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Fun Facts about Dreams


Almost everyone dreams, but they are often viewed as dangerous or mysterious.  Dreams can last from a mere few seconds or even as long as the standard TV show.   Most people go through three to five dreams each night. These dreams manifest during the REM stage of sleep.  During this stage, the brain is almost as active as it is when you are awake.  Even though dreaming is common, there are a few fun and interesting facts that you may not know:

  • You only remember about 10% of your dreams. Some keep a journal at the ready to help record the dream, because once you have been awake for a few minutes, most of the dream is gone.  Sigmund Freud had a theory that because dreams are repressed feelings, our subconscious doesn’t want us to remember so they are forgotten.
  • Men have fewer nightmares than women. Recent studies show that, generally speaking, women have more nightmares. Women also have more emotionally intense dreams.
  • Those who stay up late have more nightmares. Studies show that those who generally stay up and wake up late have bad dreams. It is thought that this is due to a build up of stress related cortisol and fighting against circadian rhythms.
  • download (9)Your dream may contain the next big invention. Many students have reported that if they are consciously focusing on a problem as they are
    going to sleep, they continue to dream about the problem, sometimes even finding a solution.
  • You may be burning calories while you sleep. Another dream study showed that those who sleep deeply and dream more ate less. this leads to the possibility that rest is good for dieters.
  • People with clinical depression may have more enjoyable dreams. A Rush University study showed that depressed subjects had short and pleasant dreams, but those who did not have this diagnosis had almost brutal dreams.
  • Pregnant women may be aided by their nightmares. An Italian study shows that women who had unsettling dreams about birth actually had shorter labor when giving birth.
  • Dreams of violence may be sent to warn you. Night terrors or other  disrupted dreaming may indicate a brain disorder.
  • Dreams can relieve stress. During REM sleep, the brain has showed a decrease in the levels of stress chemicals.
  • Recurring dreams are very common. There are over fifty regular themes that recur in dreams.
  • 18ixc3xvxg0d9jpgDreams are about sex are very common. For everyone. An equal number of men and women have dreams about sex.
  • Dreams aren’t always in color. By estimate , 10% of people dream in black and white.
  • You can be paralyzed by your dreams. During the REM stage, the body is suppressing the neurotransmitters that help you move. Thus, you are essentially paralyzed when you re dreaming.
  • Pets also dream Anyone who has watched a dog’s paws twitch while they are sleeping knows that animals also have REM sleep and do dream.
  • There is a science to understanding dreams Oneirology, is the study of dreams.
  • Blind people dream. Because dreams are largely symbolic, it is perfectly reasonable that blind people can dream. Their dreams focus on the other senses for input.
  • download (10)People who have stopped smoking have more vivid dreams. One third of people who have quit smoking dream that they are in the act of enjoying a cigarette.
  • Deja Vu is a real experience. Even those who are skeptical about psychic phenomena report having feelings of seeing or experiencing things as if they have felt them before. This feeling may be the result of a precognitive dream.
  • It is likely that you know the cast of characters in your dreams. Even if you do not know everyone you see in your dreams, it is likely that you have seen their faces at one time or another in your lifetime.
  • Dreams can blend into the real world. Your brain can take sensory input and incorporate them into your dream. It is not uncommon that sounds and smells can fold gently into an ongoing dream.

Want to know more about dreams interpretation? Visit FantasyInterpretation.com

How to Find Your Personal Path to Success

download (5)Finding your perfect job, career and life may be easier said than done, but with strong commitment, focus and effort it is possible. Luckily, your return on investment should far outweigh the toil.

What would you give to have your perfect job, career, and life?

People who are happiest and most fulfilled live what is the perfect job, career and life for them. This does not mean living their life would be perfect for you. Like a snowflake, perfection is defined individually. It is achievable for anyone willing to put the effort into defining, discovering and pursuing it.

Who doesn’t want to be considered successful? But success doesn’t happen for everyone because not all people realize that there are different paths to success and each person’s path differs for the next person’s path. And the path isn’t always a straight line. A person may have to travel on many different paths through life—some will lead to dead ends while others will take a person in a completely different direction. How you use this time determines whether or not you find the success you are after.

images (15)Listen for the Winds of Change

It can be said that procrastination is the means for dealing with the things you don’t want to do. If you find your success is stagnating, it might just mean it’s time for change. Few people will ever find their path to success, if they fail to recognize when they are on the wrong path. How many times have you heard the phrases, “I shouldn’t have stayed there so long.” and “I was miserable all those years.” While we all have to do things we don’t want to, there are very few situations where you really have no other choice. Find a career and life goal that means something to you, and you’ll probably discover you’re not as much of a procrastinator as you thought you were.

Make Do With What You Have

Everybody has to start from somewhere, and it is rarely near the top. Your path to success may start on a very humble road. But that shouldn’t matter. As long as you have faith in your destiny and take pride in your work, no matter how great or small, your good deeds will eventually get noticed. Thoughts like, “This isn’t worth my time.” or “This is beneath me.” will only crush your success. Make the most of every opportunity. You never know what will either get noticed or lead you in the direction of what you are meant to do.

images (17)Define What Success Means to You

People spend a lifetime reaching for goals they believe are what everybody should want. However, only you know what will make you a success. The only way to maximize your potential is to take time to understand what it is that you need. Forget about what society tells you and ask yourself what brings you joy on a day-to-day basis. Happiness comes from your inner core. While you may not have control over every moment in your life, you do have control over what these events mean to you. Be prepared to do some thinking, as this may be something you don’t allow yourself to do very often.

Define Your Goals

Along your path to success you will need to discover what it is that you want. Ask yourself questions about what you want and what would make you feel good. Then ask yourself how you can make this happen. A goal is a tangible thing that leads to a feeling. So, your goal wouldn’t be to be happy, but accomplishing your goal would make you happy. Your goal wouldn’t be to be in love. Your goal would be to find someone you can be in a long-term relationship with. Finding that relationship would make you happy.

images (16)Take a Risk

People live much of their lives on the sidelines because they are afraid that if they act outside of the box, someone will disapprove. We prefer getting approval from others, as this is something we are taught from a young age. We quickly learn how unpleasant it can be when an adult scolds us for not following the rules. However, you are stifling your creativity by continuing to live for the approval of others. Learn to say no, take risks when it involves something you want, and be the person who makes you comfortable. You will discover a world of new possibilities once you do!

Forgiving Your Mistakes, and Giving Yourself Permission to Succeed

With risk comes failure. In other words, along your path of action you are going to come across many mistakes. The important thing is to perceive these moments as being “necessary to a worthwhile achievement” (Henry Ford), otherwise, you may lose sight of your path, become afraid of rejection and find yourself back at the beginning of this article. You should never be afraid to take a risk because you’re afraid of being rejected. Fear is simply the result of failing to do anything!