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Alcatraz and other hauntings


Alcatraz is an infamous prison that was built in the 1850’s by its first inmates, military prisoners.   This prison was colloquially known as the “The Rock”.   The prison was used by the army for eighty-three years, at that time, the Federal Government decided to turn it into a penitentiary for the most hardened criminals.

The idea behind Alcatraz was to wear down its prisoners by forcing them to maintain the monotony of a routine in this isolated prison until they have served their time

Like any prison, an inmates basic needs; clothing, food, medical care and shelter were provided.  Anything beyond that was either earned or smuggled in.  Famous prisoners who stayed at Alcatraz included Al Capone, Machine Gun-Kelly, and other mobsters.  In other prisons, famous gangsters were given special prisoners. This was not the case at Alcatraz.

In addition to famous gangsters, Alcatraz housed violent killers and other dangerous inmates who could not be managed in a prison with less security.  Prisoners have tried to escape with disastrous results.  Would be escapees have drowned in the surrounding water of the San Francisco Bay.   There has also been violence within the prison, such as the riot now known as the Battle of Alcatraz that killed both guards and prisoners.


Violence was so common place at Alcatraz as to be unremarkable. There were at least eight murders, but probably more, to happen on the grounds.  In addition to the murder and the  violence, psyches and sanity were challenged at Alcatraz by solitary confinement in  what was known as “the hole”.

But does this horrible history mean that Alcatraz is haunted?  There is strong evidence, especially since everyone who worked there reported of feeling things that were out of the ordinary.  The traditional signs cold spots, mysterious sounds, unexplained music, were all there.

What makes a place haunted

Places become haunted because negative energy leaves an imprint like a photograph. In a place like Alcatraz where countless tragedies were played out, it is a veritable playground for supernatural.

There are two common factors in hauntings:

* Distressing and powerful emotions experienced in the location.  Because trauma and sadness leave the strongest imprints, it is uncommon for a place to be haunted by happiness.  Not only is Alcatraz host to horrible experience, the nearby Golden Gate Bridge has been proven to be haunted.

*Lack of closure. When a cataclysmic event does not play out in a satisfying way, the spirits involved are in turmoil. And with no hope of a resolution in the past, the energies remain, perhaps seeking future release.

Is there hope for a haunted place?

cngh_101420091What happens if you suddenly find yourself in a frightening area? If you are in a hotel, you can just switch rooms. But what if you can’t relocate around the haunting? Then you just have to confront your fears.  First, you have to find out if there’s a reasonable explanation for the spooky setting.  If you have ruled everything out, then you need to do your homework.  You can consult property records, crime blotters and other news sources to see if there was any significant drama at the location

Once you have figured this out, you need to face the trauma and do what you can to help it heal. Approach your situation with understanding and compassion of the trapped souls.  Remember that they are hurting.   There are many different rituals that can help bring new vitality to your space.   Only you can determine what is the best for you.

Once the spirits have started to leave, redecorate your space with your special touches. Make sure you make the space as cozy and comfortable as you can.  As you make new memories, the energies in the space will change.


If you think you are spiritually outnumbered by a place you may want to consult a spiritual advisor to help before you tackle the project on your own.  In places such as Alcatraz that are teeming with the energies of a tormented souls, an arsenal of healers is needed. If your living space is only mildly spooky, you should be able to handle it on your own. Just don’t bite off more than you can chew by taking on the challenge of exorcising a condemned slaughterhouse.

Making contact with a loved with thorough a medium

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Coping with grief is a terrifying experience. Hundreds of people have been helped by psychic mediums.  Those who are grieving can be helped by receiving messages from their dearly departed. Not only have the grieving been helped, but they have also had their lives changed.  When we are assured that our loved ones are well and happy, and are still by our sides, we can move on with our lives knowing that the ones we love guide us.This is especially true if we feel that we have unfinished business, such as unresolved conflicts and other regrets. Reaching out with a Psychic Media allows us to get peace of mind and move on to a place where we can relish the good times we had with them.

People can be simply satisfied by the knowledge that they are not alone and that they are truly feeling a spirit presence. Readings from mediums can help us reach spiritual growth and understanding.

