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Soulmates That Cannot Be Together


When people think about being with their soulmate, they believe that everything will be perfection. It will be even more than what we see on the movies. Everything might go away, but you know that your soulmate will still be there for you.

The second that you lay your eyes on this person, you will know that you are in love with them. You know that you are meant to be with that person, and it will feel different than all of your other relationships.

How It Works

There are some people that feel that the soulmate connection is something perfect.  You might even think that nothing in your life matters more than them but as you learn to figure out your soulmate relationship, there will be things that you never expected, such as them becoming unavailable to you.

Some people will meet their soulmate, but they might not be able to be with them because they may be married, or they might be in a different area far away from you. This might cause them to look for love somewhere else and even though there is nothing wrong with this, you may have a different soulmate that is actually available and single for you.

More Than Love

Sometimes when your soulmate comes along it will not be for a romantic situation. It will be to find a best friend. Everyone needs to have a good friend and if you work hard at your soulmate relationship then you can have a best friend right at your fingertips.


If your soulmate lives far away from you, being together with them can be hard. Sometimes this can happen if you meet them while they are on vacation or while they are in town for a work trip. When this happens, you could move across the world to be with them, but this is not always something that is possible for all people.

For most people, they are stuck seeing their soulmate move back home and they will only be able to chat online, over the phone or send each other gifts or letters in the mail. You can work hard to make this relationship work and then maybe someday you can be physical together.

Sometimes it is a discouragement when you aren’t allowed to be with your soulmate, but you need to remember that life is hard sometimes and that it just makes you stronger.

Keep your mind open and let your heart find new love for you. Never doubt what the universe wants to give you and make sure that you are staying strong and being positive in all situations in your life.

Always keep an open mind when someone new comes into your life. You will see that the universe can send you a soulmate out of nowhere so do not ever run or hide from new relationships and see what is going to happen in your life in the future.


Finding a soulmate can be the best thing that ever happened in your life. Even if you are not able to be with your soulmate right now, making new connections can be exciting and fun.

Understanding Soul Loss and Soul Retrieval

Soul Loss

Soul loss is something that many people do not understand, and this happens because many people do not believe that each of us has a divine soul inside of us. This idea is something that is constant in someone that believes, and they know that the soul is something that is sacred and has energy that comes from something bigger than a person. This energy is something that we can get rid of if we do not embrace it.

According to modern Mesoamerican curanderx, some call the soul things such as chanul, spirit, tonally and more. The way that people describe it can be different ways, but it is all the same thing, a sacred energy that comes to you from something bigger or a divine present. When you look at soul loss, this comes from understanding of the soul.

Knowing Soul Loss

There are different signs that you can see with soul loss such as:

  • Depression
  • Patterns
  • No motivation
  • Eating disorders
  • Bad behaviors
  • Overly emotional feelings
  • No emotions
  • Detached feelings
  • Insomnia
  • Tiredness
  • Anxiety

Soul loss can happen for many different reasons and here are some of the most common reasons that people experience soul loss:

  • Sexual abuse
  • Car accidents
  • Heartbreak
  • Injuries
  • Getting bad news
  • Having emotional events that happen
  • Trauma
  • Bad jobs
  • Health problems
  • Having relationship problems
  • Physical abuse

Why Do Soul Retrieval?

Soul retrieval can help to take something traumatic that happens and can help you to work through the situation so that you can have peace.

Getting this kind of retrieval can help to heal you and help you to be stronger in your body, chakras, energy and in all parts of your body. Your energetic bodies such as your celestial, emotional, mental and more are part of your energy and your aura, and they go around your body to help you to transmit your energy in a positive way.

When you can do soul retrieval, you will have more energy and you will see that you can benefit in your life.

Soul loss and retrieval helps to get your energy back to normal after some kind of trauma such as childhood abuse or some other pattern that causes you to hate yourself and those around you.

Soul Energy

The idea of soul energy will teach you that soul energy is in parts of the body. There are seven different energy centers called the chakras. They are located in particular parts of the body.

According to the energy centers, there is energy that can flow throughout your body, and this is strong as long as your chakras are balanced but when they are blocked, this causes problems.

The energy centers, the chakras, is a Sanskrit word that means wheel. This means that the energy will move and goes from the top of your head to the bottom of your feet. You can regulate this energy and it can bring you good or bad health.

