it’s like a muscle—you must exercise it. It will get stronger with use, patience, and time.

Classes and workshops will equip you with the knowledge, strategies, and tools you need to best use your gifts. It’s not only about communicating with the spiritual realm. There’s so much more to discover!

Connecting with the Spiritual Realm

Step 1: Prepare yourself and your personal space.  Find an area where you will not be disturbed. You may wish to light a candle, display a favorite crystal, or surround yourself with items that have special meaning to you. Have a journal and a pen handy. Sit quietly, relax, and let yourself become aware of your body.

Step 2: Protect and ground yourself. Visualize yourself stepping into a huge clear bubble. Once you’re inside, ask your spirit guides to fill your bubble with pure, white light and then to seal it. This will offer you protection. Visualize that your bubble has an anchoring cord that prevents you from floating away. This should give you the sense that you’re firmly grounded.

Step 3: Set your intention. Say out loud that you wish to communicate with the spiritual realm. State who you wish to connect with. This may be a spirit guide or a loved one who has died. Once you’ve spoken your intentions, the universe will answer.

Step 4: Record your experience. As soon as you finish, journal about what you felt, heard, and saw. Have trust in what you received, and write about it as soon as you can. You may start with just a single word symbol, and it may not even make sense to you. But this isn’t a time to judge; it’s simply a time to trust and believe.

Journaling offers you something tangible to look back on. When we connect with the spiritual realm for the first time, it’s like receiving a single piece of a jigsaw puzzle. This can be frustrating, and easy to forget before your next session.

Documenting your experience is the best way to measure your progress. This will also build your personal reference library of things like names, symbols, and colors. Signs and symbols will be uniquely yours. Only you will understand what your specific symbols mean.

At the end of each session, always remember to show your respect of the spiritual realm by saying “thank you” for allowing you to connect with it.

Connecting to a lost loved one

Connecting to a lost loved one

When we lose loved ones as young children, we can find ourselves surrounded by unanswerable questions.  Why was our loved one in pain? Why didn’t recognize them fully the last time I saw them? And where did they go?

Death is a hard concept for many people. For a child, it is especially confusing.

As we process our grief, we want to see our loved one. We want to make a connection so that we understand  where they are and if they are safe and happy.   Some of us get the great gift of hope if a loved one reaches back to us after they have passed on.  This connection is a great reassurance to us.

Connecting to a lost loved oneThere are those who have the gift of speaking to both worlds. These special people are called mediums.  We can consult a medium to help us reconnect  with our loved one.

How to connect:

  1. Just speak. It can’t be any simpler. Visualize the person or even hold something that you associate with them.  Direct your conversation to them as clearly as if they were in front of you. This should be done in a place where you can focus on them and be uninterrupted.
  2. Use their belongings. If you have a personal item of theirs, hold it and ask them to reach out to you.  Ask any question you like.  I have a friend whose loved one reaches out by opening the lower left draw of their desk. This usually happens when she is having a frustrating day. It’s as if they are reassuring her with a quick sign.
  3. Dreams. When we dream, we can move between many stages of our existence.  Once you start reaching out to your loved one, start paying attention to your dreams. Your loved one may start reaching out to you.  You can keep a journal or notebook of your dreams so you can keep track of them.
  4. Contact a medium. One of the best ways to make is a connection is to get the help of someone with experience. But be sure to do your research. Find a trusted medium to help out.

How to prepare to work with a medium:

Be open to hearing from anyone in your family who has crossed over.  This may involve some research into your family tree. Open yourself up relatives and friends. Some people have even reported pets reaching out to them.  Be prepared for anything.  Ultimately you can be reassured that your loved one is still with you and cares for you.  Some of our loved ones are even working as guardian angels for us.

9 Indications that Spirits are trying to Make Contact by Psychic Scarlet

9 Indications that Spirits are trying to Make Contact by Psychic Scarlet

There are ways to know when the spirits are initiating contact since as a psychic medium I’ve dealt with them most of the time.

The spirits usually let us know when they are around and if they want to communicate with us through the following common ways.

  1. Apparition Smells

9 Indications that Spirits are trying to Make Contact by Psychic ScarletThe memories of an individual who has died which are the sudden appearance of spirit-like smells are always noticed by family members once an individual has passed away.  It can be after weeks, months and even years after the person has died. The scents are linked with the person’s existence. These are perfumes, cigars, and gasoline. The smell frequently reminds us of the individual who has died. Smell than any other sense is always linked with memory. The individual is brought back only for a short while when we experience this sense of ghostly smell.