Psychic mediums can sense and make sense of the messages of the departed.   Contrary to how they are portrayed in the media, messages from the dead are communicated in different ways.  Some hear the messages, others see symbols. Still others can see symbols or draw pictures. Some actually smell the scent as they feel the presence  in the room.

There has been reports of people smelling something impossible, like pipe smoke in a non smoking building, as the feel the presence of the deceased.

aether__oracle_of_delphi_by_amaterasu1960-d2oxxxeHistorical Mediums

Throughout  human history, there are those who communicate  with spirits.  Ancient Greeks regularly used mediums.  The God Apollo had shrines such as the Oracle at Delphi where psychic mediums communicated with spirits.

These mediums were hand selected as those who lived a superior and blameless life. These mediums were elite members of society who used scared vapors to reach out and receive messages from Apollo. This high priestess would receive visitors from thousands of miles away in order to communicate with the spirit world.

One noted case from 630 BC involves the king of Thera.  He was told to make a colony in Libya. Because he did not know where it was, he chose to do nothing.  The subsequent drought in his land brought him back to the oracle.  He was again told to go to Libya. It wasn’t until his third visit that he actually did what he was told. After this visit, he prospered.

The Old Testament also speaks of communication with deceased prophets for guidance.

Spiritualism and the use of Psychic mediums were popular in the nineteenth century. Seances were held in either the medium’s home or the home of wealthy benefactor.  Here, the spirit would communicate by rapping out a yes or no response.  Spirit writing was also common.  The spirit trumpet came to be quite popular.   When the spirits were communicated, voices of the dead would come through the type of trumpet that the hard of hearing used.

Spiritualism gained a great deal of popularity after Mary Todd Lincoln held seances to reach out to her departed son.  This continued until shortly after World War I.

amd-houdini-jpgNot all celebrities were fans of mediums.  Famed magician Harry Houdini made it his mission to expose some fraudulent mediums.  However, he did leave hope, by giving his wife a message should he be able to reach out from beyond the grave. Thus, his wife held seances for a full decade on the anniversary of his death.  Three years after he died, the medium Arthur Ford delivered the message. Mrs. Houdini verified that this message was correct.

Around this time, actual training camps for spiritualist came about.  There was Camp Chesterfield in Illinois that is still in operation after a century. Rigorous training and testing takes place here. This allows for the testing of true skills and gifts.

The Work of the Psychic Medium

Mediums can have their gifts from childhood, or their gifts can manifest after they become adults.  A common belief is that everyone has the inherent ability  to receive messages from spirits. Several people say that they have experienced strange things after losing a loved one.  This includes hearing a song on the radio or finding coins in impossible places.   Some people have had dreams where they loved one reaches out to them with a final message.  This tells us that we all have an ability to receive messages.

Some mediums who have been gifted since childhood tell stories about imaginary friends.  These mediums have overcome the stigma of being called a fraud and a quack to focus on developing their gifts to help people.  This type of medium can usually connect with the departed right away.   They will let you know what to expect and that your particular spirit may not be ready to reach out.

Once the medium has made contact, he or she will help you get verification that the spirit is present.  As the reading continues and information is received a regular  communication is established.

Is a reading right for you?

Sometimes a departed loved one leaves us questioning ourselves. We can miss them to the point of distraction.   Our departed loved ones want us to be happy and some want to make contact.  They want us to put aside our grief and take comfort in knowing that they are still with us.   If you find yourself in need of making contact, consult a medium to help out.

7 Common Messages from Your Deceased Loved Ones

logoAs a medium, I spend a lot of time connecting people on Earth with their Loved Ones on the Other Side, passing messages of inspiration, hope and guidance. Just as we on Earth use our own personal life experiences to provide others with guidance in their lives, your loved ones in Spirit, use their own lives as an example, as they reflect and offer information to you.

Here are seven of the most common messages from spirits we hear from those who have passed during a reading with a psychic medium.