The chakras are inside and outside of the body, and they can go throughout the earth. All of the chakras are based around your glands, organs and more and each has their own color and their own energy.

As the chakras work together, they connect with the universe. They are able to give you energies that work through your body and your soul. This energy is something that we do not feel but when it is not working correctly, we feel that.

Chakras and Emotions

The seven different chakras help you to have memories that are positive or negative. If you have experienced trauma, it can cause your chakras to be blocked.

This energy can record information in your being, and it can cause your energy center to not work correctly. As you do soul retrieval, you will see that you can get rid of negative energy in your chakras.

Root Chakra

This is the chakra located at the bottom of the spine. This is the chakra that helps you to have a sex drive, to survive and works with the endocrine system.

When this area is not balanced, it can cause you to be defensive, to not trust others and to feel that you are insecure. It can cause you to not be able to release things and to not trust who you are.

Sacral Chakra

The sacral chakra is found around the belly button. This is the emotional center of your being. It helps you to know your gender and your identity and it helps with the adrenal glands.

When you have trauma, it can cause you to fight or flight and cause you to feel anxious and paranoid. You might have emotional problems and many codependent relationships.

Solar Plexus Chakra

The solar plexus chakra is found at the top of the belly button and is where you have self-control and where your immune system lies. This works with your adrenals and the pancreas.

When you have a blocked solar plexus, it can make you feel that your energy is not balanced, that you cannot reach your intuition and you have no respect for who you are. It can also cause you not to be able to make boundaries and cause you not to have strong relationships.

Heart Chakra

This chakra is located in the center of the chest and is where your love, forgiveness and compassion lies.

This works with the thymus gland and is where you are able to get love. If your heart chakra is blocked, you will feel that you cannot love yourself and others. You will not be able to forgive, and you will have a problem with things of the heart.

Throat Chakra

The throat chakra is found in the throat, and it is where you can communicate and speak the truth. It is where your creativity lies. This works with the thyroid and the parathyroid glands.

If you are unbalanced in this chakra then you will not be able to speak the truth or express yourself. If you fit it, you will see that you can be more open to communication with others and you can be more creative.

Third Eye Chakra

The third eye chakra is located in the middle of the eyebrows and in the forehead. This chakra is where you reach your higher self and where your intuition and your discernment lies.

When you have trauma here, it can cause you to not be able to make good decisions and not to be able to know what is going on around you. The third eye is associated with the pineal and pituitary glands in the brain.

Crown Chakra

The Crown chakra is located at the top of the head. This is where you get your higher self and where you can connect with your spirit guides. This is where you will have wisdom in the spirit world.

When this area is blocked, it can cause you to feel confused, to be depressed and to want to isolate yourself.

Many people associated the chakras with outside of the body and even though there are some outside of the body, the ones inside are the ones that can cause blockages and cause you physical problems and spiritual problems.

When you use the chakras and you look at your life, you can heal these areas and have soul retrieval and get rid of issues in your energy centers that are causing you problems.

What is Retrieved?

When you do soul retrieval it means that you are finding the pieces of your soul that need loved and need to be fixed.

Soul retrieval happens when you have went through trauma and you work through it. This allows you to love yourself and allows you to figure out how to heal. Whatever you find in your soul that needs healed, you can give it love, compassion and you can honor it by bringing your heart and your soul back into balance.

Using Fate and Lessons to Know Your Karma


Do you ever feel that you keep repeating the same problems over and over again? When you look at numerology, you can see that this can be part of your Life lesson number. This is the number that works with your birth date. The birth date helps you to know what lessons you will learn in this lifetime and what you will be able to do well.

The Life Lesson number is also called your destiny number. The meaning of your Life lesson number is a theme that will help you to understand your life.

You will learn to find out more things about yourself the more you look at things in your life and the more experiences that you seem to have.

Repeating Problems

If you sometimes feel that you are dealing with the same problems over and over, you need to look at the patterns. What patterns are repeating? What is going on? You need to figure out if there is a lesson to be learned.

Living Your Best Life

Learning your lesson and learning to live your best life is something that this will teach you. The thing is, you need to learn to master your life and to stop complaining when things are hard.