  1. Dreams

The dead find it easy to communicate through visions especially when a person they want to communicate to has access to the spirit realm. It is known that both the living and the dead both travel into the astral realms while asleep.  At times dreaming of an individual who passed away is just part of the subconscious mind and not a message. When a dream about a loved one is stressed then it might be him or her making contact. You are together side by side in the dream life. It is through dreams that the dead pass their messages to us. The dead frequently use signals to pass their feelings and thoughts. Focus on those messages.

  1. The Sudden Appearance of Meaningful Objects

When certain important objects appear suddenly, it’s an indication of a dead loved one trying to contact or convey a message. This could be an item that was associated with them when they were alive such as letters, pictures, clothing, and belongings.

  1. Spirit Touches

Though a spirit touch can be disconcerting, it usually happens. A spirit can touch, pat and even push you in haunted areas. When the spirit, however, touches you slowly and softly it means a deceased loved or friend is trying to reassure you. at times you feel like a soft hand has been placed on your shoulder or at times feel like your whole body is being caressed.

  1. Hearing the Voices of Deceased Loved ones

This frequently takes place when you’re thinking about something. You might hear someone calling your name but you don’t see them. Then you tempted to ask if someone has called you but nobody agrees. At times the voice is not loud therefore can’t be recognized.

Spirit voices can also be heard through a type of “white noise “meaning that time when there are frequencies in the room that’s blotting out the silence.

  1. Knocking Sounds

These are sounds that are experienced after a person’s death. They can be, a knock on the door sounds coming from inside a wall or a room. They simply mean, “Hello, I made it. I’m still around but I’m also in this other place.”

  1. What Small Children Say

Children are closer to heaven than we are since they’re very pure since they just left heaven to be with us in this world. Always be alert when children talk about individuals you knew and they didn’t. Always acknowledge them. However, as these children grow older the link between them and the spirit is lost.

  1. Pets Act Strangely

Since pets are sensitive to spirits they can bark at anything out of suspicion. You can’t tell whatever they barking at but maybe they remember seeing someone in that area. Pets can always see the unseen.

  1. Seeing Shapes and Forms in Your Peripheral Vision

The spirit rarely comes in form of a full-body apparition and if they do then they most likely will look like the way they did when they were alive. The spirits can, however, be frequently seen in forms of shapes and peripheral or side visions. Note that it is essential not contact your loved ones until they transform and have gotten used to their new spiritual world. If you continue being bitter for long then their progress to the next world can be disrupted. You will day reunite with your loved ones but at the moment know that loved ones have not gone forever.

Reincarnation and our past lives

Have you ever experienced memories that do not seem to be your own? Have you ever had the feeling of déjà vu, or dreamed vividly about people and places you’ve never seen? these signs may indicate that you’ve led a past life which is also known as reincarnation. Living more than one life is a popular belief in some religions such as Hinduism and Buddhism. Recognizing signs of past lives can give insight and meaning to our current life.

Do you have vivid, Recurring Dreams?

Having vivid, Recurring Dreams can also be a sign you’ve lived a past life. Places or people that seem familiar and recognizable in your dreams but are foreign to you in waking life may actually be things you’ve experienced before in your past life. A woman had a dream of herself in 1940s clothing, speaking to a group of soldiers, later discovered through a past life regression that she had previously died during World War II.


Memories play an important part in our human functionality. Without memories, we wouldn’t be able to remember who or where we are. However, having memories of places, people, or specific events we’ve never experienced is a sign of a past life.

A young boy told his mother that he used to be someone else. With further investigation,  his memories of living and working in Hollywood revealed, including some specific facts like having three sons.

Déjà vu

We’ve all experienced déjà vu at some point in our lives.  It’s that feeling that somehow we have already experienced or lived a moment in time before.  Often déjà vu is triggered by smells, sounds, sights, tastes and various other sensations.  While some people claim that déjà vu is a neurological dissonance, others claim that déjà vu reflects the possibility of other parallel universes, and still others believe it is revealing of past life experience.

Strong Intuition

Intuition is the ability to balance the conscious and unconscious mind and to tap into our innate knowledge.  The more we soulfully mature, the more we are closer to returning to the ‘source’ from which our Souls come from, and from which the collective unconscious  exists.

You are attracted to Certain Cultures Or Time Periods

Perhaps you have a magnet attraction for ancient Greece, the Japanese Edo period, or World War I, but you don’t know why. Being attracted to certain cultures, environments, or time periods with no explanation could also be a sign you have lived a past life.