The 7 Most Common Messages from Spirits

Common Messages from Spirits #1. “I’m okay.” Immediately following their passing, people in spirit want their loved ones to know that they are okay–they are happy, healthy, and alive. Mainly, they want us to know that they survived death; that is, they did not disappear but rather still exist, only now in spirit form versus physical form.

Common Messages from Spirits #2. “My suffering ended the second I died.” Many people worry that their loved ones continue to suffer from their illness, injuries, or mental anguish after death. Therefore, one of the most common messages from people in spirit is that their suffering ended the moment they left their bodies. Once in spirit, they were free from all human and physical suffering.

Common Messages from Spirits #3. “I’m closer to you now than I ever was before.”People in spirit commonly convey
through mediums that they can see, hear, and even read their surviving loved one’s thoughts. Consequently, our loved ones in spirit know more about what’s going on with us physically, emotionally, and spiritually and therefore feel closer to us than when they were living in their physical bodies.

download (6)Common Messages from Spirits #4. “I’m watching over you.” As an expansion of the prior message, our loved ones in spirit commonly want us to know that they are watching over us from the spirit world and guiding us when appropriate and possible. This doesn’t mean, however, that they are constantly hovering over us at every second; but they check in on us regularly and come to our side whenever we think of them.

In this way, they always know what is going on in our lives (our triumphs and disappointments). They are watching when we graduate from college, become a parent, get a new job, and even when we become ill, have an accident, or suffer a terrible tragedy. They do guide us when it is appropriate for them to do so, but we must be open to their guidance by following our intuition and remaining aware of the signs, coincidences, and messengers they send plus the circumstances in which we find ourselves.

Common Messages from Spirits #5. “I was greeted by loved ones here.” Our loved ones in spirit commonly want us to know that they were greeted by loved ones who passed before them upon their return to the afterlife. They often refer to this as a homecoming celebration, where family members, friends, and even pets greeted them with love and jubilation.

images (18)Common Messages from Spirits #6. “I am living in peace, joy, and love in the spirit world.” Although it is not possible to put into words the blissful experience of living in the dimension of spirit, our deceased loved ones often try to convey to us how wonderful it is. They describe living in the light of the hereafter as feeling welcome, warm, safe, loved, joyful, boundless, liberated, peaceful, friendly, sweet, blissful, radiant, dreamlike, free, and harmonious, to list just a few of the common descriptions.

Common Messages from Spirits #7. “I love you.”
As simple and basic as this may seem, love is the most important of all messages. Our loved ones in spirit always want us to know that they love us, which also means that they forgive us, they are proud of us, and they want nothing more for us than to be happy.

Dream Spirit Visitors


A very common dream involves spirits visiting their loved ones.  Almost everyone who has lost someone experiences a visitation from their dearly departed.  Some dismiss this visit as part of the grieving process. While that may be partly true, a visit from a spirit is also a way for those who have crossed over to reassure their loved ones.There is a common theme, much like the recurring dream that you have to take a test you haven’t studied for.  In a dream where a spirit visits, you may be guided into a light filled room where you meet your loved one.  This soul may offer you a gift or say something special to you.Some have reported dreams  where they are able to communicate with someone they have lost years before.  In the dream they are able to feel the love around them. This type of dream can increase faith and build hope.  It is encouraging to know that love is eternal and lasts beyond death.

It helps those who are grieving to see their loved ones. It is comforting to know that we are not alone in our grief. This comfort can help them survive as they come to terms with their loss.

images (7)A visitation may also be a way to help heal the soul of the loved one themselves. Especially if they have unfinished business.  In this case the soul may be unable to rest until they have made their message known.  The message may be something simple such as an apology that needed to be said to something as intricately delivered as the specifics surrounding the circumstances of their death.

The messages from these dream visitors can also give us information about moving from one stage of life to another.   This can be signs of future reincarnation or other transitional news.

Sometimes when we dream of a lost loved one, it is actually a way for us to relive the best of our lives with our friend or family member.  These dreams come from our subconscious and not from the spiritual realm.

When we are truly visited by a lost loved one, it gives us hope that we are never truly alone and that we should have faith in God and in an Afterlife.

How can a psychic medium see the future?