Being Angry

We often get angry at ourselves when things in our life repeat over and over again but once you realize that these patterns are there to teach you a life lesson, you will see that it is more important than you imagined it.

Mastering Things in Life

If you want to learn to be the master of something, you need to learn about it and figure out what it means to you. You have to figure out the good and the bad of the lesson.

You have to take the things that keep repeating themselves and learn from them. You need to practice how to get through the lessons and what you can learn the most from it.

Finding Your Life Lesson Number

When you find that your Life lesson number is telling you that you are never going to get out of the pattern that you are in, you have to figure out how to look at where you have come from and how far you are in your life.

Maybe you have done things in your life already and have made big progress. If this is true, you need to keep working until you get it perfect. Do not give up.

Figuring Out Your Karmic Lessons

Life is full of lessons, and they are meant so that you can understand them and better yourself. This is what learning and life is all about. Be careful that you take time to figure out what you are working on and that you look at things such as karma. Karma can play a big role in things that happen over and over again.

Helping You to Grow

Learn to be more positive in your life and make sure that you are being kind and compassionate with yourself and that you are being gentle when you go through things. The whole point of this is that you learn your life lesson and you begin to grow. You want to grow so that you can become the best that you can in your life.

Learn your lessons and learn to be the master of the things that happen to you. Learn to become more spiritual and to live a more fulfilled life.

Understanding Your Wildest Dreams

Wildest Dreams

Some people have never thought of the laws of the universe before and even if you haven’t, most people have heard about the law of attraction at least from books or television.

The law of attraction is a universal law, and it tells you that whatever you put into the universe will come back to you. This is a natural law and since everything on the earth and in the earth is made up of energy, the law of attraction tells you that whatever you think and do will give you back the same vibration and energies.

Most people choose to not learn about the universal laws, or they don’t believe that they are real. No matter if you believe it or not, the vibrations that you send into the universe will give you the same vibration or energies back. Using the law of attraction is happening every second of your life.

The law of attraction never stops working rather you think it is real or not. Even if you don’t believe in things such as gravity, doesn’t mean that it isn’t real.

You can decide to believe in things or to think that they are gibberish but while you live your life and get what you want or you don’t, the great news is that the law of attraction can help you.

Whatever you think, imagine and do is what will come back to you. Do you ever think about someone in your life that you haven’t seen or talked to for a long time and then out of nowhere they call you?

People think that when things like that happen that it is a coincidence when the truth is that it is actually the law of attraction.

Most people that have the law of attraction at their fingertips are not using it or they are doing it wrong. The law of attraction is not something that just comes to you easily, but it is something you have to think about, believe in and work to make it happen and then the universe will help you.

When you think about the law of attraction, you can learn to attract things by thinking about them and by working hard. If you want to pass a test, for example, you will think about passing the test, you will be positive about it and you will study and then the universe will help you. If you just think about the test and you are positive about it, but you choose to not do anything about it to learn it, you will not be successful.

People are often afraid to get what they want because they don’t know if they want to work hard to get or if they want to deal with it. If you are not confident in what you want in your life, then you will never be successful.

Being afraid will not help you get what you want. You have to find out what is scaring you and then work through it to be the best that you can be.

You will never be your best if you don’t start acting like you are living your best life and if you don’t look at the world face on and conquer the things that challenge you.

Using the Law of Attraction as a Newbie

Manifesting things can raise your vibrations with the universe. When you are positive about something you want and you are being happy, you will work harder to get what you want. You will get rid of negativity in your life and focus on your goals and the things you want.

Manifesting things is about what you are feeling and believing and what you will do to make sure you get what you want.

There are small things that you can do to make your energy stronger, and you can learn to manifest things to your life:

Be Positive

You have to learn to be positive. This doesn’t mean that things won’t go wrong but when you face hard times, you have to learn to get rid of the negativity and learn from it. You need to experience things and learn to face them. How you react to things matter.

Things that are bad happen to everyone and when it happens to you, you have to learn to face it and deal with it. Instead of getting angry and giving up, be positive and work harder.

Be Involved

Find things that you love to do and things that make your heart happy. Do these things so that you can be strong and so that you can be happy. Doing things, you love will boost your mood and will help your vibrations to be stronger.

Some people think that they have to work hard to be happy but instead of working hard, find things that you love to do and do them.

