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Understanding the Law of Karma and How it Relates in Your Life

Law of Karma

Karma is something that not many people understand, and it can be scary for some. Some believe this is a punishment for something that they have done wrong, and that the consequence of their actions means that it will be wrath upon them.

What is Karma?

Karma is a Sanskrit word that means “action.” The Law of Karma tells you that everything that you do has a consequence. This means that what you sow you will reap. The actions that you choose will bring you peace and happiness or will bring you hardships.

Whatever you do, you will experience the effect. This means that karma is a good and bad thing, and it is the same for every person. This is a structural element of life and part of a spiritual tradition.

Ask yourself what you want in your life and what kind of relationships you want to have. Do you want peace and harmony or something else?

Understanding Karma and Choices

The law of karma tells us that you need to be aware of all the choices that you make. Your life will always have some choices and it is part of your conscious and unconscious mind. The more aware you are of your choices, the better your karma can be. You want to make good choices to get the results in life you want.

Choices are the key to everything that you do because this is where your karma comes from. You need to learn to deal with your past and your present life and make sure that you are making choices that help you to see the world good and helps you to be able to have good relationships.

The choices that you make that are not good will cause you to experience negative things. This can be pride, greed or not reaching your higher self. This can happen because of what you eat and what you listen to, or even bad habits that you have. If you are always eating unhealthy foods and not taking care of your body, you are causing yourself to build up negative karma.

You have to love and respect your body and make unconscious choices on how to keep yourself healthy and strong.

Using Karma to Break the Cycle

Karma is a tool that you can use to impact you in a posited way. No matter how old you are, you can bring karma that is good to your life. This can help you to change your life and to make good choices.

Look at the choices that you have made and make sure that you are listening to your mind and your body. This will give you power to do better in your life.

Right Actions

When you are going to do something, ask yourself what consequences will your choices have, and will it bring you and those around you peace and happiness?

There are infinite choices that you can make but only the right choices will bring you peace and happiness. Take the right action at the right time and know what action will bring you goodness.

Body Clues

Pay attention to your body. Your body will help you to know if you are making good choices. Listen to what your intuition is telling you and your sensations. If you feel discomfort, this can be a sign of a bad choice.

Find sensations in your body that make you feel good. See if your stomach feels right and your heart. Ask your heart to guide you and give you intuition.  Recognize that you have power inside of you.

Using the Law of Karma

You can use the law of karma to get things that you desire. You can get money and peace and harmony. This can be physical and spiritual.

The law of karma is easy. You have to pay attention to your actions and be aware of the choices that you are making right away.

The more you are aware of your choices, the better you will make right actions which will give you joy and peace. You will see that this helps all around you too.

Getting Rid of Past Karma

Now that you understand doing better, focus on what is going on in your life. What karmic actions do you need to take to make sure you get rid of negative actions?

When you do not handle your past karma, it will keep coming back to you. The law of karma works, and you have to pay back for your actions that were negative in your life.

Breaking the Cycle

Change your karma by doing things that are good. When you have something negative happen in your life, let this be done with goodness and happiness in your heart. Even if it is painful, it is something that is part of your suffering to pay back your debt. You might not understand that your past actions caused this suffering, but you have to break out of this pattern.

Ask yourself these questions:

  • What can I learn from what is happening to me?
  • Why is this happening to me?
  • What is the universe trying to tell me?
  • How can I make this experience good?

When you ask yourself these things, you are able to move on in your life and you can see that this pain brings something positive to you. Find a way so that you can help yourself and other people in your life.

One thing you can do to get rid of karma is write down when things happen to you. This can help you to reflect on your life and what has gone wrong.

Changing Old Patterns

you have to make sure that you change your old patterns and behavior. Take time to meditate and think about things in your life. Quiet your mind and learn to listen. Build up your self and spirit so you can move forward.

You can work on old karma so that you can understand how your actions have caused things and so you can make the decision to stop doing things that causes bad karma. When you do this, you know to not break promises and to not be negative.

Take time to do something positive. The more positive you are, the more you pay off your past debt. By becoming a better choice maker, you learn to understand that your actions can help you to beat bad karma. It can help you to build up yourself and to find happiness and success in your life.

Commitments to Make

Here are some commitments you can make to bring good karma to your life:

  • Choose to make good choices. Be aware of what you are doing at all moments.
  • When you make a choice, find out what the consequences are going to be of the choice you make.
  • Ask your heart to guide you and to comfort you or to show you discomfort when you are making poor choices.