Whether you want to communicate with your beloved ones from the far side or you want to know what will happen in the future, a psychic medium can help you. It was proven that a psychic medium is not only capable of predicting and seeing the future, but also they can communicate with the spirits of those who have passed on.

How useful are psychic’s insights?

We used to see psychics in movies help investigators to see beyond space and time, however in real life, psychics are more trusted now and they are used by investigators to help them detect the offender  through their ability to communicate with the victims and conduct interrogations on them.

Why people seek psychic mediums?

A lot of people like to communicate with their passed loved ones from time to time and psychic mediums help them communicate with their spirits to find answers to unresolved questions they have. Also psychic mediums became very popular, because they also provide n depth visions about the future. They use what is known as (Third eye) to see the future and it’s capable of seeing things beyond time and space.

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Psychic mediums use different methods to communicate with spirit beings from other dimensions, including tarot cards reading, crystal balls, palmistry, or psychometric to facilitate communications.

What is the cost of services that a psychic medium provides?

The psychic mediums provide either free insights or they may charge their customers. The insight may be free when a customer visit them, so they focus and direct their energy channel to strengthen their sixth sense.  The ones provided for money usually occur in form of dreams they have from time to time.

Successful  psychic mediums are able to interpret and read the energy forces surround human being, and they use the same elements to perceive spiritual beings . They also use their strong energy channels along with their strong sixth sense to communicate with the passed ones spirits as they are still alive. Their developed sixth sense help them to understand and interpret the spirits’ emotions and feeling.

What mechanism does a psychic medium use?

We all know the mechanism that  a camera uses to work. The camera takes the picture, convert the picture into an electrical signals to be transmitted through a computer to a light signal.

The mechanism that psychics use to see into the future is similar to the mechanism of a camera. They take pictures of the future and the pictures are transmitted through space to their minds.

The service provided by psychics mediums became today valuable and more and more people every day are seeking psychics to help their communicate with the spirits either to see the future or to communicate with their loved ones from the other side, and the number of customers increase every day encouraged by people who tried the service and left good reviews and testimonials about the experience they had and the information they got.

How to develop your abilities to be a psychic medium?

A psychic medium help us communicate with our beloved ones who have passed away to have answers to our unresolved questions, and they also help us see into the future. They use different methods to see future’s insights such as Tarot card reading, Crystal ball, palmistry, and psychometric.

We communicate all the time with our loved ones and they respond to us, however we can’t hear them just because we don’t have the ability to hear spirits from the far side. Or maybe we just need to work on our listening abilities and develop them.

If you want to become a psychic medium, here are some information about how to develop your abilities and skills.

Believe in your abilities:

Many believe that only people with special gifts or powers are able to connect with the spiritual beings, while higher communication only require attention and practice. We all have the tools and abilities to make those connections, all what we need is belief in our abilities and Practice!

Believing in your abilities is the first step in developing your skills. If you don’t believe, then find something else to do.

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Practice, practice, practice!

The second thing you need to do is to work on your abilities and develop your skills. So, how to develop your skills as a medium? Just follow the next few steps:


Did you know that experiencing symptoms such as anxiety, vivid nightmares or depression may block third eye or sixth chakra?

So, first thing you need to do is to free up your mind and relax!

10 minutes every day!

Then, you need to do is to find 10 minutes every day to practice! Bring a candle from any type and light it. Sit in front of it and relax. Clear your mind and sit still. Try to sit quietly as long as possible and ask connecting with God.

Heighten your five senses.

The more heightened your five senses are, the more developed are your abilities. Take another 5 minutes to work on your five senses every day. Taste, smell, touch, hear, and feel in a different way. FOCUS is the key, try to focus and sense things around you in a different way.

Connect with your loved one!

Light your candle and sit in your quiet place and ask for your loved one to come. Relax and wait to see what happens. Don’t panic! Just believe in your abilities and observe. See and hear, then write it down after you finish. Write down your observations, and the more you practice the more you see and hear. They may not answer you immediately, but they may come to you in your dreams to hear what they need to tell you. They are everywhere around you. They just transformed to a different form of energy.