Be Thankful

Be thankful for things in your life that you have. Write them down. Doing this will make you have a better mood and to be more positive.

Writing a thankful journal will let you look at all the good things around you that can make you feel better in your life.


Meditation is a fast way that you can raise your vibrations. Doing small amounts of meditation will boost your mood and will help you to increase your energies.

Love Yourself and Forgive

You have to learn to love and forgive yourself for things from the past. Take action to live your best life and learn to sort through things.

Love yourself and do self-care. Make sure that you are strong and that you are doing things that will make your vibrations higher.

Love yourself more and you will attract love.

Start Small with Goals

Set small goals to start with and then set bigger ones as you achieve them. Do things that you don’t expect and do things that you never thought you could do.

The universe will help you to feel good and will help you to be strong in your life. Starting small and manifesting small things will show you that you can get what you want.

Be Inspired

Once you know what you want, find ways to inspire yourself. Set small goals and when you achieve them, celebrate. Work hard and do whatever you can to reach your goals.


Being alive is a great thing and you should be happy about this. You are a miracle in itself just because you are alive, and you should be happy.

Find people that love you and want to be around you and people that bring you joy and peace. Manifesting things will not be easy, but it will be worth it. Set your heart with what you want and go after it with peace and joy and see how easy it is to get what you set your mind to.

The Power of Being a Medium Psychic

Medium Psychic

People that give readings are gifted from the universe. A medium is someone that can talk to the spirit world. They are important to people that have experienced loss and grief. When you have lost a loved one, it can be one of the hardest things that you have ever went through and when you need to get advice, seeing a medium can help you.

A medium can help you to reconnect with your dead loved ones from the spirit world and help you to talk to them and to move forward in your life.

Messages from the Spirit World

One of the most powerful giftings in the psychic world is being a medium. Mediums can be strong and can help you to feel better and can help you to move forward. A medium is loving and compassionate and they know that when they go to help someone that they can connect with those that have died in the past.

Using a medium gifting can help to channel the feelings and messages from the spirit world. They are powerful and they can get messages from a friend or a loved one that has died and wants to give you a message.

One way that a medium can connect with the spirit world is through a reading. When they do a reading, they might be able to hear a voice or know a message that the dead person is giving. If you are a clairvoyant medium, then you can both talk and see the spirits.

Spirits that come back after dying often have a higher frequency that people that live. This allows them to be able to make a connection with people. If a medium wants to connect with a spirit, they have to raise their vibrations and make sure that they are able to use their powers to bridge the communication between the world and the spirit world. This can allow you to heal from trauma or from sudden loss.

Other Mediumship Powers

Another thing a medium can do is to help you to increase your energies. If you are in love or you are trying to be in a relationship, you need to look at what is holding you back. Sometimes relationships that have hurt you can cause you to be lacking in your communication with love.

A medium can help you to find out what is holding you back and can help you to open up your love energy. One power of the medium is to look at your Akashic Records of the past and see if there are issues from your past life that have held you back. This can be karma and a medium can help you to be able to see what karma is stopping you and what is causing you to experience more heartbreak.

When you have to change jobs or make a job decision, a medium can help you to be clear when you aren’t sure what you should do. They can help you to see your gift and help you to increase your intuition. If you are someone that is an empath, you can see the world through other people’s eyes and see what kind of direction you should take.

A medium can help you to understand your life, and what is going on in the world around you. They can help you to understand your journey and to see your spiritual world through different eyes.

Always go to a medium with an open mind and an open heart and you can get the answers that you are seeking. Remember that a medium has to be able to connect with the spirit in order to give you information and to help you to move forward in your life and what direction you should go.


A psychic medium has many giftings and they can help you to heal in uncertain times. If you need to talk to someone that has died suddenly or you need to have closure in your life, seeing a medium can help you.

Signs Someone Who has Passed is Still With You

Signs Someone Who has Passed is Still With You

We all want comfort in knowing the spirits of our loved ones are still with us, even after they have passed. There are several common signs from Heaven that give us that peace of mind and comfort. All you need to do is to pay attention and keep an open heart. Before getting into the signs from Heaven, let us explore why the spirits would visit from the other side.