Learn to make better choices so that your heart and your mind can be whole and free. Take action to make sure that you are being positive. Pay off any karmic debt that you have so that you can be free. Karma is there to be positive for you. This will help you to learn to treat yourself and others better and to create peace and harmony in your life.

Understanding the Spiritual Message of Numbers

angel numbers

There are many reason people gravitate towards a certain number.  You may have warm memories of growing up at a certain address or found a sport jersey to be lucky.  Numbers also have spiritual meaning too that yield insight into your personality or serve as messages from the spirit realm.  Once you tap into the power of numbers, you’ll notice all the ways they appear in your life for the better!

Angels in particular love to send repetitive numbers as means of assisting you on your early journey and a sign that they are always with you.  This is because numbers are a universal language that conveys the Divine’s support of you.  Angel numbers, as these patterns are known present in a variety of ways.  Consider all the times you see the clock at exactly 11:11 or 4:44. How about the times you receive a bill for $7.77?

Below we have compiled a list of the meaning behind each of these angel numbers:


Now is the time to manifest an action!  This sequence urges you to closely notice your intentions and if it is what you truly want as supposed to something that you worry may or may not occur.  When you see 111, your angels are encouraging you to meditate or create a vision board to become clear on what truly matters to you.


Find balance in your life.  Now is the time to get grounded and become mindful, yet peaceful about all the facets in your life.  The angels are nudging you to own your truth and remain strong to what matters.


Unite with your spirituality and Higher Self:  Three is deep spiritual properties especially due to its associate with the Christian Trinity (Father, Son, and Holy Ghost/Spirit).  When you see 333 the spirit realm is asking you to align more fully with your Higher Self.  This pattern can also be a sign that your efforts are working and your angels are there to support you.


Cosmic green light, that you are on the right track!  Your spirit guides and angels are telling you that you are doing what is best for you at the moment.  The spirit realm is also signaling to you to keep honoring your intuition and that things will work out for you in the end.


A need for release:  Seeing 555 signifies it is time to identify aspects no longer benefiting you and releasing them from your life.  This is especially true of lingering doubts and fears.  Instead, trust that your angels are working to bring you something better in the near future.  Releasing old patterns or thoughts creates space for growth and new opportunities.


Not a number you should fear:  Typically, people see this number and think of it being tied to the devil.  There is actually a lot of spiritual power in 666.  Seeing this number signals your thoughts are off-kilter or you have been struggling energetically.  Perhaps you have been ruminating over a past hurt or have felt jealous at someone else’s success.  Now is the perfect time to mediate and reconnect with your inner wisdom.  Notice how this brings a sense of grounding and peace into your life.  You may also choose to work with your angels or spirit guides on cleansing your aura.


Patten of intensified spirituality:  Seeing this pattern may signify you are getting so intuitive that you are on the verge of an awakening, either spiritually or psychically.  Your angels or spirit guides could also be sending you this number to urge you to undergo spiritual growth, and are here to assist you in this metamorphosis.


A message of love and support from your angels and guides:  Seeing this sequence is like getting a cosmic high-5 or celebration from your guides.  You are being sent messages of love, success, praise and accommodations for all your hard work and growth.  It also encourages you to remain positive in all situations and always trust your intuition.


A powerful message of closure and new impending opportunities:  Closure can be a good thing as it creates space for you to explore new passions or discover a new path towards your soul’s purpose.  Spiritual beings can send you this pattern as a call to embark on higher vibrations work and spread goodwill.  If you are frequently seeing this sequence ensure you are spending ample time mediation or getting psychic reading to gain more insight about your destiny or ways to optimize alignment between your mind, body, heart, and soul.

Importance of single digits

Although we have spent a lot of time discussing repeating numbers, a single digit can convey powerful significance.  Simply put, repeating a number serves to amplify its impact so they are more commonly discussed.

Significance of combined or non-repeating numbers

Spiritual beings also send messages in the form or combined number patterns.  Perhaps you have constantly spotted the number 251 during your travels, to understand its impact add up the numbers – 2+5+1 =8.  As previously discussed, 8 is a number rich with encouragement and empowerment from your guides.

When you identify a number or sequence at the “right” time, or keep constantly encountering it, pay close attention and write it down to reflect on what messages it might be trying to send you.  Consider using this time to meditate and commune with your angels or guides for feedback on action steps you should take.  Journal all your insight and reflect on your entries as needed.  If need be, receive a psychic reading for additional guidance.  Finally, celebrate the fact you are seeing and aware of these messages, it signifies your connection to your spiritual family and they ways they are trying to provide love and support in your life.