 Experiencing a phobia or irrational fear

Most people experience some sort of fear phobia or irrational fear. When someone’s fear or phobia can’t be explained, though, it is a possible sign of a past life.

Understanding and ability to speak languages you’ve never learned

Understanding and being able to speak languages you’ve never learned could mean you’ve had a past life. Also known as “xenoglossy,” stories of the phenomenon can be found in history, even in the Bible.

4 Ways to be Haunted

Are you or your house being haunted? Well, that depends. How often do you feel the room suddenly get colder for no reason? Do you ever hear voices with no source? Have you ever felt touched by a cold hand that wasn’t actually there? If you’ve noticed one or more of these things happening recently, you may very well be haunted by a ghost.

Now don’t run screaming out of your house thinking of every scary movie you’ve ever seen. Most hauntings are generally not as murderous or malicious as the entertainment industry would have you believe. In fact, hauntings are just spirits who need our help to cross over to the other side.

There are several different types of hauntings. Each has different motivations and behaviors, but they can generally be categorized as one of 4 main types.


An intelligent haunting happens when a ghost communicates with the living. You may be surprised to find that you understand their message and are able to interact with them. An intelligent haunting spirit has figured out how to manipulate the environment to make you aware of their presence, and they are aware of yours.


A residual haunting is really just latent energy manifesting in the present. It is likely that a traumatic event took place in that location, and the spirit is stuck reliving that moment in that place. Since they are stuck in that event, they do not notice or interact with you, even if you can sense them.


A demonic haunting is what’s happening when someone is “possessed”. The spirits who engage in this sort of haunting are usually evil, and this will manifest as very negative behaviors from the person haunted. They may suddenly be very malicious toward loved ones or engage in cruel behavior towards other people. Someone “speaking in tongues” as if they’ve suddenly learned a new language may be the victim of a demonic haunting. Demons feed off of fear and weakness to become stronger, so it is important to consult a professional to perform a proper exorcism for this type of haunting.


One of the most disruptive types of hauntings is the poltergeist. They have a reputation for breaking things, being loud, and causing general disruption in the living world. Poltergeists are actually created from the energy of a living person going through a stressful experience. Adolescents are particularly prone to generating the type of sudden spike in energy that creates a poltergeist. It does not require any intent on the part of the living person to manifest, so we are rarely aware that we have created them.

These are only the broadest tier of categories for classifying haunting entities. As you research and encounter more spirits, you will understand that ghosts are just a varied as we are. Always be careful when interacting with haunting spirits, and consult a professional if a spirit seems to have bad intentions.

Angels Among Us

Angels are the connection between us and the divine plane of existence. They are celestial beings carrying messages from a heavenly place. They generally appear to offer guidance or affirm your decisions when you are unsure.That said, they cannot obligate you to follow their advice. Angels do not interfere with your free will. They offer good will, and hopefully you see it so you can take advantage. But there are various types of angels; and each one works differently to help us through life.

To begin, let’s clarify that the concept of angels is not limited to Christian religions. Every belief system and every culture has a version of these positive, divine beings. Throughout history, they have been described as winged people. Very often they seem to have a glow about them. Most cultures conclude that this glow is a sign of the connection to the divine world. Supposedly, they take the shape of people to feel familiar and approachable to us.

Angels don’t generally appear in all their splendid glory unless the message they bear is extremely important. In other cases, they frequently communicate using telepathy. Telepathy is speaking directly into your mind, like the voice in your head.

It can be easy to mistake angels with any of the various other spiritual beings we encounter throughout our lives. The difference is really in their behavior. Other spirits may have their own motivations for interacting with people in our plane of existence. Angels primarily serve as a bridge between us and the heavens. To meet this goal, there are several types of angels, each with a unique set of skills and goals. These are decided according to that angel’s mission.

Types of Angels


  • Archangels – They carry scepters giving them the power to heal through touching a sick person. They also carry messages of hope.
  • The Powers – They take you under their wings for protection and are able to infuse you with a healing energy. Your body then heals itself, sometimes quicker than usual.


  • The Virtues – They decide your purpose in life and help you to achieve it. When you face major changes or are feeling lost, they help you get back on track.
  • The Dominions – They keep track of your actions and choices throughout life to see if you act out of good or ill will.


  • Guardian angel – This type is the one most of us are familiar with. They have been with you since birth, and will visit whenever you need a comforting force to appear. You may or may not interact with them directly, but they will always have your best interests at heart.

If you are interested in trying to communicate with the angels in your life, start by strengthening your spiritual connection. As you grow stronger, you will find that you can readily feel the presence of angels. And one day, you may even be able to respond to them.