Spirits are pure energy that are not tied to a body, so they communicate to let you know things like:

  • They are at peace
  • They are around in a different form
  • To celebrate life events
  • To say hello
  • To comfort you when a setback occurs

A deceased loved one could also have a message for you which is really common when someone dies suddenly and was unable to say goodbye for some reason. Below are several signs that a loved one who has passed is still with you.

Spirit Dreams

If you have ever dreamed of a loved one who has died with the dream being so vivid it appeared real. Then the reason was because it was real as this is the way the spirits often visit us. Some signs that this is the type of dream you are having include:

  • Highly vivid
  • Telepathic communications without spoken words
  • The loved one is happy, worry free, illness free, and smiling
  • Emotional experience
  • Smell their scent
  • Feel their touch
  • Hear their laugh
  • Feel at peace
  • Receive some special message

Another common way to tell if your dream is actually a spirit visit is to pay attention to whether your loved one is glowing. Since the spirits are now energy, they tend to have a glowing, almost translucent quality when visiting our dreams. These visits are not scary, but comforting. Do not let your logical side talk you out of believing.

Moving Objects

Loved ones in Heaven may move objects to get your attention. This can be a small move, like a bottle of perfume being just to the side of where you thought you left it or the remote disappearing. One person talks about wanting to have a specific verse on her husband’s funeral card, but being unable to contract the printers in time. The next day, she noticed her prayer book opened to the exact verse and lying on the floor. She knew it was him.

Animals and Plants

Spirits enjoy sending their favorite animal or plant to let us know they are around. Perhaps you start seeing a bird in your yard you have never seen before or the same one appears every time you think of your loved one. Maybe an insect or butterfly keeps coming into your field of view, like its trying to grab your attention. Make sure you pay special attention when things come out of season, like a bird that should have already migrated or when the plant has a special association with your loved one. It can be highly comforting to look for these signs.

Pets Seeing Spirits

Sometimes, after someone dies your pets begin acting strangely. Animals are highly intuitive and can sense or see spirits when they visit. If your pet sees a spirit, you may notice they:

  • Become more vocal
  • Stare intently at something you cannot see
  • Act excited for no real reason

Take notice of your animals because they may be trying to pass on a message from beyond.

Technical Glitches

One of the most common signs is that of electronic glitches. Remember that your loved one’s soul is now pure energy and they can easily mess with electrical energy to communicate and let you know they are nearby. It can come as a sudden flicker of the lights, the television turning itself off, the volume changing, receiving an odd text, or getting a call from yourself with no one on the other end. This is without any other explanation, like a storm.

Sensing Their Presence

If you were very close to the person that died, you may be able to sense their presence after they pass. It may feel as if someone is sitting next to you, your loved one is there, or you are being watched. Many people find this comforting. Do not be afraid to invite them in to stay for a while.

Trinkets or Coins

Most have heard of pennies from Heaven and this is an easy way for our departed loved ones to say they are thinking of us. Pick the penny up and check the year to see if it is significant. Sometimes it is not a coin, but a flower, rock, or feather. It can take lots of energy to move this type of stuff so it will likely be small items.

Scents and Smells

Getting a quick whiff of your loved one’s signature scent whether it is grandma’s cookies, your mother’s perfume, or your uncle’s pip tobacco, can be a sure sign if there is no source. This can happen as you walk through your house or as you drive with the windows up and doors shut.


Heavenly coincidences include things like hearing your loved one’s favorite song playing in several locations or seeing a signature piece of clothing your loved one wore on several people the same week. These are not coincidences, but signs from your loved one. Welcome them as something between the two of you.

Remember that our loved one are often looking over us and want to offer helpful advice or just let us know they still care. When you think you received a sign, trust your intuition that you have and enjoy.

How to Get Messages from Your Spirit Guides

et Messages from Your Spirit Guides

If you have been working on making your spiritual life better, chances are that you are more open to ideas than you were in the past.

Maybe you are choosing to use crystals, or you have bought your first oracle or Tarot deck. This can be something new that you are opening up your heart to. This can mean that you are ready to hear about angels and spiritual guides.

Once you begin to open up to the divine beings, you will see that you can meditate and find out that you can be more open and hear more from the spiritual world.

When you try to contact your guides, you can find out that there are more things that you can do to exercise your spirituality and you can learn to invite them to speak to you and to help you.