Following these easy 3 steps is what the professional psychic mediums did early in their career. They just believed in their abilities and developed their skills every day until they became what they are. So, never give up and work on your abilities.

Understanding Channeling and Mediums

downloadSince the dawn of civilization, we have always made a concerted effort to communicate with the spiritual realm. Mystical practitioners specialized in this art, acting as receivers of the messages sent from the other side. Nowadays we call these mystics “mediums”. The act of communicating with the spirit world is called “channeling”.

To open the pathways of communication, most mystics engage is some form of meditation. Meditation  creates mental focus, elevating the medium’s mind until they can hear and understand spiritual messages.

Channeling can look different for different mediums. Some go into a trance-like state, speaking and using the mannerisms of the spirit they connect to. Some mediums receive messages telepathically, as in directly into the mind. They are then able to vocalize these messages to others.


As magical as this sounds, it is not an exact science. Spirits still have free will, and do not always respond when called upon. And in many cases, the response you get may not correspond to the question you first asked. They offer what they feels must be shared, and the relevance to you may not be apparent right away.

Because our plane and the spiritual plane of existence are on such different levels, it may be difficult for the medium or you to understand the message that is sent. This depends on how close the spirit and medium can get to the same wavelength of energy. It really depends mostly on the spirit, because the living can only vibrate so high. We have our limits on this plane of existence. The spirit may or may not lower it’s vibrations to meet the medium in the middle. You can always try again at another time and see if the lines of communication are clearer then. Channeling is a talent and a skill, but by no means is it an exact science.

Changing your mantra can change your life


We talk to ourselves every day. It’s only normal. It’s part of our nature as humans. The thing is to tune ourselves in to what we are saying and if the message we are spouting is positive. As we know, words are powerful. As long as we know were are talking to ourselves, we have to ask
What’s the message
Once we know the message, it’s actually quite easy to reshape them to help us change our lives and outlook. Take a moment to examine what you are saying. Is it a positive message or is it a negative message masquerading as matter of fact statement? It may seem petty, but how do you talk to yourself?

Your mantra can shape your mood and strength

Have you been telling yourself the same thing over and over for years? If you have, it may be time for a change. Just as you have changed over the past few years, so have your psychological needs.


Ask yourself a few questions to see if you need a change:

  1. Are you happy?
  2. Are you healthy?
  3. Are you using your creativity in a satisfying way?
  4. Are you enjoying your life?
  5. Are you having fun with your friends?
  6. Are you financially solvent?
  7. Do you like your job?
  8. Do your friends treat your well?
  9. Can you handle a crisis?
  10. Do you set aside resources for the future
  11. Are you self-assured?

It is no accident that there are 11 questions. Eleven is the number that is linked to enlightenment.  If the answer to any of these is no, then you need to change your message so that you can grow stronger.

A mantra is something you can say to yourself out loud or in your mind.  It is always a good idea to have a stock of positive things you can tell yourself when you need a bit of peace in your life.

Each mantra can serve a different purpose.  If you can’t seem to find a solution and have tried your hardest, a good mantra might be, “Make it work.”

images (6)If you are feeling overwhelmed and overwrought, you can just tell yourself, “ I am bigger than my problems.”

If you are prone to panic, you can say, “Today I will live in the moment.” to help you get focused.

If you are facing a challenge, you can remind yourself of how hurdles and obstacles make you rise higher than you imagined.

Remind yourself take care of yourself and be kind.

Strength and Positivity

Our worlds are full of noise. If we use them properly, mantras can help us filter through this noise so we can grow through our strength and positivity.  It is the best way to take care of ourselves, mentally and spiritually.

Do You Believe in Ghosts?

The concept of ghosts and haunting is a topic an array of people find interesting, including me. Through this blog, I will share my personal experiences and the experiences of others, as we try to draw conclusions about what lies beyond based on what we know and learn.fear-of-ghosts-5666_1

When you read, see or hear the word “ghost,” what image does your brain conjure? What thoughts do you have in your mind? If you’re like a lot of people, you may think of how ghosts are portrayed in TV, film, literature an pop culture. There’s the movie, Ghost, with Demi Moore and the late Patrick Swayze. There’s Marley’s ghost in A Christmas Carol, and there are a ton of ghost hunting shows on television. Sometimes ghosts are portrayed as harmless spirits and other times they’re portrayed as malevolent.