How to Remember A Past Life

Do you believe in reincarnation and past lives? Do you feel as if your soul remember the lives it experienced before it lived within you? Wouldn’t you love to tap into that abundant wisdom? You could consult a psychic or medium, but be aware that there are often costs for these services. Before you spend your money, know that there are some techniques you can try at home to achieve past life regression. You won’t even have to leave home.

Hypnotizing yourself is one powerful technique for past life regression. It is a reliable method that takes considerable effort to master. Self-hypnosis is best to practice in a location where you can feel safe and secure. It is best to find a comfortable position, as this may take some time. Play some soothing music or whatever sounds make you feel calm and centered. The goal is to eliminate distractions and be able to relax. Now focus on deep breathing.

In your mind’s eye, visualize a white aura surrounding yourself. Let this light form a protective shell around you, and just be comfortable in its warmth. When you are ready to focus, see the door at the far end of the hallway of your previous life. Take note of as many details as you can. Are there several doors along the hallway? What sort of lighting is there? Are you walking on carpet? Make your way to the door.

On the other side of the door is some insight into your past life. Be ready to accept what you see. There is no need to judge or try to understand what you see just yet. Simply focus on taking in and remembering as many details as you can. What colors can you see? Do you smell anything? What can you hear?

Explore until you are satisfied, then exit through the same door. You can return down the hallway back to your current awareness. As you regain consciousness, strive to remember the details you saw. You will build on them as you continue to use hypnosis to access your past life. Once you are fully present, make a record of everything you witnessed on your visit to the previous life.

Helpful Hints

  1. Keep trying- Practice makes progress. This technique is not easy, but you will get better and see clearer the more you do it.
  2. Record yourself- Consider setting up an audio or video recorder to record you hypnotized state. You really never know what you may do while connected to your past self. It helps to have a recording to review the information you pick up on each visit.
  3. Set a timer- Hypnosis requires energy, so don’t try to spend too long exploring under hypnosis. Similar to working out at a gym, you don’t want to overdo it.
  4. Be specific- Instead of exploring aimlessly, try to focus on a specific question you would like to have answered. You can even say it out loud before your session to try and manifest your energy. As your skills develop, you will be able to take a more targeted journey into your past.

Do not be discouraged by the slow nature of this process. Past life regression is a very rewarding practice, and the insight you can glean is well worth the time spent mastering this skill.

Keeping alive the memory of pets passed

Most of us who are animal lovers treat our pets as family. In fact, to the most ardent pet lover, our pets aren’t merely animals, they are vital parts of our lives, and when they die, we grieve for them just as if we have lost a part of ourselves. 

But, while they are no longer able to run and greet us or jump in our laps for attention, we can still keep them close to us in our memories. Here are seven ways to nurture the memory of our dearly departed friend.

  1. Feature a favorite picture

Since your pet has been a member of your family, you probably have several fun photos of them. Select your favorite and display it in a prominent place at home or office.  The sight of your friend may give you a pang of sadness, but eventually you will smile everyone time your see your pal.

2. Obtain a unique work of art

You can memorialize your pet by commissioning an artist to draw, paint or otherwise depict them.  Share your pictures with an artist to create the perfect thing to cherish and enjoy.

3. Make a Shrine

You can create a small memorial area in honor of your lost loved on. Use a small table to put objects that remind you of your pet. These and a few pictures would be also be a good place to meditate as you bask in the memory of your good friend.

4.Create a lasting memory: a paw print.

This is not a new idea, in fact, it has become so popular that there are commercial molds available for you to make a casting of your pet’s paw print.  You can write their names and the pertinent dates so you can remember them always.

5. Keep Their Tags

This is a simple way to remember this special family member.  Keep your pet’s name tag and wear it as a charm on a necklace or bracelet, or just keep it somewhere you can see it as  way to remember this loved one.

6. Enjoy their special day

You can remember your pet by celebrating their birthday. If you don’t know what their actual birthday is, celebrate their favorite season or time of day.  Share their favorite treat with another pet to help you realize that you can give your love to other animals

7. Make a donation in their name.

You can make a real change and remember your pet at the same time.  You can make a donation to the humane society  or through an organization like the World Wildlife Fund. Many large pet stores collect funds to help feed shelter animals. A donation in your pets name will make a real difference and provide a lasting memorial.

The Strange Experience of Meeting Your Doppleganger

      Have you ever had the experience of seeing someone randomly who looks like they could be your identical twin? Or maybe you’ve seen the exact duplicate of yourself in a dream or someone has told you that you look exactly like a friend or relative they have? If so, this could mean that you’ve experienced the notion of seeing or meeting your doppleganger.