How Empaths Can Use Their Secret Weapon Against a Narcissist


Empaths are known for their kind-hearted behavior and their ability to meet others’ needs without being given a lot of information. Unfortunately, empaths are also a target for narcissists. It may give the empath great hope to know they have a secret weapon.

The empath’s secret weapon is they don’t need validation from others. This is the narcissist’s worst nightmare for they want others to need their approval. That is how they control.

Empaths are like the mythical Pluto. Pluto was known to be calm and calculating. He didn’t lash out immediately but planned his attack. Empaths don’t seek the stage. They stand to the side and watch.

The good nature of empaths provokes them to avoid trouble. They never want to stir up a mess. This sacrificial nature is what draws toxic people, including narcissists. Covert narcissists can be a problem as they will act friendly to pave the way for bullying or verbal abuse

The empath will put up with this behavior for a while, but they have good discernment so they will eventually figure out the passive-aggressive behavior. That is when they use their secret weapon to the fullest.

Since the empath has no real ego, they can easily demolish the narcissist’s ego, which is the root of their power, by simply refusing to respond to them. Mirroring the narcissist by refusing to offer any emotion to them destroys their frail egos.

The typical reaction of an empath to a toxic person is silence. They act wisely once they find out who the abuser is and what they are doing.  Narcissists love to project and play the victim even when they are the aggressor but they need two to play the game.

They won’t lure empaths into their game. Once the empath has the narcissist pegged, they choose to ignore them and limit them in their life. Doing so also limits the negativity in their life but drives the narcissist crazy at the same time.

The narcissist can’t figure out why the empath target doesn’t find them important. They get really annoyed that the empath doesn’t hate them. In fact, they don’t pay them any mind at all. Ignoring is far worse than hatred because a narcissist can feed off hatred. They can’t fuel their egos off ignoring because ignoring involves no emotion at all.

Such behavior by the empath gives the empath control over the situation and that puts the narcissist on edge. After all, they want control. A empath can maintain control by limiting their involvement with the narcissist or ignoring them completely.

This type of behavior does something else for the empath. It keeps their conscious clean. After all, they can’t be drug down into the mud with the narcissist if they refuse to participate. This allows the empath to maintain their joy as well as their energy.

In that respect, empaths are the winners in life early on. They always walk on the high road.

Dealing with a Ghost Problem

Dealing with a Ghost Problem

People that believe in the paranormal often believe that ghosts are hardly violent and that they show up through your senses. They can be heard, smelled, seen, felt or you can just know that they are around. If you have a ghost in your house, there is no real concern with it because many people live with one or more ghosts in their home.

Everyone doesn’t want to live with a ghost. Some people are afraid of ghosts and when they feel a ghost around them, they become fearful.

If you have something going on in your home, you need to make sure that it is a ghost before you worry about it. It could be the wind just blowing things shut or a light that is reflecting off of objects that are shining in your home. Even the foundation of a home will shift and make noises that can scare people sometimes.

Getting Rid of Ghosts

When you find out that you have a ghost in your home, there are certain things that you must make sure that you don’t do such as being afraid. If you are fearful, you will cause the ghost to have more energy.

Being calm can help you to see that the ghost has no power, and it cannot hurt you or your family. Being scared will make things worse with your ghost.

Ghosts most of the time don’t even know that they are dead but if you talk to them, it can help them to realize that and give them the chance to move into the next life. You can help the ghost to get to where it needs to do.

If you don’t feel that you can deal with talking to a ghost, just ask it to leave your home. Don’t get upset or angry about it because it will cause there to be more energy and will give the energy to the ghost. Stay calm and collected.

Ghosts will usually leave if you tell them to but if you get to the point where this doesn’t work, you need to try different things. You should never use things such as:

  • Tarot cards
  • Witchcraft
  • Spells
  • Ouija boards

Using these kinds of things can bring more spirits in your home.

Protection from Spirits

Here are some ways that you can protect yourself from spirits:

White Light

Ask your guides to put white light around you. White light can protect you from negative energies. Ask that your aura and your home be filled with love and light.


Garlic is an herb that can keep you safe and not let spirits come into your home. Put it around your doors and your windows.


Salt will not let spirits come into your home. This can take away negative energies and not allow bad things to come to your home.

Holy Water

Some people use holy water, and they do this to keep protection from ghosts and other things. You can also put a cross in your house or carry one with you.


Amulets such as crosses and crystals can keep you safe from evil spirits.


Using different stones can help to protect and ground you. Some good ones for this include stones such as:

  • Quartz crystals
  • Black Obsidian
  • Black Tourmaline
  • Kyanite


Using sage to smudge your home or your workplace is very helpful. Make sure that you cover all of the corners and the windows and every room in your house.