Talking to your guides can be powerful and if you know their names, you can call on them. Chances are that you can become more confident when you say the name of your angel such as Archangel Michael. When you say his name, you can change the energy and you can notice that your life will change along with it.

Working with your angels and your spirit guides on a regular basis can give you the support that you needed. You will notice when you meditate that you can speak to your guides, and they will be able to contact you and talk to you.

You will realize that you are safe because you have guides there to protect you. As you practice and work to connect with your guides, you will see that you will be able to get messages from them.

The ability to receive messages belongs to you and everyone. Everyone can learn to talk to their guides and to get the support that they need from their divine beings.

Everyone has natural psychic abilities, and you can learn to reflect on them and develop them as time goes on and you will see that you are more connected.

Developing Your Psychic Giftings

There are ways that you can develop your psychic giftings by doing things such as talking to your own psychic and getting a reading, or you can find classes online that you can take that can help you to learn how to develop your gifts.

If you are serious about developing your gifts, you will see that you are stronger and that you are capable of having the gifts that you want.

Not everyone will have all of the gifts, but everyone has some kind of psychic gift, and it is just up to you to use it.


If you are interested in talking to your angels or your spirit guides, you can do this and you can get better at it as you practice doing it.

Learn to get to know your guides by asking them their name, asking them to show you a sign and asking them to show up for you.

Your guides will love you and protect you and they are there for you to help you make good decisions. They will never come unless you ask them so to ask them to come to you and to reveal themselves to you.

How to Deal with Karmic Debt

Karmic Debt

People often see karma as what you do will come back to you, but it is more than actions, it is also the thoughts and the different emotions that you put out into the world, and they come back to you.

People that think about karma are often talking about the law of cause and effect and this law says that what you do will come back to you in some kind of way.  This is the energy of the universe and when it is positive, you will get rewarded and when it is negative, it will come back as negative karma.

Karmic Debt

Karmic debt is the lessons that you learn and the consequences that you have to deal with when you do things. This karma can come from what you do now or what you have done in a past life. Karma is part of reincarnation and the actions and decisions that you make as part of your reality.

Karmic debt is energy that is not resolved from things that you have done wrong. This is actions that you take in your life and the debt can be caused by actions that you take such as doing criminal behavior or using your power for things that are not good. Not only that, but it can also come from negative feelings and emotions that you have that you never resolved such as having unforgiveness or anger even from a past life.

To get rid of karmic debt, you have to make up for the things that you have done wrong. Once you admit that you understand karma, you can get rid of the patterns that have caused you destruction.

You can learn to get rid of your karmic debt and learn how to move forward.

Karmic Debt Numbers

Karmic debt numbers are different kinds of karma that you have learned and lessons that you have had to endure over your life. There can be different karmic debts that you have to get rid of. If you are someone that doesn’t have a karmic debt number, then you are free from this energy in your past life. You still have to understand karmic lessons, but you are free from the debt.

Karmic debt numbers are 13, 14, 16 and 19.

Karmic Debt 13/4

This means that you are lazy or that you were lazy in your last life. People with this number have to have a balance between working and relaxing. If you have this number, you have to work hard and be more motivated.

Karmic Debt 14/5

This means you are controlling and that you are guilty of doing things in your past life. It can mean that you were obsessive or that you were not able to use your personal power to help others but to make yourself better.

Karmic Debt 16/7

This number can mean that you are egotistical and that you have hurt others to better yourself. It can mean you are arrogant, and you need to be more modest and kinder.

Karmic Debt 19/1

This number can mean you were selfish in your past life, and you used others to get ahead. It can mean that you need to learn to be selfless and learn to do things that take care of others in need.

Birth Number

If you were born on any of the numbers above, then it can mean that your karmic debt is part of your personality and path number.

Personality Number

The personality number comes from your birth month and day in numerical value.

Life Path Number

Your life path number comes from your full birth date and adding each of the digits together to get a single number.

Signs of Karmic Debt

  • Your number corresponds with a karmic debt number.
  • You keep finding yourself in negative situations.
  • You find yourself in toxic relationships.
  • You are a caregiver, and you always need to care for others.
  • You are always looking at the actions that you take and the things that you do in your life.

Repaying Karmic Debt

Karma is meant to teach you lessons and not to punish you. It is there to help you to become someone better and to work to have a better life and to find your inner being.