Many believe that we all have a doppleganger out there in the universe. This person is someone who resembles us closely in just about every way imaginable. From similar mannerisms to the same hair color, dopplegangers will look and act exactly life you. The mystery of dopplegangers can be reassuring and comforting to some while making others weary and suspicious.

The word doppleganger has a German origin, with its literal meaning being “double goer.” In more modern English, the word “look alike” is used to describe a doggpleganger. No matter the origin of the word, the concept of a doppleganger is definitely not a new one. It’s just been referred to in many ways throughout history such as clones, alter egos, subjective doubles, evil twins, and paradoxical anomalies…to name a few. No matter the term used to describe a doppleganger, in essence, it means that there is an alternate or really second physical version of yourself residing in the same time plane as you.

The whole notion of a doppleganger may seem a bit unnerving and unsettling. In some cultures, and folkloric narratives, seeing your doppleganger could allude to bad fortune or a tragic future. In these types of stories, the doppelganger is often referred to as a harbinger of death where those witnessing seeing themselves soon meet their demise afterwards. This is why some feel uneasy if they’ve witnessed seeing their doppleganger out of fear that their health and future may be bleak.

Seeing your doppleganger isn’t always a foreboding experience though. Some see it as a sign of good fortune and great things to come in the future. It could also mean that you are finally ready to come to terms with something that’s been eating away at you…that you are ready to face yourself. It’s really about how you perceive things as well as where you’re at in your life. If you’re in a good place or even if you’ve been needing to confidence to face yourself in order to make a positive change, then seeing your doppleganger will surely be a sign that you’re on the right track.

Another way to perceive experiencing one’s doppleganger is that a severe emotional or physical trauma has taken place. Seeing a doppleganger in this instance means it’s being used as a coping mechanism…that you are figuratively splitting yourself into two beings so as to cope with the trauma you’re enduring. Your doppleganger then acts as a way to distance yourself from the events that traumatized you in the first place, thus keeping your safe in your mind.

Overall, the idea of the doppleganger is definitely one that can be open to perception and beliefs. Is it a bad omen…a warning of negative things to come? Is it a good omen…a way of making us face ourselves and change for the better? Or is it a way for us to cope amidst something terrible that has happened to us? In the end, the notion of a doppleganger and how you will perceive he or she upon seeing them is for you to decide.

Signs That The Dead Are Still with Us

It is comforting to know that the spirits have sent messages that they are still with us and the death is just another phase of living.  Even though we feel that they are gone, they are actually still on their life journey and still available to us for guidance and comfort and assistance.

There are many stories about how the departed have connected with their loved ones. These stories and lovely and serve to reassure us.

Here are several ways that spirits contact us:

  1. Dream Visits

It is very common to have our dearly departed connect with us through our dreams.  In dreams they can interact with us clearly and in a non-threatening way.

  1. Visions

You may get the feeling that you are not alone. You may catch the shadow of a long lost pet or catch a glimpse of a loved one. This vision can appear in various stages of transparency.

  1. Scents

You may smell the aroma of something that reminds you of the person who has passed on. It can be something subtle like incense or pipe smoke. This is the spirit letting you know they are with you.

  1. Sounds and Music

Nothing is sweeter than hearing your name called by a loved one.  It is especially sweet when you hear someone who you thought was gone forever calling to you.   You may also hear the your loved one’s favorite song when you most need their support.

  1. “God-Incidences”

Instances of coincidences that work in your favor my very well be special favors from God and be directly influenced by your loved one.

  1. Sensing a Presence

Some report feeling a strong presence or energy in a room.  This can also be a breeze passing you. This can be evidence that your loved one is reaching out to you.  Many people report feeling their loved one at the moment they pass.

  1. Butterflies, Dragonflies and Birds

Nature can also be a messenger from your loved one.   This can be any winged creature.

  1. Rainbows

Rainbows are beautiful and comforting for many reasons. Sometimes one may appear when you are thinking about your loved one, this is a distinct sign that you are connecting.

  1. Numbers

You can find numbers that were meaningful to the dearly departed that show up all around you. They pop up on clocks, receipts or license plates.  These can be important dates or even favorite “lucky” numbers.  When you see these, know that you are connecting.

  1. Recognition

One of the most vivid ways of your loved one making their presence known is to see someone who resembles them just when you are thinking about them.   They may reach out this way because you truly need to see a sign.

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