Light a candle in your home, the best is a white candle.

Feng Shui

Using Feng Shui in your home can keep you safe from negative energies and can bring peace and calmness in your home.

This has been used for thousands of years in China as a way to create good energies.


If you do these things and you still have a spirit in your home, talk to a spiritual leader and ask them to come to your home.

A ghost in your home that is violent needs to be exorcised and you can ask someone in the field of paranormal to help you to do this and get rid of the ghost.

When a negative ghost or spirit comes to you, you can use demonic hunting. This can help you to have a better life and can get rid of negativity in your house.

Signs that You Are on Your Way for Your Awakening

Signs that You Are on Your Way for Your Awakening

Your awakening will happen at the right time in your life and when it does, you will see things about your purpose and your path. You will have passion for things that you never imagined would be important to you.

Being a spiritual person and having your soul grow will help you through your awakening process. You will see that this will change you to your core and you will be open to new and exciting things, beliefs, and values in your life. You will find out who your real self is, and your awareness will increase.

Some people believe that they have no control over their purpose or what happens in their life, but the truth is, you have to be willing to do more than just watch what happens in your life. You have free will and your nature is there to allow you to be what you want to be.

Things in life are not final and when you learn to grow from the inside out, you will align your goals with things in your life.


You make the choice to be happy. Being unhappy means that you feel like your life is out of control and most of the time people don’t realize that they give this power to others.

There is a material part of life and it is when your soul disconnects from your physical being and then your happiness is hard to find. We become attached to certain things that are only temporary in life.

The Mind

The mind plays a big role in how we think and how we grow. Our emotions and our thoughts change and when we stop communicating with the universe, we come to a place where we are not able to achieve what we want to achieve.

We look to clarify our actions and to feel good about things even though our belief system is not where it should be. We let others choose what we believe and engrain this in our minds. It causes us to have certain mindsets and values.

Learn to look at your beliefs and figure out what values you have. Unlearn things that don’t help you and learn to express your mind and your thinking.

You are in control of how you grow, and you have soul wisdom. Learn to move forward in life and stop limiting yourself.


You should be striving to have joy and you need to align your life and balance yourself so that you can understand what is going on inside of you.


Learn to redirect your thoughts and move forward with what you have to say but always think the things over and then when you need to speak, speak loudly.

Your body will give you internal signals to help you make good decisions.

Pay attention to what you are feeling:

  • Are your emotions aligned with what you want in your life?
  • Do you believe in yourself?
  • Do you feel that you are on the right path?
  • Do you feel like you are stopping yourself from moving forward?

When you feel that you are confident and you have guidance, you can move on in your life.


Your awakening can help you to change and help your spirit to mature. When you realize that you are not able to move forward or when you realize that you are having a hard time, do not let your ego be in control of you.

Question what you are doing and make sure that you have changes in your life and that you face your challenges.

Signs of the Awakening

  • Feeling lost.
  • Feeling like you have no purpose.
  • When you are feeling empty.
  • You want a deep connection.
  • You have no joy.
  • Your life feels disconnected.
  • You have no purpose.
  • Your life feels fake.
  • You ask questions that are deep.
  • You look at things differently.
  • You see society is not always real.
  • You have empathy.
  • You have strong compassion.
  • You sometimes need alone time.
  • You are aware of your negative habits.
  • A desire to know who you are.
  • Heightened senses.
  • Synchronicity happens.
  • You are childlike and curious.
  • You love others.
  • Desire to show others who you are.
  • You become one with your soul.

There are other things that might happen to you when you go through your awakening and this is because your soul is embracing what you are doing in your life.

You have a purpose to reach your journey and to shine your light in darkness. Your soul will grow and go through things.

Stages of Infusion of the Soul

Once you experience traumas and your ego gets stronger, you might need to have a soul infusion. This will help you to stop limiting yourself.

Soul infusion means that you have to go through different stages to free yourself. This helps you to be more aware of what you are doing and allows your life to be strong.

Stage 1

This is when you have to let go of your ego and be yourself.

Stage 2

You deal with conflict and grow your soul.

Stage 3

Your personality gets stronger, and you become free.

When this happens, you will see that you can align your soul and that your integration will affect who you are as a person. You will be your souls messenger and you will learn to have peace and joy in your life.

You will realize who you are, and you will have pure love.

The awakening can be hard, but it is a purpose to help you to find out who you are and to find the true meaning of your life.