Here are ways that you can pay back your karmic debt:

  • Work through the karmic debt numbers and find out what you messed up on.
  • Figure out what you are weak at and what kind of behavior that you need to do to better who you are.
  • Get rid of negative people out of your life and let people go that don’t serve you well.
  • Find your Akashic records or get past life regression therapy to see what kind of things you did in your past life and where your karmic debt came from.

Ways to Find Your Spirit Animal

Spirit Animal

Everyone has a spirit animal, but some may have specific guides for a reason. Some may be karmic energy forms that transcend space and time. You can discover your spirit guide and create communication. There are several ways that are shared below.

  • Dial In and Believe – You must first believe you have a spirit animal before you are able to communicate with them. Think back over your life and the times when you were helped, saved, or redirected by some force that was unknown. Your guide will come in different ways, so take time to listen to your mind, body, and spirit. When you are in complete stillness, your guide will speak. This may be through clairvoyance, a feeling, or even a scent or just an inner voice. As you receive these messages, write down what you sense because these are intuitive messages from your spirit guide.
  • Clear the Chakras – Having clear chakras helps you become more receptive to your spirit animal. This means taking part in meditation and affirmations on multiple levels. When you meditate using natural stones, place the rock right on top of your brow and feel the increased spiritual oneness with nature. You will be elevated to a higher state of consciousness and strengthen your intuition to your spirit guide.
  • Enjoy Nature – Often, enjoying nature will bring you closer to your spirit animal. Allow yourself to become one with the planet’s vibration. Go to the woods or a park and close your eyes, just listening to the sounds of nature. Place your hand on your heart and ask for a visit from your spirit animal. Allow yourself to become aware of any sensations that indicate it is present.
  • Ask Your Guide to Appear – During quiet moments, like in dreams, meditation, or nature walks, ask your spirit animal to reveal itself.
  • Journal – As your relationship with your spirit animal grows, keep a journal handy. Write down messages, intuitive thoughts, and sensations that come into awareness. As you record it, be open to its meaning.
  • Automatic Writing – Automatic writing through mindful channeling of your spirit animal is simple. Close your eyes and meditate to allow yourself to deep dive into the subconscious. When you awaken, grab a pen and write whatever comes out without thought or editing. Look at what you record and search for hidden messages.
  • Use the Third Eye – Spiritually speaking, the third eye allows you to see the unseen. Engage in body awareness, prayer, and reading or Reiki to grow your otherworldly seeing ability. Your unique spirit animal will reveal himself in different ways, be open to the experience.

If you are interested in making contact and knowing your spirit animal, keep an open mind. This means accepting things that we are not meant to understand fully. When your spirit animal makes contact, you will know. Consider it a karmic blessing.

Tips to Prepare You for a Psychic Reading

Tips to Prepare You for a Psychic Reading

If you are looking to receiving information from the spirit world, consider visiting a medium.  These psychics can interpret messages for you in order to help you create the best possible path forward for yourself.  It can be a bit nerve wracking to get your first reading, here are some helpful tips to ensure you stay grounded.

  1. Maintain an open mind: This is a time to restart your meditation practice to help quiet your mind.  By creating peace within you, you are fostering a healthy environment for spiritual energies to resonate in your life.  Keep in mind the spirits will pop in during a reading in the order they want to come through, so be prepared to hear from a vivacious aunt before getting to spend some quality time with your low-key late father.  Take notes during these interactions because something might not make sense in the moment, but after speaking with another loved one, things might suddenly click!  This is especially true when a spirit references a recent hobby or event in your life as a way to show you that they are still keeping tabs on you.
  2. Focus on your questions: Medium will be focus on interpret symbols they are seeing or words they are hearing in order to pay along messages.  Therefore, you need to keep track of what pressing questions you want to have addressed.  It can be difficult to ask questions of the medium since they are focused on “listening” to messages, so be patient and wait for an appropriate break.
  3. Ask for signs: Sometimes it can be tricky for mediums to connect to your desired loved one.  Keep positive and remember the timing might just be off.  Thank the medium and any deceased loved ones that showed up and try again at a later date.  Before the session ends ask for specific and impactful signs such as “Send me a black crow.”  You will marvel at how that crow will show up when you least expect it, but most need it!