Ghost and Haunting Defined 

The word “ghost” is defined as: the soul of a dead person; a disembodied spirit imagined as a vague, shadowy or evanescent form wandering among or haunting living persons. In all of my years as a professional psychic and medium, this is the first time I’ve ever looked up that word in the dictionary! I also looked up “haunting,” and it is defined as: remaining in the consciousness; not quickly forgotten.

Emotional Imprints ghost

In my experience (and the research agrees), most hauntings are not negative experiences. They are often nothing more than emotional imprints. An emotional imprint is energy that is left in the energetic field of a place. It’s like a distinct marking of an event that contained heightened emotions. Have you ever heard of the hitchhiking ghost who walks along the road where they were struck and killed? If you see that ghost, what you’re actually seeing is the emotional imprint that event created. It does not mean that the spirit of the person is stuck wandering that stretch of road for all eternity. It’s just that the emotional energy of the event is sealed in that place.

Everything Has Energy

Everything has energy and is surrounded by energy. It’s like a photograph—a moment in time has been captured and is being viewed. When it comes to ghosts, that “photograph” is being viewed over and over again. Once the story is shared, others become more open to viewing it. This is how the story of a haunting begins.

The Spirits Around Usimages (10)

We tend to think of ghosts as earthbound spirits, but just because spirits are around us, it doesn’t mean they’re earthbound. Because spirits no longer inhabit a physical body, they are not easily noticed. So when we notice them, we think it’s a special event—a haunting! However, it’s important to note that the reason we often see ghosts is because they are working to be seen! They may be trying to connect with you because they want to tell you something. Or, if they lived in the house you live in now, they could just be making their presence known. Or you could just be seeing the imprint they’ve left behind. How can you tell the difference? I just ask the ghost! But you have to be willing to listen for the answer. Sometimes the answer comes in a direct way. Many times it comes as pictures in your mind, a feeling within or as something that happens down the road.

Helping, Not Harming 

Another thing to know is that spirits are usually looking to help, not harm. If their presence makes you uncomfortable, politely ask them to back off and tell them that they are making you nervous. Generally, they will oblige. But if you feel like you’re being haunted, or know that you’re being haunted and would like help getting the spirit to back off or would like to communicate with them directly, a psychic medium is your best bet.

Who’s haunting you?

How Important are Your Dreams?

Dreams are both baffling and mysterious.  It can be maddening to try understand them.  This may be due to the fact that the dreams themselves seem to switch meaning from one moment to the next.  Our dreams can be so vivid they must mean something.

Enjoy Dreaming


To help you understand yourself and your feelings, pay close attention to your dreams.  Your dreams can give you insight but also provide you with an escape, sort of a virtual amusement park.  You can learn to enjoy your dreams by journaling or otherwise recording your dreams.  You can also learn how to lucid dreams; this means to be aware of what you are dreaming and maybe even control the dreams themselves.   If you let your dreams entertain you, you can change your mood and add some positivity to your life

A Source of Knowledge

Dreams can provide you with information.  This information is available to anyone who can decode the dreams. We can learn things about ourselves by deciphering what lies in our sleeping consciousness. This is because we reveal our true feelings while we are asleep.

Multiple Levels of Meaning

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Understanding how you associate words or symbols and their meanings, you can start to understand your dreams. Some even dream about an illness before it manifests itself in reality. 

Dream Dictionaries and Journals

You are the only one who can know for certain what you dreams truly mean.  You may find help by using a Dream Dictionary or consulting a dream interpreter, but only you can make the final decision about what your dreams really mean.  This is where a dream journal can truly help.

 Understanding the Message

However you chose to understand or enjoy your dreams, know that they are a part of you and are ultimately connected to your happiness and health.

Dream Analysis and Interpretation Psychics – PsychicOz