There is a process of the awakening and we all have to go through it when we want to experience this life. When you suffer, your awakening is likely close to you.

Activating Your Awakening

  • This can happen at any time but comes often after a sickness or a trauma.
  • Life will teach you many lessons that help you grow and be the best that you can be.
  • Other people will no longer be able to limit what you believe.
  • Your trauma will be something that was necessary for soul growth.
  • Your life will change courses and you will keep growing along your path.

Clear Thinking

Once you change your soul and you reach your higher self, you will see that your life will become aligned with the universe. You will feel different, and your energy will change.

You will expand and you will find your purpose, but you will learn more about yourself than you have ever known. Your journey will help you to discover who you are and to find your true self. You will have life experiences and learn lessons and you will discover that you can evolve and have a higher mind and soul.

Connecting With Spirit Guides

Spirit Guides

We all have the ability to call on spirit guides. Most of us have many spirit guides in our energetic space already. These nonphysical beings want to support us on our life path. They are called by many names, angels, power animals, deities, universal spirits, and more. If we learn to listen to these spirit guides, they will share wisdom and refresh our perspectives so we can see situations differently. We can rely on them to give judgment free guidance without expectation. They may even share an energetic transformation in our subtle body. These guides can be called on for things like balancing chakras, transmuting vibrations, and cutting cords. They tend to conspire to help us gain lessons that lead us toward certain realizations. Spirit allies can be supportive in the big and small situations. They can help navigate everything from finding a parking spot to finding hope in overwhelming times. These guides work hard to protect us and give confirmation we are on the right pathway in life.

Setting Boundaries

As humans, we can invoke the presence of spirit guides as well as communicate with them to receive support. We can also ask them to step away or back off if we are feeling overwhelmed or just uninterested. Some guides may come into your life just for a time, but you have a right to determine who enters your energy field.

Depending on which of your senses are the strongest, you may experience your spirit guides in different ways. Some feel them physically, while others sense them spiritually or emotionally. You may feel the need to turn and look over your shoulder or like someone is sitting beside you even though the seat is empty. Intuitively, you are feeling someone there. Others may feel a moving energy in their auric field or see the guide’s aura. Some can hear a ringing in their ears, pressure in the third eye, or even vibration in the body when a guide is close by. Even some scents can be a sign that reminds you of a plant ally or ancestor.

You may find confirmation in repeating signs, numbers, symbols, or names. This will be something that comes up repeatedly and has a deeper meaning. It is up to each person to tune in and interpret each message as it comes. Alternatively, you may be meditating and have a vision or hear a voice that is a download from a spirit guide. You may speak of act spontaneously without thought. This is the spirit guide asking you to quickly take action so something does not occur.

It is up to each person to decide who you want help from and who you are comfortable with in life. If there are certain deities you were comfortable with as a child, then they may be trying to connect. It is possible to meet these spirit guides, which is discussed in the next section.

Meeting Spirit Guides

There are a few ways to meet your spirit guide. One is to create an alter of offerings for the guides. This is a ritual about becoming intentional in spiritual practices. It helps us be present in the moment and raise vibrational levels to that of a ceremonial space. You can create the altar with plants you have found in nature, candles, crystals, or smoke medicine like sage or incense that has been sustainably harvested. You may also use a drum, singing bowl, or rattle to set the space with the right vibration. A photo of an ancestor or deity you want to invoke can be added as well.

Since our words and thoughts are powerful, speak from the heart to bring the guide into conversation. Guides can only help when we call on their presence and once you do, let them know you are ready to heal. Tune in with awareness, but without judgment or expectation. Let your mind be still because it may take time to connect. You will not stop thinking, but let each thought come and go as it happens, without engagement. Observe what comes up with neutrality. The space between is when we hear our intuition.

Believe in the experiences you have and you can begin to have feelings, visions, and inspiration. These may be subtle, but keep a journal of all that happens. This will allow you to see patterns over time and build trust in the experience. Give thanks to the guide for being present when you have received an intuitive message. Express gratitude toward them and allow your appreciation to radiate. Once you have listened and acknowledged, let the guides confirm the message through oracle cards. After the deck is shuffled, chose a few cards at random and allow them to inspire direction. Jot down in your journal what cards you pull and look for similarities in what messages you received. Your guides will always nudge you in the right directions for your best life.

Questions to Ask Your Spirit Guides

  • What are you here to help with?
  • What can be shared about my past life that is helpful?
  • How do I recognize your presence?
  • What lessons do I need to learn from this meeting?
  • Which gifts or strengths in myself should I be aware of?
  • What sign will you provide when I am on the right path?
  • How can I fulfill my life purpose?

You do not have to have a problem to contact your guides. The more welcoming you are for your guides, the more likely you will recognize their presence and support. With practice, you can invoke and feel their presence quickly and with great conviction. Keep at it and your guides will be close at all times.

When A Medium Says Someone is Going to Die

When A Medium Says Someone is Going to Die

Do you ever just have a strong feeling about something and then later you find out that you were right? This could even be that you know when someone that you love is dying or going to die. Maybe you are sitting in the kitchen and your phone rings and you know that it is going to be something bad before you even answer it.

You might want to call this a coincidence, but many psychics believe that people can sense when someone that they love is going to die.

This can happen because some people are able to reach their higher self and this means that they are able to receive messages from the universe. This can be a sign that you can tell that change is going to happen.

People are not always psychics, but they are sensitive to the universe and they are able to communicate with nature and things around them. Maybe you even have had a dream that your loved one passed away right before they die and that you were able to tell them goodbye in your dream.

Your Own Death

Other people have been able to know when they are going to die. They reach their higher self and sometimes when it is time for them to pass on to death, they are able to know that they are going to leave the earth.

They are aware in their conscious mind that their time has come and that they are transitioning in life.

People sometimes die without knowing that they are going to die but sometimes when you look back on their life, you see that they have done things as if they are having closure. They seem to know that something is happening but not realize that it is death.

They will do things to make sure their life is in order and sometimes even say goodbye to people. They leave people wondering if the person really knew that they were dying or if it was a coincidence.


People can sometimes feel when they or someone that they know is going to die. If you have signs or strong intuition and you are able to reach your higher self, you can find that you will be able to tell when someone is passing on or is ready to move on to a new life.

This can be a way of the universe giving you peace and allowing you to have comfort in knowing that your loved on is moving on in their next life in peace and in love.

What is the Meaning of the Number 333?

Number 333

Do you ever constantly see the numbers 3, 33, 333, 3333 or more? When you see these numbers, you have to understand that the 333 numbers are Angel numbers. These Angel numbers are here to help you in your life and to help you to move forward with hope.

When you think about the different numbers, it is important to realize that numbers can be symbolic for people. Numbers are there and can help you with things that are hard and can help you to know that your guides are talking to you or trying to show you something.

Even since early history, the number 3 has been known as the Trinity and this is a number that has remained important throughout the years. Some believe that the 3 is something that can bring you close to your spirit world and help to connect your soul with the energies around you.

The energies are numbers that are from the spirit and they represent a strong union and a blessing. When you look at the 3 in math, you can think about multiplication because it is a number that you have to use in order to go forward. You can use this number to move on in math and it helps to set a baseline for different things such as data.

With the number 3, you can make conclusions about what is going to happen, and this number can stand alone as a single digit or with other numbers. It can act and it can move. The number 3 is the sides of a triable and it can mean that you have strong intentions in your life.

The baseline of the number 333 is often sent from the angelic world. This can help to confirm things in your life that you have been wondering about and it can help you to move forward on your journey.

This number is often seen on clocks, on signs, on billboards, receipts or more. This is a core number, and it is an Angel number that will help you to make good decisions.

Angel Number 3

This number is meant to bring good luck to your life, and it is almost a number 8. It is a sign that something new is about to happen and that you are on the right path in your life. This is part of the infinity sign and can help you in your body.

This number works with the solar plexus chakra because that is the third chakra in your body and when you see this number, you can be confident in who you are, and you can keep moving forward.

The number 3 can also work with the color yellow which can help to give you good energy and to help you to find luck in your life.

Angel Number 33

When you take two 3’s and you put them together, this is 33. This means that you can reach your spiritual life and that you can have a union with yourself and your friends and family. This can mean that you are able to connect with others and that you can have peace.

When you add the 3’s together, you get 6 and this is how much the Angle number is and this means harmony and unity. When you are lacking creativity and you see the number 33, know that you can change and become more creative and open.

The number 2 is the first number that takes place in biology and when you see 33 it is part of the sacral chakra and can create a union between you and your family.

If you are in a relationship and you want to have a good relationship or if you are looking for your twin flame, seeing the number 33 an prove to you that you are on the right path in your life.

This is a sign, and it can help you to be happy and to have harmony in group settings. When you see this number such as on a receipt, it can mean that you were supported in the purchase that you made and that it will benefit your life.

Angel Number 333

The Angel number 333 happens when something special is going to happen in your life. This can be a synchronistic moment and can leave you feeling connected to your spiritual life.

Angel numbers happen when you see them together and they are sign that you are making good choices.

When you see these Angel numbers happening around you, this can happen because your journey is about to be complete and your angels are getting the messages that you send them.

When you see an angel number that keeps repeating itself, this can be a sign that means a lot in your life.

This repeating number, 333, can mean truth and life and it can mean a balance. This can also mean that you are aligned with the planets and that you are doing what is right.

What Can the Number 333 Mean?

Here are some things the number 333 can mean:

  • That you are truthful.
  • That you are connected with your mind and spirit.
  • That you are making good choices.
  • You are in alignment with the universe.
  • You are speaking things that you question, and the angels are validating you.
  • You will have more projects and be in charge of them.
  • You are doing things that are going to be amplified 3 times.
  • You are able to handle new things that come to you and have great results.
  • You are grounded in your thoughts and body.
  • Your thoughts are strong, and you are grounded.
  • There is a lot of energy in you and you can manifest things to your life.
  • Things that you manifest will come true for you.
  • Your life is going to extend past the universe.
  • Your choices that you are making are good.
  • Your actions are helping to heal your mind and body.

When you see the number 3 and it repeats, it means that it is amplified in whatever you are needing. This is an Angel number but also a Master number and it is meant to give you confirmation on things in your life that you are seeking.

Angel Number 3333

The number 3333 adds all of the numbers together and this means to have good luck in your life. This can also mean that you will have things come to you that you never imagined and that you will be able to complete them with courage and strength.

Seeing the numbers 3333 means that you will be balanced and stable in your life and in your home.

What Does the 333 Mean for the Law of Attraction

The 3 is the base number and when you are wanting to make a decision and you have three 3’s, this means 9 and means that your decision is almost final.

When the nine comes before the 10, it is a complete number or a restart number and this can mean that you are going to have new things happening to you or that you have reached your peak.

This can also mean that you are attracting things in your life that will help you to be successful on Earth.

Since 3 is a beginning number, the Law of Attraction can mean that you are going to reach what you are hoping to reach and can mean that your ideas are being validated.

Take time to think about what you are feeling and thinking when you see these numbers in your life.

What About 333 and Love?

Trying to find your right relationship is hard but when you see the Angel numbers 333, you can confirm that it is time to manifest a partner into your life.

This can also mean that your partner will come with abundance or you will meet them in the midst of a project that you are doing.

333 and Numerology

Numerology is when the universe is able to break down things so that you can understand your life through numbers.

The numbers can tell you things that you need to know about all aspects of your life in your career, relationship and your everyday being.

Numerology can tell us everything we need to know about life. It is related to your soul chart and what your purpose is on Earth. With numerology and the number 333, this can mean creativity and be a very social number.

If you are an artist, the number 3 can help you to have qualities and help you to communicate better in your life.

History and 333

This number is known in many late medieval religions and art and when it is multiplied it can be something that radiated around your life.

When you look at your thoughts and your soul light, you can see that you can have blessings in all of your life when you see that number.

What Does Seeing 333 Mean?

Here are some signs that the 333 means:

  • Being one with the spirit.
  • Having more manifestations.
  • Having good luck in all things you do.
  • Giving you optimism and good energies.

One of the most favorite Angel numbers is the number 333. This number can help you in your life. When you see this number on computers or on your phone, this can mean that your angels are close to you and want to bring you peace and light.

Different Types of Psychic Mediums and What They Do

Psychic Mediums

Mediums are psychics that help you to reach beyond the physical world and into the spiritual world. This is a connection that you can have with the dead and with the living alike. There are some psychics that are mediums but not all psychics are mediums and there are different forms. If you are looking for a medium, it is important to know what type of individual you are looking for.

Mental Medium

A mental medium is a person that uses sensations and feelings in order to reach the spirit. They use things such as:

  • Claircognizance-knowing different facts and information without having it before them.
  • Clairsentience-being able to feel the different motions and feelings of others.
  • Clairaudient-someone that hears things without using their ears.
  • Clairvoyant-seeing things in the spirit realm.

Physical Medium

A physical medium is someone that uses different tools of divination or objects in order to reach the spirit world:

  • Levitation-making objects to move or float.
  • Transfiguration-transforms a picture into a different image that they are communicating with.
  • Materialization-feeling the spirit in the room.

You may or may not be able to feel these physical things but if you choose a medium that is a physical medium, you might have this manifestation happen to you.

Healing Medium

A healing medium is someone that uses their energy to heal others. They are able to use their spirit to bring healing to people around them. They use their hands and put them on the person, and they send their energies to that person’s body.

Channeling Medium

A channeling medium is someone that allows the spirits to enter their body and take control of it during a meeting. They accept messages from the spirit world, and they allow spirits to give them certain messages. This can cause a trance or something similar to that when you do a reading with them.


If you are wanting to get a message to the spirit world or you are wanting to talk to someone that has passed away, you can work with a medium and find out what they can do to give you what you are seeking.

Find the medium that meets your needs the best and one that gives you what you are wanting during your spiritual journey.

What A Medium Does and What Skills They Have

What A Medium Does and What Skills They Have

Psychics and mediums are not the same as they are seen in movies and even though they are considered fictional characters, the truth is that they are there, and they are there to help you and share their skills with you.

What is a Medium

A medium is a psychic that is able to communicate with the spirit world and if you choose to get a mediumship reading, you will get a message from the dead and it will be told through the living medium.

There are two different kinds of mediums and one is a physical medium and the other is a mental medium.

Mental Medium

A mental medium is one that is able to communicate with the dead by hearing things or by having visions. They are often able to have the spirit control them and to hear them speak through them.

A medium might use writing as a way to communicate with the spirit and they do this, and it is called automated writing.

Physical Medium

A physical medium is one that is able to use their body to give to the spirit so they can talk through them. They use their energy by making noises and materials.

Why Talk to a Medium

If you have lost a person or an animal, it can be hard for you to stop grieving and move forward in your life. Maybe you had a problem with them when they died or maybe you weren’t able to say goodbye when they left you. No matter what the reason is, some people have a hard time letting go.

When this is different for different people, losing someone that you love can be hard and the medium is there to help you to stop grieving and to be able to move forward in your life.

Nothing is harder than losing a loved one and a medium can help you to connect with them. A medium can also help you connect with your past life if you need to.

History of the Medium

A medium has been around for many years and they used to be called shamans. This means that they would use their powers to talk to the spirit world.

This became popular in the US and the UK and mediums have become stronger and have become known as wellness coaches.


A psychic is able to take information and give you other information. They can use feelings and images to tell you about your past, present or future.

Some psychics have other gifts such as telepathy or clairvoyance.


A psychic is not always a medium, but a medium is always a psychic. This doesn’t mean that a medium can or cannot tell the future, it just depends on their giftings, but most mediums are there just to focus on the spirit world.

They are there to help to confirm the identity of the loved one after they die, and they use their abilities to do this. They use their intuition and their sixth sense in order to do a reading. A mediumship reading can mean that they are able to taste what the spirits taste, smell what the spirits smell or more.

Online Medium Reading

No matter what you believe, you can have a mediumship reading online. Even though face to face is easier and more known, a medium can connect with the spirits by phone or by online. This is a common thing that they do.

They can tune into the clients and they can use their voice to channel the spirits.

If you are afraid of seeing a medium, do not be afraid because it is nothing like the movies show you and it is very safe. Make sure you are careful how you ask your questions.

Preparing for a Reading

Do not go into a reading with a closed mind or if you be afraid or negativity because you will not be able to get the outcome that you want. If you are in a bad mood or you are having a bad day, you should wait for another day to do the reading.

Here are some things you can do to prepare for your reading:

  • Make sure you know who you are going to. Find someone that has good reviews.
  • Be opened to speaking to any of the spirits that show up.
  • Sometimes pets can come.
  • Ask open ended questions and not just yes or no questions.
  • Remember that you have to have an open mind and an open heart.
  • A reading can be hurtful if you are in a poor emotional state.

Are You a Medium?

There are some people that have the mediumship giftings and they might not know it. Here are some signs you might be a medium:

  • You feel the emotions of others when they come into the room.
  • You feel that you have seen spirits before.
  • You are afraid of the dark.
  • You see things out of the corner of your eye.
  • You have dreams and you have a hard time sleeping.
  • You hear strange noises when you are alone at home.
  • You have a change of energy.
  • You feel that people are watching you.
  • You have strange experiences.
  • You talk to animals.
  • You see the lights go on and off when you are in the room.

Developing Your Gifts

If you think that you are a medium, you want to do what you can to develop your giftings. You can do this by listening to yourself and believing in yourself. If you feel the spirits around you, here are ways you can develop your giftings:

  • Learn to believe in yourself and listen to the intuition that you have.
  • Do not be fearful of your gift.
  • Know that you are meant to have the gift and be peaceful.
  • Take time to practice your gifts by trying to imagine what people are thinking or doing.
  • Take time each day to meditate.
  • Talk to mediums that you have met that can help you to learn to develop your gifts.